
~Chapter 3~

Cassius' PoV

Its been so long since I came here to this pack. The first time I came, I was not allowed to enter.  The pack was afraid of my red irises. But now, look at these pack trembling in fear. Some of them even asked to have their lives spared. Just thinking how they beg for their lowly lives makes me want to kill them all over again.

"King Cassius" My second in command greeted me, along with his mate.

"Have you seen that imbecile?" I sneer.

"Yes my liege. We're able to capture him, together with his Luna and heir. What do you want us to do now?" My Beta asked

I bowed down thinking what can I do to that mutt. Heaving a sigh of relief, now that we've captured him. All these years of investigation lead us to this successful war. This pack had been doing all sorts of illegal business. They started by selling pups to witches and warlocks, because some wolves seeks immortality. Believing the young ones can give it to them. However the most wicked thing that this pack done, was murdering hudreds of people, the one who's at fault were the leaders of the pack. A pile of missing people were always stuck on my desk every damn single day, coming from different packs and race. Including what happened to our friend Kira, who was from this pack. The pack reported that the family went on a trip and experience a tragic fate by falling into the cliff. None of them survived. The accident was too cliché. Kira who was the future Beta of the pack has been investigating all sorts of things about Strong Winds Pack. The Previous Alpha, Lucian. Made a deal with a dark witch, saying that he has a wolf that possess great powers to create an orb. The orb requires a powerful and pure spirit, and once swallowed it can make you into a lesser god. If you become a lesser god, it only mean you're challenging the authority of the Moon Goddess. When I continued the investigation that Kira left, I found out that it was related to Theron. The family who leads the Eclipse Pack. They became wanderers when their alpha was killed.

"We await you orders Alpha." The mate of my Beta said.

I sighed in disbelief. She pressures me all the time. This mate of my Beta is always in a hurry. Even if I pay their over time, she asks me to be quick.

"For now, I won't do anything to him. Let me roam the area first to investigate." I said waving the couple off. God, I hate those two.

I roam around the Strong Winds Pack territory and saw an explosion at their infirmary. Though I told my pack to kill the less important people, but killing them to this extent is a bit...pertrifying, to these weak hearted people. My ears hurt just by unwantedly listening to their cry. Once the smoke is cleared, I was satisfied at the damages. Most of the injured wolves of the Strong Winds Pack are now dead. But what amazed me the most, was seeing a rogue child's will to live. I carefully stride to get near him. Looking up close, he's not severely injured. Though his head is bleeding.

The kid slowly look upto me, he's trying to identify who am I. I tried to intimidate him by releasing some of my Alpha Aura. His eyes widen but he isn't trembling in fear. This child is boring.

"This kid needs to be healed" calling on the healers of my pack.

"What is your name kid?" I carefully asked him.

"My name is Kirael, Sir" he was smiling as he introduce himself. To think that he would have the same name as my friend and shouldn't a kid be scared of an Alpha King, especially when they're rogues. He looks so small and thin so I ask how old he is

"I am six years old" Kirael instantly asnwered. I can somehow sense that he's the same as the Beta couple on my pack. Always wanting to clear things up immediately.

Next thing I ask him was about his parents. Of course, even if he is a rogue he should have a family.

"My mother is not here..."

His mother was all he told me. So ask I him if he was hired by the Alpha to participate in this war.

He shook his head and say. "No...no...no Sir. Its not like that. My mother and I were actually part of this pack but...they set us aside." I use 'the eyes of truth', an ability pass down to all kings, it is a gift from the Sun God. The good thing is, he is an honest kid. Kirael does not hesitate to say what's on his mind.

Knowing that he will keep on telling me the truth. I ask who his Father is. To be precise I just want to ask him a lot of questions to keep me entertained and also I like his eyes. An unusual golden color. This eye color is only given to those who possess the grey wolf clan spirit. The Spirits of Grey are rare because they're powerful enough to annihilate a large pack or kill the King and are considered as an Arch Spirit. Wolves Spirit may vary from low, norm, unique, fierce and arch.

Low wolf spirits are equivalent to omega, though they can still improve depending on the person they're bonded with. This is were Norm wolf spirits follow, a breakthrough of spirit level occur. It often happens, from being a weak omega evolving to a competitor. I woudn't say that they're warriors, but somehow they can at least fight for their lives. Next is Unique wolf spirits, these are wolves with warrior capabilities and simply cannot be distinguish from anyone due to their vast ability to support their pack. Fierce wolf spirits are created by the Goddess to fight the war in heaven in ancient times. They can be considered as heroes and soldiers of the Moon Goddess.  Last one is Arch, its the highest and powerful spirit. Most Arch spirits are leaders of each wolf spirit clan, their traits also surfaces on their human.

To think that it would manifest early in this kid without performing the moon ritual.

"Aren't they being lenient? To choose a kid and manifest their traits. Life would have been difficult for a child like him." My wolf told me. I can only laugh at his thought.

"Ah...uhmm I'm sorry but I can't tell you who my Father is. He might kill my mother." The kid answered me. I was disappointed that he wouldn't tell me. So I gave him an offer.

"What if I save you and your Mother? Will you tell me who your Father is?" Clearly he was surprise of how witty I was.

"Really? You will save my mom!" Kirael exclaimed. A question came into my mind, Is this kid obsess with his Mother?

"Yes if you take up my offer." I proudly answered. I don't know why am I even trying to show off this kid.

"Its because you find him cute" my wolf making a side comment.

"Shut up, I have no use for you in this situation." Blocking off my link with him.

"Okay I will trust your words Sir." Kirael meet my eyes and continued to speak. "Truthfully, my father was the Alpha of this pack".

"What the fuck?!" I said without thinking.

Right after that he asked me if I was offended. Probably because its a scandalous revelation that Jim has an illegitimate son. Or maybe I just don't know how to properly react in this kind of situation since I've never been with anyone. For years I've been trying to look for my mate until I got tired looking and now I just decided to wait. Why would Jim impregnate someone who's not his mate? A question that clouded my mind.

Later on, Kirael told me the things he knows about. Including how his mother never told him his family name. It is to ensure that his safety. He also told me what happened to his mother's family and that he mother was assigned as a companion to Jim. Next thing I know is that I'm getting mad on his behalf. I'm glad that he and his mom survived this long.

The last thing I ask him was if he wanted to kill Jim and this kid never failed to amaze me. He told me that he would love to kill his own Father.