
Never No Money [DxD/Genshin/Honkai]

well...in terms of money, I have no money, funny considering my power is never no money. (cover image does not belong to me.)

Lucinziel66 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 11

Why did I say yes? I could be relaxing but instead, here i am, learning history. Why do I have to learn unimportant things that would in no shape or form help me in my ascension to the top? 

I was listening to my so-called instructor. He was currently talking about the early years of the devil race, the time when Lucifer and all the original Satans were alive. 

However, I did learn something surprising. I learned that while most devils dislike the satan descendants, none actually hate the original Satans. Turns out, lucifer and his merry crew were actually not completely shitty people. 

Surprised? I was too. I knew people liked him, but I thought it was out of some weird sense of obligation and respect for being the progenitor of their race, but as it turns out devils actually like the dude. 

Who would have thought? 

Anyway, history and knowledge about the pillars were like gacha. Sometimes you learn something good, and sometimes there were lame as watching paint dry/

Like did you know, that not all pillars were created by Lucifer, and some pillars' ancestors were recruited by Lucifer from other factions 

Barbatos, Morax, Beelzebul, Buer, Focalors. The original devils of these pillars were turned into devils, unlike other pillars which were created directly by Lucifer and Lilith. 

Barbotos was actually an angel but he left alongside Lucifer.

Morax belonged to the Taoist pantheon, the son of the goddess Nuwa. 

Beelzebul belonged to the Shinto pantheon. 

Buer belonged to the Hindu pantheon. 

Focalors was a water elemental. 

Yeah, if your mouth hung open, then you had the same reaction as I did, completely stunned. 

No wonder the other pantheons hate us, lucifer put his hands on them and somehow recruited them into his own budding faction. I still can't fathom how Lucifer was able to recruit a member of the Hindu pantheon. The dude is either sneaky or suicidal. 

Anyway, only the respective devils of those houses truly know the true origin of these pillars. Other people know that morax came from the Taoist pantheon but only those of the morax and those affiliated with them know that he was the son of Nuwa. 

Though surprisingly, there is no mention if the original morax is a god or a demi-god.

Anyway, interesting history aside. There were far more boring than interesting, for every piece of interesting history, there were a dozen more boring ones. 

I cast a small illusion over my eyes to make it seem like I was staring at the instructor with eyes filled with wonder and fascination, then seeing that he didn't detect it, I closed my eyes and circulated my qi. 

Qi circulation, unlike cultivation novels, cannot make you strong, at least not as those novels show you. Instead, circulating qi and distributing it to every cell of your body will make your body healthy and slightly better. Like 0.01% better, so it is not a hack or anything like that. But as the people say, something is definitely better than nothing. 

And just like that, I spent the next two hours of my history lesson circulating and distributing my qi to my body. 

I had my schedule completely remade. 

In the morning I would be woken up by the maids, then bathed and dressed. I would then eat breakfast with my new adopted mother, or mommy as she makes me call her in private settings and her peerage of incredibly hot woman. 

Honestly, I was imagining things like them being not happy that I, a low-class devil basically a commoner, would sit alongside them, but none of them showed to be unhappy, hell they seemed ecstatic about me. 

It was only later that I learned that all of them used to be low-class devils. My mother ningguang told me that she was born in the slums. And only later found out about her heritage, looks like her father was a playboy who abided by the rule "every hole is a goal.", following this rule was also the reason he croaked. Turns out one should not try to court a married goddess, especially if that goddess's name is Hera. 

Yup, my…grandad tried to NTR the NTRer but got killed by the woman whom he tried to seduce and blackmail. Turns out hentai plotlines do not actually work on woman who could casually destroy countries. Who knew?

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, Ningguangs father was a major playboy who fucked anything with a hole, and thus ningguang was born, her mother, a low-class devil died a few years after her birth. Anyway, Yelan and Beidou were also orphans, who were friends with Ningguang. 

Keqing is a half-devil, her mother a youkai and her father being a devil. Also fun fact about youkai, youkai cannot be half-youkai, either you are a full youkai or not one at all. So, she was a half-devil but she was not a half-youkai, and inherited no physical youkai traits such as ears and a tail. This is why she styles her hair as cat ears, to honor the memory of her mother. 

Yanfei, was an Adeptus, well a half-adeptus. Adeptus are the names of the retinue that followed Rex Lapis to hell. But, they are not devils. The Adeptus, according to Yan Fei, did not want to be devils, so none of them did. But they still served Rex lapis even after he became morax and turned into a devil. Yanfei's father was an Adeptus, her mother a half-devil.

Natasha, is an adopted child of the Sitiri, meaning she is the younger sister of Serafall Leviathan, from what she told me she grew up in an orphanage before the Sitris adopted her. She is one of the best doctors of the underworld. 

Beidou is the rook, she used up both pieces. Yelan and keqing are the knights. Yanfei and Natasha are the bishops. 

Mother… doesn't really have a queen, I wanted to ask but didn't. I felt like I was overstepping my boundaries. 

Honestly, they are all a bit…quirky, but they are not bad people or well devils. The only thing complaints I have is the boring history and etiquette lessons, and them pinching my cheeks every chance I get. 

Though my favorite among them has to be beidou, especially since she has a bunch of stories and also due to her also being a swordsman, we have been sparing every chance i get. 

