
I Start To Wake Up

After a satisfying night's rest, Ash was starting to wake up as it was his current habit of getting up at dawn to exercise.

Little by little he began to rub his eyes to get rid of his laziness and when he wanted to get out of bed, he was pulled back by an arm that was intertwined with his. He looked that it was May's arm, he did not know whether to get upset or admire the determination of the brunette to sleep next to him without asking permission, for that moment he did not put more importance on that matter and with great care he slipped out of her grip to don't wake her up

Now without any grip, he stripped off his shorts and put on his sports clothes and then left the room without making a noise. Unable to jog around the boat, she went to the gym on the floor above the dining room.

It was a light workout, first he used the treadmill for 30 minutes and then he switched to the bicycle. After using other tools for his training, he ended up doing weights to strengthen his arms.

On the other hand, May began to wake up with a smile, she had slept with Ash all night and the first thing she wanted to see that day was the face of the black-haired man next to hers, but her disappointment was great when she was lying alone in his bed. Ash thought he had left her and was soon overcome by a depression that made her cry uncontrollably.

A few minutes after crying, Ash was already returning from his training and before opening the door he could hear the chestnut's cry, he did not know why the hell he was crying this time and to find out why he stayed with his back to the door listening to the cries of May.

May: Ash! -He was crying loud- because! Because you left me alone! now I know that I lost you forever -he moaned in pain- I love you -shed more tears- I was wrong to change you for anyone, I regret it and if I could change the past I would never have separated from you -he lamented- Ash! Where are you? -I was still crying loudly

Hearing that little statement that the brunette always repeated to him, he understood that May really really loved him because this time, without being in front of her, he had said the same speech but with more sentimentality. She restrained herself from accepting it immediately, she had to get to more with her other than those words and she just walked in as if she hadn't heard anything.

May: Ash! -she was crying loud- because you left -he was hiding in a pillow

Ash: stop crying -she entered without flinching towards the fridge

May: Ash! -He stopped crying and saw him walk quietly in front of him

Ash: I don't know why you've always been crying, you already have me tired with your whining -While he opened a bottle of water turning his back on him

May: Ash! -he jumped out of bed and was as fast as possible to hug him

Ash: what do you want

May: Ash! -Ash embraced him unsuspectingly

: -without releasing the water for the strong embraced and turning around- whatever ...

Before saying another word, May could no longer contain herself and merged her warm lips with Ash's, in that kiss all her emotions that were repressed exploded, she kissed him passionately and Ash did nothing to prevent it since he also missed that warmth and taste of May's lips along with his own.

For a few seconds Ash was carried away by the kiss but then he reacted quickly by wetting May's head with the bottle of water in his hands.

May: Ash! because you did that

Ash: because you kissed me! -showing false anger

May: this Ash -hitting

Ash: you what! -continued with his act

May: I thought you had left and that you had left me alone and when you saw you again I had nothing on my mind but to kiss you -something nervous

Ash: you thought I left -reffirming what

May said : yes. .yes - trembling

Ash: needless to say more - approaching her bed

May: what are you going to do Ash? -Asked

Ash nervously : I'm leaving here, I told you that I was not going to leave unless you give me a bad time, and your lack of confidence shows me that you do not love me and only want to use me again -he continued with his act wanting to taste it

May: no Ash! please excuse me, I was a fool not to trust you -he knelt- I beg you not to go

Ash: get up, there is nothing that will make me change my mind, I'm leaving -opening the door

May: no Ash! -he held him tight- wait

Ash: say what you want, but I won't change my mind

May: I ... I just ... -he cried- don't go -he snuggled into his chest- I'm a fool, I should never have distrusted of you and if with words you don't change your mind, maybe this will help

And then May timidly approached Ash and kissed him again, but this time it was a warmer kiss with all the tenderness and innocence that characterized it, she kissed him while hugging him as much as she could until due to lack of air He could no longer continue and broke with the kiss.

May: I hope you excuse me, give me one more chance and I will not make another mistake I assure you -stop crying

Ash: I saw your interior with my aura and I know what you said came out of your heart -calm

May: that means that ...

Ash: I'll give you one more chance, but this will be the last, a mistake and I'm leaving so ...

