
Memories of Friendship

"Hi! What's your name?" I asked, bouncing over from my spot on the monkey bars. I stood next to the boy in my own little pink blouse, pink skirt and black shoes. My blonde hair was tied up in pigtails and bounced along with me.

"Stay away from me!!" He yelled, jumping off of his spot on the swings and ran behind a tree. His fluffy wolf tail tucked between his small legs, making him look frail, weak and vulnerable. Though he was a tad taller than me, he looked more afraid of me than he should be.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I said, walking over to him. I stopped five feet away and smiled, showing off my pretty white teeth. "My name is DarkAngel Yushi! My mommy says I have a younger sister on the way! I can't wait to see her! Maybe she'll have blonde hair like me? I hope she isn't mean when she gets older..."

I shook my head and smiled again, "What's your name, kid who's hiding behind the tree?"

"Urm," He muttered, sticking his head a small amount from behind the bark. He scratched the wood and looked up at me with pretty blue eyes. "M-My name is K-Kai Sorion. Hi."

"Yay! I have one new best friend!" I squealed, jumping up and down. I ran over to Kai and pulled him, by the hand, from behind the tree and ran over to the swings.

"Hey! Let go of me!" Kai protested, but was no match for my determination to make friends. "I never said I was your friend!"

"You never said you didn't want to be my friend!" I said, pushing him to sit down on a swing.

"But- But, my friends will think I'm weird for talking to a girl! They think ALL girls are gross!"

"Nuh- Uh! I'm AWESOME! My dad says so!" I said, sitting down on the swing next to him. Swinging my feet back and forth, taking in the momentum. "Come on! Join me, Kai!"

"Why? What's the point?" He asked, watching me swing beside him.

I stopped and gave him a serious look, from which he jumped back a little, "Cebause! It's fun!"

"Fun?" Kai asked, looking at his feet and slowly swinging them back and forth. "L-Like this?"

"Here," I said, standing up and running to the back. I stood behind Kai and placed my small hands on his back.

He looked over his shoulder and blushed, "H-Hey, what are you-? AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!"

I pushed against his back and sent him swinging high into the air. He little boy shreeks filled the air as I ran into my own swing and propelled myself too. His eyes were screwed shut and covered by his hand, cowering close to his other arm and holding on for dear life.

"Kai! Stop closing your eyes!" I squealed from my swing, as I soared past him again, cheering and taking in the warmth of the golden sun. I waved my arms and quickly grabbed the chains again, squealing in excitement. "It's really cool!"

"AAAAAAH! HELP!" Kai yelled, grabbing the chains and crying out in fear.

"Just open your eyes, dummy!" I said, giggling to myself. "I can't believe you're a scaredy-cat!"

"I am NOT!" Kai said, opening his eyes and looking over at me then looking around as the swing started to slow. "Whoa, it is cool up here!"

"Told you!"

After Kai and I had our fun on the swings, we decided to play tag. Kai started by running away and yelling, "YOU'RE IT, COOTIES!"

"Hey! Jerk, I'm comin' to get ya!" I cheered, running after him. Kai laughed and ran faster, running past the jungle jim and over to the sand pit.

"Bet you can't chase me to the end of the road!" Kai yelled behind me, running down the road to a street I knew.

"Yes I can!"


I had finally caught up to him and was sitting on the ground panting like crazy. Kai was doing the same and looking around, looking at different houses and lawns.

"Which house you live in, DarkAngel?" Kai asked, standing up.

"That big white and blue one over there," I said, pointing at a huge two-story house with two windows on top and two windows. I looked over at Kai and smiled. "Why don't you meet my parents? They're super nice and funny like I am!"

"Um, sure," Kai said, nodding. I reached my hand out and he grabbed it, smiling and blushing at the same time.

"Let's go," He mumbled, walking with me side by side. I blushed and giggled, tugging him closer and closer to my new house. I went up the porch steps and looked around for my parents.

"Huh, I guess they're not here," I said, shrugging. "Welp, we could watch T.V. til they do, look for the remote." I walked over to the big black leather couch in the living room and checked between the cushions. Kai stood there and watched me, "Help, me, please."

As I started to look for the remote, Kai looked at some of the empty moving boxes and reached inside. He pulled out the big remote and handed it to me.

"Thanks," I said, grabbing the remote from him and sitting on the couch. I patted the seat next to me and Kai climbed up, scooting close to me as I turned on the T.V. and changed the channel to Cartoon Network.

"Yaay! Teen Titans Go is on!" I cheered, resting my chin on my hands and watching the show. "Which hero is your favorite? Mine's Raven! I think her powers are super cool, like you, Kai!"

"You think I'm super cool?" He asked, looking at me. "Really?"

I looked at him and nodded vigorously, "Yeah! You're my best friend! Why wouldn't you be?"

"Thanks," Kai said, nuzzling closer to me. I patted his wolf ears and smiled, watching Kai look up and blush. He pulled his head away and sighed, thinking. "Mine's Cyborg. I really like robots, and he's got a rocket launcher as his hand sometimes. It's awesome when he blows something up!"

"Ha, I thought you might like him," I said, laughing. I pointed at his T-shirt which had a big robot on it. Kai smiled and puffed up his chest.

"It's my favorite one," Kai said, standing and showing me the robot on his shirt. The sliver popped out against the mahogany color of the shirt. "I try to wear it all the time and on holidays when I go to visit my grandma in Orleans."

"Cool," I said, giving him a quick thumbs up and then remembering something. "Oh! Are you hungry?"

"Sorta," Kai said, patting his tummy.

"I have chocolate covered blueberries in my backpack, do you want some?"

And then my parents came home, discovering me and Kai. Sleeping on our couch in the fading light of the sun set and let us fall asleep. When they managed to call Kai's mother, they told her he was spending the night at a friends' house and was fed.

We woke up the next morning and ate some breakfast before heading off to school, holding each other's hand all the way.

"Kai, why are you holding that girl's hand?" a kid asked, walking beside Kai. He seemed to be his best friend, with spiky brown hair and sharp green eyes.

Kai looked down at our joined hands then back at him, "This is my new girlfriend!"

"What? You have a girlfriend?" Another kid asked, watching us in awe as we sat down on a bench in the playground.

Kai smiled wider and squeezed my hand, "Yeah, she's a girl and she's my friend."

"She's my bestest girlfriend ever," Kai said, looking at me and smiling. I smiled back and leaned into him. We hugged each other and then Kai let me go, turning to talk to his friends about the latest Amazing World of Gumball episode.

Girlfriend? I thought, looking at my hand. Why does that seem serious?