
Building a Base

The group retraced their steps and moved faster than before with the entities they knew were following them. It was only two hours later did they find another Clicker with its' signature clicking sound.

Jason had taken Jack's place in the group and stood in front to peek around the corner. This time there was a group of twenty entities surrounding the clicker. The entities were small dolls that appeared to be about a foot tall. The doll had hair made of yarn and eyes sewn on buttons, and a mouth sewn on with yarn.

Soon after Jason peeked around the corner did the dolls turn in his direction.

The leading doll opened its' mouth to reveal sharp jagged teeth and giggled, "'hihihi' Hi I'm Dollface! 'hihihi'"

Jason quickly used his gun and started shooting. Harry heard more than one shot and quickly came to help with his pistol.

"Dollface huh... 'bang bang bang' I always found them cute, too bad this group is too big to begin taming them."

Nick also came to help walking up behind them, "I always found them so creepy. Like they have the teeth like a smiler and always attack when there are more than five automatically. Also that laugh..."

Harry in between shooting his gun laughed and continued the conversation with Nick, "I find it adorable. The only other cuter animal who is tamable is either a hound but only on level 11, or a Volpe which is nearly impossible to tame, and the only people who know how are those beast traders that rarely come up this high in the levels."

Nick had his sword out and slashed at the dolls coming too close, "This is why we don't really get along. You think a hound is kind of cute for some strange reason, and these dolls are scary!"

Harry still laughed and yelled back, "You are just jealous that I will be the one with twenty cuties all around me to play with all the time."

"You want twenty!? You really need a girlfriend or something. Ain't that right Jack?..."

The dolls had already stopped chasing for all had died so, without the bullets or the sound of fabric being cut, the question made a much deeper impact on the three brothers who had started to recover slightly.

"Let's go." No one asked anything anymore and they simply kept moving.

Six hours later the group had run into twelve Clickers with 11 different entities including Skin Stealers, Scratchers, Hounds, Bleeding Coal, Boiled, Paralies, Wranglers (juvenile), and Mermaids.

Five hours later finally someone started to talk more than just, 'go' and 'wait'. Unfortunately, the only reason to talk was that they had finally found the room that they needed to find where entities could not be found. After five hours they had only found six Clickers with different entities which included, Wretches, Crawlers, Clumps, Hounds, and the harmless Combines.

"We have finally arrived! Let's get to work. Move the desks and organize them in a way so we have enough space to sleep and relax when we aren't dealing with our runs. I'll set up the new wifi that they created."

Nick tried to lighten up the mood seeing everyone so gloomy, "Its' pretty amazing that they had been able to create this thing that adds wifi in levels that don't inherently have wifi. Isn't this also one of the reasons they wanted to try and make a base on this level?"

Harry also tired of the mood smiled and spoke up while working, "From what I hear no one wanted to have to guard a level without communication to the outside world since they didn't want to go crazy if they ended up alone."

Jason also joined in, "From what I know this thing is basically impossible to make since it needed something almost reaching the level of a supercomputer."

"I heard that they just needed a big enough and strong enough antenna to get it to work." Nick laughed.

Jason also calmed down after talking a little, "I know everyone who knows about it claims that is the case, but I know that the big part is just because they needed so many large supplies to fit in one place."

The three brothers slowly calmed down from their feelings and started to work and talk all at once.

Six hours later the brothers were all now fixing up the last of the supplies and helping Jason with building the connection which took another two hours even with all of the brothers helping build the thing.

"Haha! Finally! I was just about to pass out but now we finished!" Harry yawned and laughed loudly at the build that took up an entire quarter of the room. The other quarters were named the 'Supplies and Living' and 'Sleeping and Relaxation' with the last quarter just filled with the desks and chairs piled up in a way for them to take up the least space without blocking a hallway.

Jason also looked tired after walking all day, "You go to sleep and I'll contact our superiors to tell them of what we saw and what happened."

Harry yawned once again, "Don't have to tell me twice."

Nick also yawned and spoke up, "Do you need me to make sure nothing goes wrong with the capture, or will you do everything yourself?"

Jason smiled and spoke gently, "I got this. You can go and rest and take over my shift in a few hours."

Nick nodded and smiled, "Don't push yourself." Patting Jason's shoulder, Nick passed him and got into the sleeping bags they had brought.

What the brothers didn't notice was that the tied-up man had already started to move around a bit uncomfortably.

Jason yawned and started up the antenna and began his report to his superiors.

One hour later a message came back, "Although unfortunate that one has died before the official start of the base, we will bring the rest of the supplies that were missing in the first run. Expect your second team to see you again in 3-5 days at most.

As for your captive, please make sure he isn't crazy or showing abnormal signs interior or exterior. If anything seems wrong kill him immediately without hesitation. The second team will join you soon.

Lastly only have your antenna turned on for three hours daily until the second team comes. One hour from now will be the optimal time for your team to have it turned on, but for today keep it off."

Jason wasn't surprised for the most part until he saw the words 'second team'. Quickly asking back, "What second team? Why weren't we told anything about it before?"

Twenty minutes later an answer came, "We at M.E.G. like to have higher numbers for new levels that don't have any human inhabitants. The second team was always planned, but it seems your informant Finch didn't tell you. Expect the 'Red Lightning' group to join you."

Jason sighed and got ready to relax. Turning off the antenna for now he laid down and thought about what this 'Red Lightning' team will be like.

*Authors note*

*As you have all seen there are a lot of different entities that have been mentioned, especially in this chapter. I shall now give an explanation of the entities that haven't been explained, as well as which are my own creation that has been thrown into the level.

*First, let us start off with what I have created, or haven't found as an entity on the Backrooms Wiki.

-Abyss Eaters

-Bleeding Coal


-Tentacles (Really want a better name but I can't find one to change it to when the Davis brothers came onto screen)


*Next are the entities that I didn't create and at most modified a little so they would make more sense in my mind and story.


-Skin Stealers









-Boiled (This entity cries, has black skin and unusually long arms and emits a distinct odor similar to rotting flesh. The skin is covered in lesions, scars, and boils that give it its' name. Eyes completely white and sunken in.)

-Wranglers (Translucent snakes when young, but the skin becomes darker and grayer as it gets older. Apparently, they can be from 10 to 90 miles when they are an adult, but here they are 5 to 60 miles which doesn't change much. A lot on the biology of how they grow on the Wiki but I won't bore you with it now, only when they meet them again.)

-Sixarms (Energy entity that has several tentacles that are the arms. Appears to be made of fog and uses the fog to darken the environment and trap its' prey)

*Hopefully I got everything that has been mentioned so far. Hope you all enjoy the terrifying place called 'The Backrooms'!