
Never met you before

prabhuraj_s · Action
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1 Chs

somewhere unknown

I wake up to find myself in a place which I have never seen before and then I see a bird in the sky ,I see a large tree and some kind of weird weapons hanging instead of leaves I say myself "what kind of place is this" even though I have strange dreams I normally am not subjected to this kind of dreams and then suddenly a girl in her warrior clothing comes to me with something disturbing my peace and interrupts saying "My Lord I hope you had a good night sleep " I did not expect someone to talk to me like this and I even thought people in this land speak some different language but fortunately they speak a language which I understand and coming back , she is bowing her head to the ground and I am shocked to see her and I tell her to get up and ask her who am I , what is this place and where am I , firstly she introduces herself as Lilith ,she is a greatest player in the world and when she says she is the greatest player in the world ,I know my name , where am I ,what am I doing and why she bowed down . I am Arthur , the greatest of all players some people call me God but some call me hell and I am here to fight a battle which is to conquer Luis who was my friend but betrayed me with a the help of Niko ,a wizard who put a curse on me that every morning a phrase helps me to gain all my powers and make me remember everything of my past and this is a painful process remembering every thing my friend had done to me and how he betrayed me for the throne or position if he would ask openly I would have gifted him my throne as for a friend but he has taken it with cruelty which I will never forgive him and will swear that I will kill him and rip his muscles and display it as no one will dare to betray . But now he is stronger than I but if I try with my full potential and cultivate my energy in a proper he is no one in front me .