May could not contain herself again and this time she kissed him harder than she pounced on him and they both fell to the floor, her face all flushed from the action, she did not let him escape, she hugged him with all her strength but at the same time with all the innocence he had, and he kept kissing Ash like his life depended on it.

Ash for his part, was happy that May had passed another of her tests and for a short period of time he let himself be carried away by the charming kisses of the chestnut, exactly as happened before he reacted immediately and sprayed her with another jet of water from his bottle that he hadn't thrown away yet.

May: Ash! don't get me wet -smiling

Ash: stop kissing me

May: no

-I kiss him again Ash: -I enjoy a few seconds of the kiss and he wet her again

May: Ash! -Kiss him again

Ash: -He did not want to separate, he tried to wet her again but May snatched the bottle- give me my bottle

May: no -I kept kissing him- now what are you going to do without your bottle

Ash: -he grabbed her waist and He pushed her away-

May: -He splashed water and kissed him again-

Ash: hey! don't get me wet! -May kissed her

: you did the same -with another kiss

Ash: now you will see -the charge, firmly grasping her hips

May: oh how scary -he grabbed him with her legs and hugged him by the neck to continue kissing him

Ash firmly held the body of the brunette and led her to the box, May who continued to kiss him passionately thought at first that Ash was going to "do it" with her due to the way he held her but then she was surprised to be taken to the box.

Once on the edge of the jacuzzi they both continued kissing uncontrollably, Ash had followed the game but he was conscious enough not to get carried away by emotion and already holding May firmly, he threw her into the jacuzzi splashing a large amount of water

May: ahhhhh!

Ash: let it serve you as a lesson

May: Ash! - Agitated

Ash: ... -She stared at May's wet body, the water had squeezed her pajamas and as it was a thin fabric it perfectly marked her attributes

May: take me out Ash -playful when she saw the face that the black-haired

Ash made: -

May extended his hand : come too

Ash: ahh! -he fell- now you'll see

May: hahaha enough Ash! hahaha

Ash: you asked for it

May: yes

Ash: hahaha enough, do not continue

May: you wanted it -with force he took out his vest and tore his shirt

Ash: go on and you will pay dearly

May: I want to see him -caressing his body

Ash: do not provoke me

May: if I want - giving her a kiss

Ash: ...

May: ahhhhh! -scream

Ash was being dominated by his impulses and in one act he tore all of May's pajamas leaving her in her underwear.

May: Ash -provocative-you want to continue playing -trying to take off her bra

Ash: stop ! -he grabbed his hands so that he doesn't take it away

May: Ash I ...

Ash: you're not ready yet, if you show me all your love we'll do it before getting off this cruise

May: Ash -he kissed him- I'll show you all my love, I assure you

Ash: -he smiled- it would be better to go change

May: you tore my pajamas -with fake tears

Ash: and you my shirt, so we are at hand

May: that's not fair

Ash: yes it is, let's go inside I'm starving

May: me too

And so they both came out wet from the jacuzzi that was still a mess last night, and went to their room, after a quick shower from May and another from Ash, they were ready in 30 minutes to go to breakfast.

After their breakfast they returned to their room in search of their bathing suits and then headed to the pool.

Already having a place to settle in, May went to a dressing room to change and when leaving all the men were amazed to see the brunette as she was dressed, a very thin skin-colored bra where the large breasts stood out and a Very thin lace of the same color that due to the skin color that I used gave that touch of not wearing anything.

Ash did the same and did not stay behind with the girls, he came out with a blue shorts that reached his knees, highlighted his strong legs and gave an excellent view of his abdomen and his muscular arms and with a confident and confident face that He showed any girl who saw him up close he went crazy.

May saw Ash and was seconds away from jumping right there and doing crazy things with him but before pouncing on him they beat him to other girls who covered him and asked for autographs and photos with him because they immediately identified him and knew that he was the Kalos champion .

May was more than furious and jealous to see Ash covered with beautiful girls who, despite having a good body, did not surpass him but still she felt very jealous and in order not to anger him, she just lay down in the sun chair where they settled.

