
see you at the company

Anna smiled before saying: what if I told you that my advice isn't late at all.

Lisa lifted I head up to look at her, what are you talking about? Are you trying to mock me?

Chill, am not even done talking, you see your dream...., you are getting a job there.

Wait, hold up, my dream job is to work at the biggest company in City X, and that is Grey's Cooperation. Wait what are trying to say, asked Lisa amidst of being confused, shocked and hopeful.

Girl, what am trying to say is, you are educated and Grey's Cooperation deserve someone like you there, your smartness is needed.

Right? Asked Lisa, but I can't even smell the walls of that company talk more of working there, said Lisa with a sad smile on her face.

You don't have to be sad, get ready girl, tomorrow I will meet at the company said Anna. Anna what are you deriving at, stop making jest of me.

Girl, we are looking for an assistant for the boss, so go for the interview, cos I will interview you myself. Said Anna while smiling.

Lisa was shocked beyond words, she immediately stood up and started screaming,.

You mean am going to be interviewed!!!!, you mean I might work in my dream company!!!! Not just his sub-companies but the main networking company as an assistant!!!!!!

She was so happy that she ran to her bestie and hugged so hard that Anna couldn't breathe.

Don't get too excited girl, said Anna. It's an interview you might not get it, their are lots of people ready for this job, so you better prepare.