
Never forgot

Enoch_5955 · Realistic
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Shopping.

Before going to the meeting:

I should wear some proper clothes.

David who rarely communicated with people and was always on his own circle people had a hard time figuring out what to do. As he was searching through his clothes he was only able to see clothes that was for work.

Wait, if I search through the internet I may find a good match of clothes.

He took out his phone and searched for clothes to wear. But upon doing that he made it more confusing for himself.

There are so many options and none of them seem to fit my style as well. What are even these clothes, do young people wear these types of things these days? Wait, I am not that old myself.

So, he continued searching through his clothes. Finding some clothes, he thought would be appropriate he wore them and went out hastily as to not get there late.

Before meeting Khatoon.

Is this alright? I came fast to the place, but did I wear the right clothes?

David was looking at a window and checking himself. He was wearing black jeans and a navy-blue T-shirt with a gray jacket on top was anxious of what he had worn. And the way of his dressing which has never been a concern to him, suddenly became a big matter.

This type of clothing was famous in my day, and I also liked it, but do people nowadays also like this type of clothing? Wait again, am I not that old I am at my adult days as well as all teens.

While he was occupied with himself.

Hello, you have arrived soon.

Said the lady while leaning a little forward. David turned around in surprise.

Ah, hello. That scared me.

don't be scared. I am not scary.

The lady said while having a grin.

that is more terrifying when you say it like that.

Okay, believe I am not that scary. At least with the make-up I am sure I am not.

Wait, are you scary without the makeup?

The lady shrugged her shoulders and said:

Who knows?

Don't do that, now I can't rest easy.

Just kidding I am not that scary even without make-up.

I know. I think you are the most beautiful with or without make-up…

David saying that suddenly realized his words seemed like he was hitting on her and stopped talking. The lady again showing that same grin said:

Look at you, already hitting on me.

No, I didn't mean it like that.

Oh, you really are experienced you make me blush.

Really? But I don't see any redness.

That is the magic of make-up.

I see, but honestly I didn't mean it like that.

I know, it's just cute seeing your reactions.

David sighs and shakes his head:

Again, with the cute thing? As I said, I think I am too old to be called cute.

Why you think you are that old?

I don't know I just felt like that.

Put that aside as you are in your 20's you are young.

But don't I feel like someone who is old?

No, you look completely young. But if you like it I will call you grandpa from now on.

David makes a dumb and blank expression.

Anything but that milady.

Then it's better you stop thinking and saying stuff like that.

Okay, I will do as milady says. So, where are we going?

We will go buying some summer clothes for myself.

Khatoon stops for a second and looks David from top to bottom then continues.

Your clothes look old. Don't you go buying for clothes?

Is it that noticeable? It is my clothed from my high-school days. I didn't have any other appropriate clothes beside these.

I see, then we will go buying summer clothes for myself and you as well. If it's alright with you.

I am fine with it.

Okay, then what type of style do you like?

David scratches his head and makes an awkward smile.

I don't know much about styles. So why don't you pick some for me?

David raises both of his thumbs up with a light smile. Khatoon sighs and says:

Okay, I will pick some up and see if you like any.

Yes, milady I will do as you say.

He makes a salute as a joke.

Good, soldier now on to the mission we go.

Both starts moving to the mall. Inside the mall David who had not been to one in a long time looks at everything with surprise.

I see, so this is how trends are now a days.

The lady laughing says:

Yes, this is what people wear now a days, grandpa.

Oi, stop teasing me.

Okay, but your reacting was so funny and cute I couldn't resist. So firstly, let's buy my clothes since they are on the first floor. Then, we will go to second floor to look for your clothes.

That sound like a good idea.

Look, there they have some nice shirts let's go.

Both look around stores and buy clothes for the lady. After a while they get everything Khatoon needs. After finishing the last purchase, the lady says:

Shall we take a break for a while?

Yes, let's go to that café.

Actually, there is café on the third floor that have brought a new adding to their menu so I would like to try that.

I see, so that's how it is.

What? What do you mean?

David copying the lady makes a grin then says:


Ah, that is cheating. You can't do that.

Why? I am just copying you.

Says David while making a satisfied expression.

Ah, now I can't say anything to that.

Good then, shall we go?

Okay let's go. But remember I will have my revenge.

Okay, but go easy on me.

I will see about that.

Then both of them go to the café and buy the parfait that the lady wants