
never fall in love with me

Sara Mo a simple average girl and soon to be graduate from college,and an intern designer in Lin international group of Corporation. One of the famous designing industry around the world ..she a forever single lady who never had a relationship n never once touched by a guy in her 21years of life.. was one day hit by a stranger named Robert JI who also happens to take her life's first kiss ...n turns her life upside down !? Robert JI .. sitting on the majestic throne at the top of the world. He's..The most feared and extremely cruel boss of the underworld aka. Lucifer..the ruthless and cold hearted CEO and heir of worlds most powerful business empire"JI groups" and the chaiman of "Ji group of Intel Corporation"..He is the most powerful man in the business world..whose business is worth trillions and zillions...His fearsome heart of ice and eyes of fire can melt and freeze you at the same time and a mouth like bomb whose one word can change the fate of the entire busniess world and His soul crushing develish beauty and breathtakingly killer charms can throb and enchant the heart of million women's in an instant.His pristine body is like a magnificent and delicate crystal which looks pleasing to eyes but is sharp in skin and it's one touch can make your hand bleed .His noble and luxurious royal presence and domineering Aura can outburst everyone and no one dare to trifled or stand in front of him .His intelligence is beyond comparison with extremely high IQ and EQ but no one actually know about him having high EQ not even himself 'untill he falls in love' also because of him being an emotionless man all the time.... But what will happen if Sara mo suddenly become the wife of the most powerful man in the world and a cold hearted CEO ?...will she be able to melt the ice in his heart !? ...will she be able to tame the devil !!...or will she ever be loved and cared by this ruthless cold-hearted man?! ... let 's unfold the story of their life together and let's stay together till the end.... Cover is not my own..all thnx to Google and it's rightful owner.... hello guys this is my original novel by ciatra(no translation).. I'm still an amateur writer and new to this field but still hope that you guys can enjoy my writing.. thank you for reading please do comment regarding any complaints with grammar and writing and drop your ratings and reviews regarding my novel to help and motivate this writer for any queries and chat you can join my discord: https://discord.gg/NYJUcG https://discord.gg/9nQWqNH explicit language is used recommend readers should not be under the age of 18..

ciatra · Urban
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58 Chs

"Turned her life upside down:confiscate her freedom [ 1 ]"

uumm..uhhh..ow...ow..ow..my right neck is paining...

even my cheeks are a bit painful...!!!

what the hell just happened..

wait ...

WHERE AM I !!!...REALLY.. !!!!

oh snap.

*a sudden realisation hit her..

.quickly looking under the blanket .

.few..~~~*sighed with ease....

nothing happend to me.

.but why am I on the bed..

wait that's not important..!!!

but where am l??

..looking around profoundly..

this room looks like a very luxurious bed room but

why am I sleeping here?

..whose room exactly is this!!.

& who exactly brought me here ..?!


forget about it ..

lets just search for the main door n let's get out of here..!!!

but first where's my bag n mobile..!!!



right there on the bedside self .

.thank God no one robed me off..

*inner voice:

are you kidding... Rob you off n gonna let you sleep in this luxurious room..whom are you shitting girl...!!!

ya right..—_—!

well let's just leave first....!!


..doors open

oh it's not lock...

looking at the gigantic house ..

.n dumb struck by its marvelous beauty n interior designing..

.but it somehow seems cold..

.don't know how ..

perhaps some changes needed...

why cares girl let's just get the hell out of here ...

came down looking at the maids and Butler ...

.there maybe the workers of this luxurious hotel...

but their dress n tihis dosent look like hotel thou

...hey girl who cares ..

it's a hotel or not..

now lets just GOOO!!!...

about to open the enterance door..

but suddenly block by the head housekeeper

..*miss Bennet:

very tenderly

hello young lady...

this old women is called Mrs Bennet..

n you can't go out of this house.

.it's young masters order.....

why can't I just leave....


wait what..hou..!!!!!



*Ahem. imean it's a real house of some owner.

.what you just call him..

oh yeah

. young master right.....

yes young lady this house is among one of the many penthouses n villas our young master owned..


*inner thought:

.oh great a super rich freak...

wait that dosent mater but why can't I just go out n who is he to me to order me around like that..

n why do I have to listen to him..

I have my own freedom.

after all I'm an independent women ..

n now just let me go out it's already past 5:00pm and I have to go home Lara and Torie might be waiting for me!!!

sorry miss but I can't let you go out ..

I can't abide his orders..

I m sorry miss but you can't go out...

oh n by the way my name is Sara mo n not some young lady..

so just call me so...

yes miss mo.....

well OK fine let me sit there on the giant cozy couch ..

n let's see who is this your young master is..

.uff I'm so hungry..

n it's 6:00 already..

.I didn't even got the chance to grab my lunch..

.oh shoot.

.irember now i was on the way to Lin Corp .

n it was 1st day of my 1st job...

n some one hit me on my neck ...n next I'm here now!!...

really ..!!??


I just skipped 1day of my job ..

damn I can't believe this ..

OK let's forget about that for now .

.n let's see who is this young master is



oh damn my stomach..

I'm so hungry..

let's see where's the kitchen is ...

oh Mrs Bennet....

oh yes miss mo....


um Mrs Bennet do you know where's the kitchen is .

.perhaps I can grab something to eat from there .

.cuz I'm really hungry...

oh OK miss mo I'll lead the way...

.oh wow this kitchen is equal to our whole apartment..

.oh..what's that smell...

sniff sniff..hummm~~~~~

is that sweet n sour ..lemon honey chicken ...!!!

yes miss mo it is .

.oh great !!! than can I have some with rice..!!!

ummm.ok yeah for sure miss mo...

.after having lunch..cum evening snacks !!!

..burp~~ ..

oops..excuse me.

....um sorry....

.omg I'm so full now.

uhh I feel soo much better

..but where is this..your..

young master is ..

it's 6:30 already..


where the hell is he ..


who is he exactly... ...!!!!!