
Never Regress

Kai Nicolas is an ordinary middle-school student. Who enjoys his life with those that are close to him. But suddenly, there was a day like any other that would change his life and many of those around him. The day the world had gone from ordinary to a complete game. [Would you like to see your skills?]

SHRN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 8: Beginning Pt.1

[Monsters have spawned!]

[Barrier hasn't been activated!]

[Quickly activate the barrier for protection!]


"We need to activate the barrier now!"

"Use your skill!"

"I can't, it was a five-hour cooldown!"

"Then we'll have to find it the normal way."

Haruto and I were about to go inside the building when the voices of the students stopped us.


"Please help us!"

It was Haruto that spoke back to them.

"Do not worry. We just need to activate this school's barrier, and then we'll be safe from the monsters. So please, help us."

All the students listened to Haruto's words and nodded.

"Right! We just need to find the barrier."

"I'll help!"

"Me too!"

They all wanted to help in finding the barrier.

But then, unfamiliar live sounds were heard beyond the field of the school.

All of us looked in the direction of the sounds until finally it or they were revealed.

"What are those?!"

They were small, about four feet tall, had purple skin, a rag covering their lower half, a small dagger gripped by their four fingers, and they were incredibly hideous.

"Those are goblins!!"

The students, now knowing what the creatures were, backed away many steps, while some others got behind either me or Haruto.

"Haruto, quickly go inside with the others and find the marking. I'll hold off all the monsters that will come."


"Don't worry. My stats as of right now are all at 1000."

Right after I said that, Haruto, along with the students behind us, looked at me with surprised eyes.

"They're coming!"

20 goblins were rushing at us with crazy eyes.


I got into a stance with my sword and decided to use a different skill.

[Elemental Blade is in use!]

A teal light covered the blade of my sword and the more it radiated light, the more the surrounding air was swirling around my body.

After reading so many fantasy novels, I knew what type of element I was using.


The goblins were about 70 meters away from us and closing in.

The students that were backing away noticed the teal light and stared at the power it was creating.

I then used another skill.

[1000 Steps is in use!]

[You have used 82 Steps out of 1000.]

[Remaining Steps: 918]

The moment I took one step forward, my body moved forward 82 steps and traveled as fast as one step takes.

I was now in front of the goblins, which clearly looked surprised at my sudden appearance, but that didn't stop them from jumping straight at me with the intent of killing.


I took another step, but this time my skill was already charged up.

I slashed horizontally at the incoming goblins.


The single slash perfectly sliced five goblins to death, but that wasn't it. Just as I ended my single slash, another attack followed through. A wind blade traveled far enough to kill an additional five.

[Reward for killing 10 goblins: 26]

The rest of the goblins looked at the power I had just shown them and looked at me with fearful eyes. They also began to run away.

I stood there and simply slashed at the air since I now knew that the wind blade could easily do the job.

[Reward for killing 9 goblins: 28]

There was one more goblin alive with its legs severed off.

I approached it.

"Ga... gaga...!"

[Eye that sees the Myth is in use!]

[Minor Goblin

Hp: 150 St: 160

Sm: 300 Agi: 200]

It was inferior to me in every way.

I didn't waste a single second and stabbed the head of the goblin.

The body of the goblin along with the other ones began to disintegrate, leaving only the daggers behind.

"Kai, are you alright?"

I looked behind me and saw Haruto as well as the students, who were looking at me with the same expression as last time.

"Yeah, I am. Now, hurry and take the students inside the building and find the marking, I'll hol-"

I couldn't finish what I was saying, because all of a sudden the ground trembled once, and then a second time, and then a third time. The trembles continued four more times until they had stopped.

[Detection is in use!]

My body once again felt heavy, but it was much more heavy than before.

That was when I finally saw something beyond the school building.

The next moment, something was lifted in the air. It was a giant axe. The axe slammed down on the building, completely destroying what it hit and also shooting large pieces of debris in the student's way.



"I know!"

Haruto tightly gripped his spear and towards the students at full speed before suddenly vanishing.

I quickly gained sight of him again, but he was in the air this time, destroying the large piece of debris into dust. He pointed his spear at the next target and, in midair, moved in a flash.

[Haruto Sakubara is using Bolt Shot!]

I tried to help him too, but something else caught my eye. The being that caused damage to the school building was now visible to everyone.

9 meters tall, had the look of a reptile that was standing, armor on its body, and a giant axe in hand.

Isn't that a...!

[Eye that sees the Myth is in use!]

[Kobold Lord...]

Before I could get its information, it immediately went and charged at the students with its ax in the air, ready to strike.


[1000 Steps is in use!]

I got close to the monster, and only then could I tell how big it actually was.

The monster was able to notice my presence and instead of swinging at the students; it turned its axe over to me.


I noticed the incoming attack and gripped my sword with both hands and swung as well.

The moment our weapons clashed, a loud boom sound resounded out, with sparks going in every direction.

There was a problem, though.


What kind of strength is this?!

The weight of the attack was too much for me, and I started to lose my footing as the weight then pushed me into the cement ground.

It feels like my sword is about to be crushed any moment now!

I had no idea that this monster would be so strong that not even my 1000-strength stat could completely fight against it.

Shit, shit, shit! I need to do something quickly or else I'm going to die!

I can't raise my stats, since it has already reached its limit.

[Unable to raise your stats above 1000 for now.]

Not even the wind element is helping much.

What if I use another skill? But then again, which one?

I thought for a second before activating a new skill.

[Myth Sword Aura is in use!]

The sky went dark, and the blade of the Sword of Massacre was starting to be wrapped in a gold, black, and white aura. Along with little lights that resembled stars in the night sky.

[Warning! The Sword of Massacre is unable to maintain the power of Myth Sword Aura!]

I ignored the message and used my strength with the skill to push back the monster.


I pushed the monster off me, but then I heard the sound of metal cracking.

I glanced at my sword and saw a crack forming on the blade covered in the aura.

I need to end this before it breaks!

The monster and I stared at each other before leaping at one another. And I was the one to close the gap faster.

[1000 Steps is in use!]

I got as close to its stomach, yet it was able to still notice me and was about to swing its axe at me.

But had already thrust my sword into its stomach, making it scream in pain.


Just as I was about to pull out the sword, the aura itself began to eat at the body of the monster.

I was too shocked at the unexpected ability to have barely noticed something red behind the monster's back.

Multiple dark red energy whips emerged from its back and pointed at me.

Dammit! Just die already!

I made the aura bigger to fasten the pace. It was eating the monster, and it seemed to stop the movement of the red whips while making the monster feel even more pain.


The monster then lifted its axe in the air with the clade radiating a red aura.


I was going to back off for a moment until I heard something fleshy being squashed.

I looked up and saw a spear inside the eye socket of the monster.

"Hurry and finish it, Kai!"

Thank you!



The aura ate and ate. And the screams of the monster began to get quieter.

In my final push, the aura finally absorbed the entire monster.

"Hah... Hah..."

It was finally defeated.

I stared at the blade of the Sword of Massacre, and it was covered in many cracks.

I only was able to see a second of its poor state before it shattered into little pieces.

Loads of messages popped up.

[You are the first to defeat a Lord!]

Chapter 8: Beginning-Pt.1-End