
New Mission

"Fucking hell. How is it that your arm hasn't just died?! Are you a superhuman?" A doctor was cleaning Vain's bloody shoulder, but also looking at it with morbid curiosity.

"HAHA! I wish! Then maybe I could ignore this pain!" Wincing at the pain Vain couldn't help but joke.

"HAHA! I have something that can work just as good right here." The doctor laughed as he pulled out a bottle of pills, "Best thing we have here at MEG, just don't tell them I gave them to you. One pill of these and you can lose an arm and not feel anything! Doesn't even matter how bloody the act of losing the arm was."

"Isn't stuff like this needed for others? Like emergency-type stuff?" Vain looked at the doctor with a curious expression.

"Well..." The doctor gave a slightly cruel smile, "We are out of general anesthesia for today, so I can guarantee what will happen during the operation will definitely require some of those pills."