Ash was getting uncomfortable having several girls by his side, at first he did not care because it was a small group but later they began to get more and more to the point of not having space or breathing, out of the corner of his eye he looked at May to make it happen. help but was very disappointed to see her surrounded by some guys who complimented her.

Shortly after going to bed, a small group of 3 men approached to talk with the brunette who at first ignored them, but because of the compliments and flattery, she spoke with them for a moment.

He had a pleasant time talking with them and at one point he looked at Ash to see how he was doing, but his expression changed from one of joy to one of guilt when he saw the disappointed face of the black-haired man who had seen her, the only thing that was came to mind is to say goodbye to that group of men so as not to get in trouble with Ash.

When trying to say goodbye to those boys, they proposed to go to a room to "have fun" for a while, she refused and the boys did not accept her answer so they kept insisting but when they always received a negative answer, they could not stand it and forced her to grab her mercilessly, she lived that moment terrified and shouted the name of Ash to come help her

Ash said goodbye to the last girls and had finally freed himself from all of them, he returned his gaze to May and seeing her grabbed by force and screaming his name was the fastest he could to free her.

Ash: hey! The girl does not want to go with you, so let her go

H1: and who tells us -confident

H2: get out of here if you don't want to get hurt -confident

H3: you interrupt us, the lady and we have an issue, go -confident

Ash: I don't think so, let it go before I get angry -calm

H2: ha! a weakling like you has no word here, get out before you get hurt

May: Ash! help me

-small tears came out H1: shut up -capping her mouth

May: Ash! -shouted what he could

Ash: I don't want to have problems, let go of her and I'll pretend nothing had happened

H3: who do you think you are! -trying to hit him

Ash: very slow - dodging the blow - you are not an opponent for me - knocking him unconscious

H2: how dare you, you will pay - trying to hit him

Ash: another slow - he dodged it - you're just a talker - he knocked him unconscious

H1 : Hey -shaking- excuse us please, we won't do it again

Ash: it's too late for that, I gave them their chance and now you'll regret not having taken advantage of it -approaching

H1: don't come near or she will pay -grabbing May tighter threatening

Ash: -he ignored him and approached, with his aura power he saw that he did not have the guts to hurt him-

H1: excuse me, we will not do it again, please do not hurt me-shaking massively and releasing May

May: Ash! - taking refuge in her arms

Ash: calm down, you are safe -now watching the coward who was dying of fear- for this time I will forgive you, take your friends and they will not bother us again

H1: as you send sir -and he immediately charged his two friends and he ran down a corridor leaving smoke where he stepped

May was scared and took refuge as much as she could in Ash's arms, she hugged him very tightly and she didn't intend to leave him, now that she was next to him she felt safe.

Ash only hugged her to leave the event behind and feel safe, the moment he saw her with other men he felt his jealousy take over his being, each time he began to fall in love with May again and he could not bear to see her with someone other than he.

May: thank you Ash -submerging her face on his chest

Ash: hey, hey, don't go overboard -pulling her away- what were you doing with them

May: I ... -I didn't want to say it

Ash: you start your games again -turning your back

May : Ash forgive me

Ash: I don't want to listen to you, I don't know what to think about you

May: no Ash, it was not my fault -breaking his voice

Ash: how I know you are not deceiving me, I'm leaving for a moment and you are already going with other

May : but it was not my fault, they were the ones who spoke to me and you who were surrounded by women -with a jealous tone- left me here alone

Ash: you know very well that I am the champion of Kalos and that I am famous, I do not have the fault that they ask me for some photos and autographs

May: I know, but still I can't bear to see you with others -defending

Ash: that's no excuse to go with the first ones you see-jealous

May: I'm sorry Ash, I didn't want to -hug him from behind

Ash: let go of me, no I want to hear your lies

May: Ash -posting in front of him- ... -gripping his hand- you feel it -placing it on his left breast so that he can feel his heart- you feel it beat, it beats for you, and I speak to you with my heart when I tell you that I am not to blame, and if there was a misunderstanding I ask you to excuse me -innocent

Ash: -with his aura he knew that I was not deceiving him- May ...

May: I know I was wrong to have been taken by anyone and that's why I apologize

Ash: -smiled- May

May: that's so funny -changing the environment

Ash: I accept your apologies

May: Ash! -hugging him

Ash: just don't fall into those games again, I don't like seeing you with others

May: are you jealous? -innocent

Ash: I ...

