
Who are you Mr.Grey

Lisa took her lazy self to her room, she took her bath and changed to her night wares. She quickly brought out her laptop and quickly went to google to search about Grey. She couldn't find much, just the he owes more than 5 companies and he's from the Smith family.

Lisa was frustrated. Who are you Mr.Grey


Smith Mansion

Grey parked his car and headed inside, immediately he stepped into the living room he heard his grandma asked.

Grey what are you upto?

Grey paused and looked around to see his, grandma, father and mother sitted , obviously waiting for him. What am I upto? Asked Grey

Don't play dumb, said his father. You purposely leaked a video and wanted to call off the marriage alliance.

Grey smiled and walked close to his father, if I wanted this alliance called off, I wouldn't go through this shadey means. I will repeat my self, I don't even care about the marriage, it's beneficial to my company so I will play along for now, I will leave now, he said as he went straight to his mom, kissed her forehead and went back to his car, and drove to his apartment.

Simon why did you chase him away, asked Grey's mom, he came back home after awhile, you would have just left him.

She stood up and immediately left.

Simon you know she's right, but we have to get to the root of this matter son.

If he said he didn't then he didn't, but who would have done that, that person must be playing with fire.

I bet the know already, I will let my men investigate on this matter, said grandma Vee.

By the way ma, Grey transferred his assistant to our company today. Said Simon.

Grandma Vee smiled, Grey is such a silly boy, just let the poor assistant be he was just doing as instructed, let me get some rest. Said as she stood up and left.