
Never ending begins

Diablo died and had to help a god in collecting souls he lost by mistake than he had to help him fight against an organization with the help of fire power he have and the person who lives inside him but during his battle he was betrayed and almost died then judgement was passed upon him and his friends to be crushed under heaven he somehow survived and got half of his revenge but still he had to overcome many obstacles in his path

Wolmir_Singh · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 8

Diablo " i will defeat him with only my speed "

Agni" well moves like unconscious eye are only good in real fight , during practice combats it is foolish to use those as they will decrease your chances of growth "

Diablo " really ? "

Agni " this was not your reason ? "

Diablo " no , i just wanted to beat him with my speed as it is a contest of endurance and strength , and i don't have much strength so i use speed so basically its a battle of speed and endurance"

Diablo " time to go"

And he flew towards shouting " burst kick "

But in actually he punched Sora.

Sora " now that's cheating isn't it ? "

And he punched diablo but to counter it diablo punched on his wrist .

they both shouted "it hurts , damn they make it look so easy "

Both pointinting at each other and saying simultaneously " ohhhh , you trying to copy me ? , i will beat the shit out of you "

Aether was laughing so hard , he forgot to breathe and was on verge of death but hari saved him while making a disgusted face.

Aether " what , it was not my fault , look at them "

And once again they punched each other's wrist but this time sora overpowered him.

Agni " man , his strength keeps on increasing, the higher we will damage him , the higher his attack strength will be "

Diablo looking pissed " i know you are trying to help me but could you shut up for a moment "

Agni " ok i will keep my mouth shout ,in this age helping is not one should do "

Diablo looks at him and says " come on man , shut up for a moment "

Diablo" agni , i have an idea "

Agni whistles and looks here and there trying not to make eye contact since he already knew whatever Diablo's idea was, it wasn't good.

Diablo grabs his hand and says " come on man help me or else i will tell everyone that you were hitting on girls with my body while i was sleeping"

Agn embarassed i " bastard , i hope you remain single for life "

Diablo" thanks , now listen , you just have to stop me from disintegrating "

Agni" why will your body disintegrate?"

Diablo tells him his idea .

Agni" can you even do it ? "

Diablo" let's see "

And diablo was in real world and Sora was in front of him

sora punched his face and the ground around them started shaking and diablo went so far due to impact of punch that noone could see him now .

Aether " is he alive ?"

Hari " aether, track his location and send me there ,if he is already dead then even i can't do anything "

Aether uses a spell and he could see a map .

Aether " ok so he is ..."

Hari " where is he ? "

Aether " right here "

Hari " where ? "

They look above , below , left , right , everywhere but he was not seen .

aether " everyone quite , i am sensing unusual change in air "

Hari" were these footprints always there ?"

aether " shit ,he didn't disappeared because he got punched but he disappeared because he is moving so fast that our eyes can't keep up with his movement "

Sora " what the hell ? , is that even possible?"

Aether " no , but he has agni with him so according to me agni is keeping his body from disintegrating "

Sora " then why is he still moving ? "

Aether " because he can't control his movements at that speed , he is just moving here and there until something stops him "

Hari " if he even touch sora at that speed both of them will die "

Aether " can't he even think about consequences?"

Hari " sora , please shout that you lose "

Aether replies " no benefit,  at that speed if we say something he will listen it very slowly and wouldn't be able to understand "

Sora " you are god so stop him "

Aether " listen , i am going to tell you how much God's power are limited "

Sora " limited? "

Aether " a god can only change the properties of his world not the beings on it , like if you die right now and due to that a tree got destroyed so by reversing time i can only bring back tree not you "

Aether suddenly opened a portal in front of sora and closed it .

Sora " what ?"

Aether " diablo was sent in it , and now he is in void his speed will decrease there and after that i will go in void and bring him back "

And an hour passed .

aether " time to go "

and he opened a portal and jumped in it .

Aether searched for him but he could not find diablo .

Aether " shit ,looks like before his speed could reach zero he already a world "

Diablo opens his eyes and he was at a hospital .

he  removes the cables attached to him .

Diablo " where are we ?"

Agni was sleeping . Diablo kicks him but he didn't even open his eyes.

And a nurse was passing by .

Diablo walks and asks her where is he .

Nurse " you are in nekornia "

Diablo laughs and nurse looks at him.

Diablo" sorry , so who helped me and paid my bills ?"

Nurse " that lady at the counter , she bought you here in princess pose , man that's rare to see "

Diablo got embarrassed and walked towards the girl .

Diablo" thanks for saving me "

That girl looks at him and again started talking at counter .

Diablo thinking " man that's embarrassing and i don't know why but i am feeling annoyed "

Diablo again says " thanks for helping me "

She again just looks at him and again starts talking at counter .

