
Never lasting love

kim so yoon a hard working employe dies and enters into a body of a 5 year old girl realising she entered a novel

Noor_Arora · History
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3 Chs


my name is kim so yoon , i work in a finance company. one day after working overtime i got into a accident , died and woke up in a body of 5 year old amelia, dukes daughter, beautiful blue eyes and silver hair just like her father.

"amelia", you finally woke up "sobbing" said her father

"confused" who are you sir ? whoever you are you are handsome said kim so yoon 

what are you saying ? "shocked" ,"doctor" "doctor" screamed in anger her father 

what is happening ? you said amelia was alright ?

doctor examines amelia in fear of dukes aura,

i am sorry sir , maybe .....she forgot everything because of shock said doctor

amelia look at me sweatheart ! said duke


duke's assistant comes in 

sorry sir but there is alot of work you need to take care of right now

right now said duke 

yes sir said assistant unfased by dukes aura

i see said duke 

duke hugs amelia and exits room with his assistant .

i am sorry miss said maid crying 

kim so yoon asks who she is and where is she

her close maid introduces herself 

miss my name is carrie , i am your personal maid , we in the north , in the castial kingdom miss 

kim so yoon thinks maybe she heard about the kingdom and she knows .....

kim so yoon askes about herself from her maid and realises 

she has become the norths dukes only daughter "amelia "," amelia von deles " and she is in the novel she was reading never lasting love and she is the a villianess who falls for the male lead and bullies the female lead 

and right now she is 5 years old , when amelia awakens her ability "ice magic " which causes an accident and the orignal amelia gets hurt but the question that awakens in her mind is where is the orignal amelia ?

in rush 

amelia goes near the mirror and 

amelia screems noooo...

i am fucked , my life why amelia ?