May: you're jealous! -Smiling

Ash: I'm not jealous -Quiet

May: if you are -kissing- I don't have eyes for another so you don't have to be jealous

Ash: I'm not jealous -containing

May: if you are Ash -provoking-

Ash: ya, I admit it, maybe I was but only for a moment

May: -smiling she gave him another kiss- I always like that side of you and that's why I love you

Ash: now calm down, let's go swimming

May: come on -he grabbed it and they left together

They spent a few minutes swimming and then went to lie down to sunbathe. After having fun for a moment they returned to their room, which had already been arranged by the service personnel, to change and go to lunch.

They had a luxurious lunch, everything in the buffet was exquisite dishes, from the largest lobsters to the finest caviar, May was drooling over all the dishes she saw in front of her, but Ash stopped her and warned her again that she should behave and only received a pout as acceptance

After such a delicious lunch, they returned to their room and with nothing to do, Ash fell asleep for a moment. May spoke to him but received no response and approached the black-haired man to reproach him and that's when she saw him asleep, she had no choice but to fall asleep next to him since she didn't want to make him angry when she woke him up

They slept for a few hours, they did not have the notion of time and when Ash began to wake up he looked at the clock that was located on the wall and was surprised to see it marked 7 at night, he tried to get up but just like in the morning May's arm lowered it. pulled back to bed. That was the moment that Ash had to talk about sleeping together with the brunette so that she does not go over the limit again

Ash: May! wake up

May: zzz ... ah? -still sleepy

Ash: wake up May

May: hi Ash -with a sweet tone

Ash: we have to talk

May: what do you want to talk about -innocent

Ash: see yourself -sighting his arms

May: this Ash -she walked away blushing

Ash: because you sleep with me The same thing happened in the morning and I don't even approve of it.

May: eh ... -Nervous

Ash: I don't know why you do it, but I don't like you sleeping with me without notifying me

May: I sleep with you because I'm scared!

Ash: scared?

May: fear of losing you, fear that you will move away, fear that you will leave with another, fear that you will abandon me, that is why every night that I can I go to sleep with you because I am afraid

Ash: May - taking her by the arms - if you think that is that you don't trust me so ...

May: I have complete confidence in you, but I want to be by your side forever, I don't want to lose you again and I'm afraid of not seeing you just like you did in the morning

Ash: well that was because ...

May: I know, you train every morning to stay in shape, but I don't care, every time I don't see you I feel like my world is being destroyed -broken - I ... I don't know what I would do if I lost you again

Ash: May ...

May: Ash, I can't stand being separated from you anymore, I want to be with you again and that's why ...

Ash: calm down. Explain that if you want to be with me, you have all this week to show me all your love, don't rush me or if you don't, you know, I'll take out my charizard and leave.

May: I know, and I will not miss this opportunity, I will show you all the love I have for you -by kissing him

Ash: we will see -corresponding the kiss- how the afternoon went away, I have no choice, I am going to the casino

May: Ash! I didn't know you had those vices

Ash: calm down, it's not that I spent all the money

May: I'm going with you, I don't know anything about that but I'd like to try it

Ash: we'll see if you can get in -under

May: you said something

Ash: let's go

May: - he intertwined his hand with Ash's and they left for the casino

Upon arriving at the casino, Ash showed a credential that allowed him to enter because like May he was only 17 years old, but instead, May could not enter since he was a minor and had nothing to accredit him to enter

Ash was already inside seeing how May managed, but seeing that all his attempts were in vain, she just stood there looking at him with great sadness and with some tears. That scene of May moved him and leaving behind the small desire to have fun in games of chance, he preferred to go with her to another place before wasting his money

Ash: come on May -walking

May: Ash -wiping away the few tears and following his step- why?

Ash: because I don't like to see you cry, I prefer to go somewhere else before seeing you cry

May: -he hugged him and almost made him fall because of the strong kiss he gave him- thanks

Ash: don't thank me, now that I have nothing to do , it will be better to go to sleep

May: there is a place where we can go

Ash: where?