Diablo got pissed and shouted


she shouts " idiot i listened it the first time , but can't you see i am talking about something important "

Diablo shouts " i can see but would it kill you to say you are welcome or mention not "

That girl " yes it will kill me , because its not okay and you are going to pay me back  "

Diablo shouts " what?"

" well thanks for your help but i have insane tolerance , wait its not insane , but that's not the point , hari would have healed me as i was never injured , man now i have to pay for it "

That girl " can you stop framing me as villain and we will discuss outside "

And they both were out ,diablo suddenly stopped and was just standing and amazed .

That girl " what  ?"

Diablo" so beautiful , this world is so beautiful "

That girl " thanks i am its god "

Diablo" what ? And you are crying over a little money "

That girl " shut up , first : i am not crying and second i live here as an equal just like others "

diablo was looking at her with hope " you are so sweet girl , why isn't aether like that "

That girl " you know aether ?"

Diablo " yes ,do you also know him? "

That girl " no , i was just asking "

Diablo " ok i will pay but right now i don't have any money so just wait till i meet aether "

that girl " ok , till then i will stick with you and the moment you give me money i will leave "

Diablo " ok , so could you tell me your name , my name is diablo "

That girl " my name is lani and i am the goddess of this world "

Diablo " pleasure to meet you lani , wait if you are a god can't you contact aether or open a portal to his world "

Lani " its not that easy , you  are a human , can you contact humans you don't know ? "

Diablo " no "

Lani " can you go to places you have never known and you even don't know there coordinates ?"

Diablo" no"

Lani " see, same's with us "

Diablo claps and says " woah , what an explanation , if it was aether he would have  created a mess "

Lani " so how did you got here ?"

Diablo explains everything .

Lani amazed " you are pretty strong then "

Diablo " no i am not even close to the supreme being or the gods at organisation "

Lani stops moving .

Lani " how do you know about supreme being or organisation or their strength ?"

Diablo explains everything from beginning.

Lani just kept looking at him in shock the whole time he talked.

Lani " why are you trusting me with this information , what if I tell your coordinates to organisation."

Diablo" look at Agni , since the first time we met he has been helping me , so I think I can trust others too. "

Agni blushed and says " mention not "

Diablo embarrassed"who thanked you ?"

"and stop eavesdropping on other's conversation, weren't you sleeping ?"

Agni " diablo , i am taking over for a minute,  don't worry i will not misuse your body "

Diablo " can you even control your erge to flirt with her  ?"

Agni" pleaseeeee"

Diablo " ok ,ok , but the moment i think you are going to do something i will take my body back "

Agni " ok thanks , you are the best "

And agni opens his eyes in diablo's body.

Lani " woah your eye colour changed "

Agni" well right now i am using my ability so my  eye colour changed "

Lani " come on even i can tell you are agni "

Agni " you caught me "

Lani " you didn't even try to cover up "

Agni" well ,if you know than what's the point"

Lani " so what do you wanna tell ?"

Agni " you got that right too, i wanna tell you one thing "

Diablo" what do you wanna say agni?"

Agni grabs lani's neck and says

" if you even think about telling organisation that we are alive . i will kill you and   destroy your whole world "

Lani was trying to get his hand off her neck .

Suddenly diablo took over and let her go .

Diablo" please don't get scared he don't know how to sugar coat things "

"But ,He is telling truth , i will make sure of it too"

Lani terrified" got it , got it , and i was  not even thinking of telling organisation "

A few minutes passed .

Diablo " so my lady will you bother to give this poor man a tour of your world"

Lani " yes i always help poor wonderers "

And suddenly lani started flying and diablo started following her .

And the world looked very pretty.

The whole sky was pink and red , and  there were three moons and they were connected with each other by a bridge and huge buildings were present here and there

along with greenery ,there were two buildings which were bent in such a way that they looked like a gate through which a river of nector was flowing .

In the sky, people were able to walk and there was an amusement park.

just like that they spent 3 days and nights wondering here and there and admiring the beauty of world.

On the fourth day

Diablo" they are  not here even on the 4th day "

Lani " don't worry they need you , they are searching ,i know "

Suddenly aether sneezes while playing videogame in his own world .

Lani " and even if they do not come don't worry i will make you work to your death and take my money back "

Lani" so what do we do today ? "

Diablo" what were you doing until i came here "

Lani " well , i was bored to death and i just moved here and there changing stuff " .

And while walking they see a poster of an exhibition of rare items in another world .

Diablo" what's this?"

Lani" well god and their subordinates go there and purchase rare stuff to upgrade their strength and defense and other stuff "

Diablo in excitement" lets go , if aether see this than he will definitely go and we can meet him there ."