

Early the next morning, mom and dad Kimberly was preparing for a journey to Zambia Kimberly looked glanced outside, and Kendal was nowhere to be seen, they packed all the bags and went to Philadelphia international airport as they arrived at the airport, got stunned they found Kendal has already arrived at the airport and Kimberly ran to her best friend Kendal they hugged each other they parent of Kimberly Troy and Olivia started clapping they were, amazed tears came from the mother of Kimberly Olivia said: "I know this is our last moments with you my daughter, I know it's hard on you upon saying this Hiram asked the mother what are you talking about mom ?"Olivia replied nothing is wrong my son, it was time for them to get into the Aeroplane and they fled to Zambia.

It was in the day light when they had arrived spent twenty four hours to be in Zambia Lusaka the capital city of this country ,Mr Troy and all his family found police officers out side Mr Troy asked police officers "who sent you to guard me "it was the order from the minister of foreign affairs Mr Kakubo whenever we have a visitor we guard them remember you hold a ministerial position in the United States of America ,if anything happens to you we will be held responsible responsible the government of Zambia Troy and all his family we're dazzled and followed the police officers ,they were many in numbers ,they got in the car coloured black Audi Mercedes Benz , Kendal asked " so what's the name of the airport "the drive who was taking them to the hotel named five star hotel replied" Kenneth Kaunda airport who was built in rememberance of our first President ,he was born in 1924 , he was a teacher and that's why he is an icon " Kendal was amazed and said "wow !" until the reached the destination.

It was in the evening Mr. Troy called the president of Zambia Mr. Hakainde Hichilema on the phone" we have arrived at this wonderful hotel, Lusaka it's so awesome, my family can't wait to see the Victoria falls, they are delighted and well perceived Mr. Troy said " you must enjoy our beautiful land mother Zambia Lusaka is a well-decorated everyone is a family here in our Country the president replied when they had finished Mr. Troy hangout, Kimberly told her mom that she will be sleeping with Kendal with lots of glamorous and the mother didn't hesitate to refuse as they had slept together Kendal and Kimberly they decided to sleep on the same bed and started praying to God Kendal saying Goodnight Prayer

Heavenly Father, you are always with us. As we lie down in bed to sleep we are reminded that you sustain us. we are not conscious of the processes continuing in my body while we sleep, but you know every cell in my body. As we sleep, help me to leave behind the troubles of today and forgive those who have sinned against us. When we wake, let us be reminded that our sins have been forgiven and your mercies are new every morning. Watch over me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

It was the next morning , Kimberly woke up started praying to God and when she had finished Kendal still sleeping she was exhausted cause of they long journey they had, Kimberly went out side the place to see around ,it was her hobby every time she would go to the garden to feel the cool air breeze, now when she was in Lusaka she wanted to take look around the place ,she quickly sneaked out of the five star hotel accidentally bumped into a lady that was selling bananas and those bananas went down and she screamed loudly , Kimberly tried to come her down but all in vain she kept crying " oh my God I don't know what my children will eat today, a m so ashamed of myself " she said with a sad demoralized face upon finishing crying ,she wiped two dropes of tears and got angry with the Kimberly , you are going to buy my bananas today Cause my children won't stay angry cause of you she said and Kimberly replied " let me go inside the hotel and give you the money you want please " the lady was stubborn and hold Kimberly hands " you are going to give me my money right now " when the body guards heard screaming out side the hotel they went to take a look and shocked when they found it was Kimberly being involved in awkward scene ,they try to resolve the issue until Kimberly got the money and gave it to the lady and the matter was resolved , Kimberly started complaining" I didn't want to come here in Zambia in the first place dad forced me look what I ran into apparently and she went inside with anger ,when Olivia the mother saw her in a bad mood she tried speaking to her but in vain , and when she reached the room where she had slept found Kendal still in bed snoozing sleeping ,she stayed for couple of minutes thinking and thought of how God loves every one ,the anger was shimmering like a light during night , she got the Bible in the bag started reading Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? ... No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below — indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:35, 37-39.

Upon finishing reading the Bible this girl Kimberly was so happy and very fortified by what she read in the Bible, and she started singing her favorite song until the day cut the leg off.