
Chapter 265

Nicole knew her body better than anyone else, so when she started feeling off she quickly did an analysis of what was wrong with her. 

At first she thought it was the stress combined with her hyperacidity, but after a while she realized that it wasn't that. She was no longer busy and she and Ian were currently in a very stable relationship. She wasn't feeling any trauma from the bar incident so it couldn't be that. 

It took her another week before coming to the conclusion that turned out to be true. When she got the results she was shocked. The first person she called was Veronica, who charged into her room and held her while she cried. She and Veronica had been through a lot together and she was the person Nicole would run to whenever she had problems.

"Nicole stop crying." Veronica said as she hugged her friend and rubbed her back to comfort her.

"I just- don't know - how to- feel about this." Nicole said in between sobs.