…is it sparring if she always wins? Or is it a one-sided beatdown? Anyway, Beidou's sword style is an interesting one, her sword is defense and counter-attacking. Much different from Jingliu's pure offensive sword style. Sparring with her has been really helpful in hashing out my own personal style. 

I mean a pure offensive sword style feels like I am not using my all, and a pure defensive style is way too boring. A counter-attacking style like Beidou's is pretty cool, but again I am not the type of person to just let the other person attack me. 

I still haven't found a sword style that is just right, so I have been trying different styles, maybe I will feel better when I have the right style. 

Sorry, I went astray. Where was I? Oh yes, I was speaking about my new schedule. 

…eat breakfast with my my adopted mother and her peerage, and then endure all of them trying to squeeze my cheeks. 

Then after breakfast, I have an hour of free time which I would use to meditate. Then I would be studying under different tutors, one for history, one for etiquette, and then my favorite, my magic teacher. 

I love my magic teacher, she is wonderful. Not only is she hot, but she is also very knowledgeable, and unlike my other teachers, she knows how to keep the lesson interesting even when she is teaching me something boring. 

Then after those three lessons I would eat lunch alone, then I would train. Either exercising by myself, or I would spar with a guard if they were free, or if beidou was there I would spar with her. 

Then I would go take a bath since by that time I would be sweaty due to my training. I would enjoy myself in my personal jacuzzi. Yes, I have one.

Then I would go to the library and read some books until dinner. 

During dinner, My adopted mother, her peerage, and I would eat together. 

After, I would join my mother for some mother-son bonding. 

Then sometimes we would sleep together, though she would always wake up before me. 

It has been quite frankly, very annoying for me to suddenly change my schedule but I am nothing if not adaptable. 

Now some people may have some problems with sleeping with someone who is basically a stranger, but thankfully I am not some people. I quite enjoy sleeping with Ningu- Mom. To sleep while having your face pressed on tits is quite enjoyable. She is also a good cuddler, I am not even mad about being the little spoon. 

I may have had some reservations at first, but if the past week has been anything to go by, then I look forward to the future. 

A silver long-bladed rapier met a black greatsword, dark crimson colouring it from the blade to the pommel. 

I held the silvery long-bladed rapier, my arms struggling to not be pushed back by bediou's greatsword. I was not succeeding, even when she was using a single hand to hold the greatsword, she was still pushing me back. 

My feet dug into the ground as she effortlessly pushed me back. Seeing that there was no chance I would win in a contest of strength, i stopped going against her sword and allowed myself to be pushed back, I back-flipped to make some distance between us.

When my feet touched the ground, I flexed my muscles and kicked off the ground directly towards her. My blade stabbed her heart, but she brought her greatsword and blocked it with a flick of her hand. 

Her red eyes bore down on my own golden ones in challenge, taunting me. I gritted my teeth, and pulled my sword, and dashed towards her left. 

My sword feinting towards her arm, to which she brought her own sword to block me. Right before my blade stabbed the greatsword, it changed directions aiming towards her feet. 

For a swordsman, footwork is an essential part of their swordplay. 

She dodged the stab moving a single step backwards, captilizng on it, I stabbed forward again. This time I aimed for her sword-holding hand. 

A resounding clang was brought to life as she defended against it. She pushed me back with her superior strength and brought down her greatsword like guillotine. 

I moved away from the heavy sword that smashed through the ground and created a small ravine. 

{"Too slow."} my illusioned voice resounded throughout the grounds.

"Hah! If I got serious you would be a pancake kid." beidou retorted with a smile.

Like the mature and refined man I was, I stuck my tongue out in response.

Pushing off the ground, I once dashed towards her to continue our dance of blades. 

A Long-bladed rapier met a black-crimson greatsword, dozens of clangs resounded throughout the grounds. 

Her heavy strikes met my swift stabs. Each time our blades would clash againts each other, my bones would rattle and my arms would scream in protest. I tried my best to use my small frame to my advantage but no dice. 

Her skill, strength, speed, stamina, everything is better than mine. Not to mention, that she is even giving me a handicap by promising to use only one hand and also not move from the circle she drew around herself. 

I retreated backward, making distance between us. I panted while ignoring my trembling hands, though at least they didn't break like that time. 

"Give up?" beidou asked, a smirk on her lips. 


"Wait really?"

{"This one ain't it."}

"I could have told you that. A rapier requires flexibility and agility. You lack flexibility. Your attacks are rigid, you favor strong attacks, a claymore would suit you."

{"A claymore is just not my style. It is too big."}

Beidou snorted, "that's what she said." 

And that's why she is my favorite.

{"Couldn't you have held back a little? My arms feel like they got trampled by an elephant."}

"You call me a fat, brat?" she wrapped her arm around my neck, choking me, while my face was pressed against her chest. Her hands drilling on my head like a screwdriver. "Haven't anyone told you, not to call a woman fat?"

If not for the fact that I would die due to the lack of air, I would very much not want her to release me. 

-The end. 

An update on his new life. The next chapter would have him interact with the others, and then meet his hot new magic teacher. 

Any guesses on who the teacher is? Is It the sexy Librarian, Lisa? Or Maybe Arlecchino, or maybe it's Mona who took a teaching job to earn some money. Choices choices, so many damn choices. 

The first volume would end, in 3-5 chapters. Then a time skip to him receiving his evil pieces. 

Damn, I wonder if I can even do that. There are so many things i want to write about, so many things that need to be fleshed out. 

Oh yeah, once I finish this volume, i will edit all the prior chapters. 

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