

     It was one of the most breezy nights of the year when she finally got the e-mail she waited for since summer. The e-mail of her admission in San Diego College of Human Psychology. She finally made it!

      It was a life changing moment for her. But she wondered if her family would let her persue her dream. If they would allow her to take this big step towards success. Just as she got lost in her thoughts, Zavi, her big sister peeped into her laptop. She screemed out of joy looking at her sister's admission e-mail.

Though Mahi didn't feel courageous enough to directly confront her parents about the admission, Zavi along with the youngest sister Aadi, ran out of their room into the living hall and shocked everyone at home. And unexpectedly, Mr. Zara had no problem sending her daughter to the US to study human psychology.

      Mahi was on cloud 9 when her dad said that she can go. She was excited because after such a long time something really good was going to happen in her life. Finally.

    But this tomboy was upset. Upset over only one thing. The loveliest human to walk the planet according to her, won't be with her on this journey. She was going to miss her grandma.

She was all set to fly to the dreamland of hers but little did she know that this was one heck of a ride. She had no idea what San Diego was holding for her. Big place, big dream of this 17 year old tomboy and one massive roller-coaster ride.

   A ride everybody loves looking at but none dares to walk a step towards it.