
Never my fate

He never wanted to be loved or loved by her. He has set his mind not to fall in love with anyone. Will he not? Will the fate changes or the history repeats itself?

Vins_snow · Realistic
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3 Chs

Fate revolves with a spin of wheel

Why does this world doesn't give what we really need? Are we pre destined to stay like this? But the thing that matters the most is who and how we spend our lives with. With all the misunderstandings between us finally I'm with him. With the man I love. With the man I truly belong to. Let's say it's what I've always longed for the past 2 years. When I came to know that he was cheating on me I left him without a scar to another city. But now I regret my decision. Those time I was so immature to look into truth.


should've asked him instead of leaving him with all those pain. But now I'm happy that I got him. I would never leave him no matter what. Even though his profession is something very dangerous that anything might happen anytime. But I just want him to be safe and sound. But my heart gets a bad feeling that something unsound is going to happen.

"What is my princess thinking so deeply?" Jack placed a kiss on Sarah's forehead as she smiled at him breaking your bubble of thought. "J-Jack shall I ask you something?" She struggled to speak. "What is it baby?" He pulled her closer embracing her. "Jack are you really going to leave abroad next year?" She asked as tears verged around the corner of your eyes.

"I-" He was about to say something but BANG!!!! She fell down with blood coming out from his stomach. Jack shouted for help. "S-Sar SARAH What is this? Blood. No Sarah nothing will happen to you. Is anyone there come soon...Please hello" he screamed as loud as he could with tears rolling down his cheeks. Kelvin and other friends of him barged in the room seeing Sarah lying down on Jack's lap with blood stains.

"Jack what happened? What happen to Sarah ?" Kelvin hurried to the floor. "K-kelvin we were taking and suddenly she fell down?" Jack started to breakdown holding her tight in his arms. "J-Jack I'm happy that you came back to me but God has different plan I guess. If I die-" "Sarah stop it. You won't die.

I will save you." He cut him off as Kelvin came with their personal doctor. He asked them all to move out and started treating Sarah. But forcefully Sarah's body was not cooperating with the treatment. She became weaker and weaker and the doctor was losing hope on her.

After 2 hours :

"Mr. Jack I'm sorry but it's very hard to save her. We are trying our best. I have stitched her wounds and blood has been transfusioned in her. It's upto hee will power to survive.

I have kept her under observation. You may try something and help her recover. I'll do a minor operation after 3 hours to remove some scrapes of the Bullet." The doctor went out as Jack rushed inside looking at the girl he had loved all along lying lifelessly, hands connected to blood trips. Seeing her like this broke his heart. He went near hercand held her hand.

To be continued.....