
Never Regress

Kai Nicolas is an ordinary middle-school student. Who enjoys his life with those that are close to him. But suddenly, there was a day like any other that would change his life and many of those around him. The day the world had gone from ordinary to a complete game. [Would you like to see your skills?]

SHRN · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: Beginning Pt.3

Many thoughts were going in and out of my head after Kai, Lazaro, Demanda, Yui, Cain, and I showed our status to each other. The one that stood out the most was, without a doubt, Kai's.

Sword God, Arch Mage, Regressor, Protagonist...

These titles alone already didn't compare to the rest.

They were all abilities or 'titles' that many protagonists in fantasy novels possess either at the start of the story or they work up to that achievement.

I mean, Protagonist was literally a title that Kai had.

And if these titles really gave abilities, as the system said, it would...

... then what abilities does the 'Protagonist' grant?

I could guess what Sword God and Arch Mage offer, although the next title that I had in mind made me have a headache just thinking about it.


If my knowledge of this term is correct... then doesn't it mean returning?

And in this context, wouldn't it mean the ability to go back in time with your memories intact?

If that is the case... that would mean that Kai, a childhood friend of mine, doesn't need to be afraid of dying...


"Dammit! Why didn't I do anything?"


"So you're the one that was chosen?"

Is-Is that really an elf? It can't be... but when I look around, I can't help but think that this is real. If this really isn't earth, and if that really is an elf...

....then to reach the goal of this game, do I also have to...

"Are you planning on not conversing with me? Or is your species still unable to communicate?"

I took a few moments to scan the elf in front of me.

He had pointy ears, silver eyes, and light purple hair. He was wearing green clothes and, just by looking at them, I could tell that he was some kind of royalty in this world. I open my mouth while using something on him.

"Who are you, and where am I?"

The thing that I used on him answered the former.

[Eye that sees the Myth is in use!]

[Aerin Qiqun Race: Elf Male Age: 125

Hp: 520 Mp: 730 St: 670

Sm: 213 Agi: 230

Titles: Prince of Elves, Master of the Bow, Destine King

Skills: Elemental Arrow P.3, Elf Eye P.2, Swift Dagger P.2, SS Insight P.2, Army Control P.2

Special Skills: Solar Bow, Prince's Order

PP: 350]

The hell? He's 125 years old? Is this the age an elf in this world enters intermediate school?

"Haha, so it can talk. It even speaks the same language as us. How interesting."

Then both of his eyes shine a bright blue hue.

[Someone has used SS Insight on you!]

[Multiple Skills have countered SS Insight!]

Tiny sparks came out of his eyes, causing him to stagger.

"What was that...?" He looked at me with his normal eyes filled with confusion and anger. But then those eyes changed to satisfaction, along with a smile. "Perfect... you're strong."

What was he trying to do just now? Did he look into my status with that skill? No, the system said it blocked it.


I let out a soft noise of discomfort.

It was because of the heavy body I had on right now, due to my skill.

[Detection is in use!]

I knew very well what was causing my skill to trigger. The elf might not know that I know what is behind him.

As I looked into the deep forest right behind the elf, I could sense many other living beings. That wasn't all. All of them had something pointed right at me. Perhaps it was a bow, which is able to reach me from a far distance.

My heart of bumping fast, sweat was emerging from my head, and my breathing was becoming shallow.

Can't I turn off this skill?

[Would you like to deactivate Detection?]

I stared at the message and replied.


My body then was released from the heaviness of [Detection]. Everything became normal now.


I shifted my gaze to the talking elf.

"I have an offer that I believe will interest you."

An offer?

"Come under my wing."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion at the his words.

"The moment I took a careful look at you, I knew you had it in you. You're in possession of 'Lord's Authority', am I right?"

Lord's Authority? What is he talking about?

"Are you confused? Well then, if you are, let me tell you this: in your world, you have killed a lord and have taken the authority of a lord. Even my [Elf Eye] is able to detect that."

I checked my status after his words.

[Kai Nicolas Male Age: 14

Hp: 1000 Mp: 1000 St: 1500

Sm: 1000 Agi:1500

Titles: One that commits ■, Protagonist, Sword God, Child of Heaven and Hell, Regressor, Arch Mage, Lord's Authority

Skills: Blade Competence P.3, Mental Control P.1, 1000 Steps P.2, Fake Role P.1, Elemental Blade P.3, Holy Aura P.1, Pure Lighting P.1, Magic Perfection P.1...]

There it was, my new title 'Lord's Authority'.

So this is what he meant.

"Ah, that's right. I'll also give you this as a reward for accepting my offer."

He then waved his hand, signaling one of many in the forest behind him to come out.

"By the way, there are many of my people here, But I guess you already knew that, didn't you?"

Another elf came forward.

"My king, I have brought it."

"Give it here."

He turned his back to face the other elf and grabbed something that I couldn't see until...

"If you accept my offer, then I will give you this."

He lifted it up and when I saw it, something familiar woke inside me.

"... I will give you my sister as a reward."

Chapter 10: Beginning-Pt.3-End