May: can we go to karaoke

Ash: karaoke? I'm not good at singing and you know it

May: even if we don't sing, we can dance and have a good time

Ash: it sounds good, I decide, let's go to karaoke

They both went to karaoke and had a great time dancing together. Ash drank a little like May but they did not overdo it, and in a moment of Ash's carelessness the brunette took the opportunity to escape to the stage without her noticing, the black-haired man was looking for the brunette everywhere and he did not find her until one voice through the microphone caught his attention, it was May who was going to dedicate a song

May: and this is for the person who stole my heart, the boy who conquered me with his innocence and who will never abandon me, this is for you Ash! -giving a blown kiss

May with all her heart dedicated a song to Ash, she sang with all fervor without caring what others thought, the only thing she had on her mind is to give him that consent and her deepest gratitude for giving him a chance to enter his heart again .

Ash listened to every word that May dedicated to him, without a doubt that song touched his soul, each time he knew that he was falling more in love with May and somehow he did not want to accept her so quickly, the song was a good proof of his love but still it wasn't enough to accept her again.

At the end of the song, May went to Ash's arms and kissed him in front of everyone, Ash returned the kiss and thanked him for the dedication and as an extra gift he left May to plan what they would do tomorrow to what she he only responded with a smile and another kiss.

The two of them drank some more and the brunette was already starting to get dizzy so Ash paused and they both went back to their room to rest. The black-haired man carefully placed her on the bed so that she wouldn't hurt herself.

May: Ash, I love you -kissing him

Ash: I know, but now rest, you drank too much

May: I love you Ash, I will not let you go -attaching him with his legs

Ash: let go of me May, you must rest

May: if you want me to let go you will have to kiss me

Ash: -without hesitation he kissed her-

May: -he did not let go and continued kissing-

Ash: already May, that's enough -serious- rest

May: no Ash, kiss me again

Ash: I told you to rest! -He raised his voice

May: come on Ash just one more

Ash: you want me to leave isn't it

May: no Ash, don't go -shedding tears- forgive me

Ash: quiet I won't go now, but rest

May: Ash -Ruborized

Ash: yes?

May: can we sleep together?

Ash: mmm -thinking

May: please Ash, I won't do anything wrong

Ash: mmm -thinking

May: Ash, I beg you

Ash: for this time, but don't get used to

May: -kiss him

And they both slept together another night, May with an inescapable happiness and Ash with a calm face from seeing May as the girl he fell in love with.

The next morning Ash was waking up as usual for his training, he got up without problem he put on his sports clothes still sleepy and before opening the door he noticed a very small detail

Ash: and May?

Ash looked immediately at the beds and found May's bed without any wrinkles and his totally messed up, he had no idea where he could have gotten at that time, he tried to look for her all over the room even in the box but there was no sign of she

He did not know what happened to her and he quickly went out to look for her somewhere on the ship, he passed through the deck, the dining room and was not there, he went up the stairs passing through the gym, he did not know why but he took a quick little look inside and literally almost dies of impression

Ash: "May got up early and to train!" -He thought very upset

Ash approached with the brunette who at that moment was on her back on the treadmill and without saying anything she took another treadmill that was next to her

Ash: what are you doing here -walking

May: good morning Ash

Ash: good morning, now answer

May: I have to take care of my figure and since you come to train it seemed like a good idea to come here to the gym

Ash: but so early

May: I wanted to give you a surprise for when you arrived, but you caught me off guard so I couldn't

Ash: you could have warned me, I looked for you everywhere

May: how cute Ash, thanks for worrying

Ash: whatever

And so they both exercised throughout the morning, then returned to their room and then had breakfast.

May already had everything planned for that day, first she would start with breakfast in her private box, then they would go to relax in the massage room, then they would take a sauna, have lunch and in the afternoon they would spend karaoke dancing. Everything happened just as the chestnut planned, when they got tired of dancing, they walked around the deck looking at the splendid sunset that nature offered them, May did not hold back and kiss Ash which corresponded, they returned to their room and for a few hours they enjoyed of the jacuzzi and then rest.

The love that was hidden in Ash was awakening, every moment he spent with May made him react differently, he wanted to hold her in his arms, protect her, without a doubt every second that passed he fell in love again with his brunette

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