
Never forgot

Enoch_5955 · Realistic
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Johan’s Problems Part 1

The night before. After finishing their dinner David went to his room while Johan stayed at the dinner table. After a while, he got a call from his father's worker:

Hello, mister Johan.

Hello, who is this?

I am one of your father's workers.

I see, how are you?

Thanks, I am all right. But there is some unfortunate news.

Johan heard the sound of an ambulance from the phone, hearing that he got anxious and loudly said:

What is wrong?

The thing is your father…

Before letting the man continue Johan shouted even louder:

What about my father? Is he all right?

Mr. Johan, why don't you come to xx hospital? Your father suddenly collapsed, and we immediately called the hospital, and the situation is still unclear.

Okay, I will be there right now. Call me immediately if something happens or if you get any news about my father's situation.

Okay, I will, but don't rush and drive carefully.

Bye for now. I will be in there soon.

After he hangs up the phone David comes out of his room because of the commotion and asks Johan about the situation. But Johan thinking about their earlier talks and David's problems decides to hide the situation for now. And goes to the hospital. When arriving in the hospital he gets to the Emergency room entrance. There is the man that called him calls Johan and Johan moves towards him.

Hello Mr. Johan, I was the one who called you earlier about your father's situation.

Thank you, so how is my father now?

Well, he has been under care for a while now and we haven't had any news about his situation.

I see, will you explain what happened exactly?

The thing is, there was nothing noticeable about your father today. As always he came to the company with his gentle smile and good behavior. Everything went well until while checking the stuff in the last hours he suddenly fainted and the rest I already explained.

Did he eat lunch?

The man thinks for some time and then replies:

Yes, he had lunch.

They talked like that while waiting for someone to get out of the emergency room. Half an hour passed and there was no news about anything. The more time passed Johan was becoming more anxious. While waiting Johan got a call. Seeing that the call was from David he clears his throat and answers:

Hello David, what's up?

Hey, nothing you just went in a hurry and didn't explain much so I wanted to ask if there is a problem or if there is anything I can do.

There are some problems, and I will tell you about them later. And just your thought is enough.

Are you sure that I shouldn't come to you?

No, there is no need. I will handle it. Again, thanks for your concern.

Don't be like that. You can always count on me if there is anything you need.

Okay, I will handle things for now if there is anything I need I will give you a call.

Okay, take care of yourself then.

I will, you also take care and think about your matters thoroughly.

Bye then.


After finishing talking Johan notices that the worker is still there and hasn't left so he moves towards him and says:

You can go home now. It is late I am sure you are busy as well.

It's alright sir I can stay.

I know you are also worried but go home your family is also waiting for you.

If you say so. I will take my leave then. I pray that Mr. Goldsmith recovers fast.

Your concern is much appreciated. Good night now.

You take care of yourself as well.

I will.

After that the man leaves and Johan continues waiting. Some time passes and a doctor comes out of the room. Johan rushes to the doctor to ask about the situation.

Doctor, how is my father's health?

Hello, are you his son? He has passed the critical situation. But he should still stay in the hospital to take some rest and recover.

May I ask what the problem was?

The issue was a little serious. His sudden fainting was because of stress and a problem with his stomach. He was not having enough sleep which caused his organs to not operate properly. Especially with his age this type of pressure has caused too much problem and caused a lot of pressure on his stomach. Besides that, he didn't eat properly which caused his stomach to be under more pressure. Which caused constipation and heartburn. But he was being careless about it and didn't check it in time. After that, it seemed that he ate heavily, and the pressure increased, and the pain caused him to faint. Also, after fainting he hit his head and arm hard which caused a broken bone in his left hand and some damage to his brain.

So, what will happen now?

For now, we have treated his hand and given him some light medicine so that he can relax. But the damage to his skull and brain will require more check-ups so that we can be sure that nothing unexpected happens. One more thing, I hope you keep him away from any type of stress and pressure.

Thanks, doctor. Can I visit him now?

For now, he is still sleeping but if you want to visit there is no problem. Soon he will be moved to another place.

Okay. Again, much appreciated.

The doctor leaves and Johan sees his father being taken to his bed. Johan then goes to arrange a room for his father and after finishing the paperwork he goes to his father. After arriving he sees that his father is still sleeping he sits in the chair beside his bed takes his hand and says:


That was the only word he said and stays beside him for the night. Later on, his father wakes up.