
Never Alone - Dramione

Draco and Hermione somehow fall in love. How will this affect their lives?

HaileyAnn212 · Others
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4 Chs

1~ The Beginning

Hermione POV:

I'm walking through Hogsmead alone, wondering what to do. I have already had a Butterbeer, and Harry and Ron have in detention, again.

"Oi! Mudblood!" A voice called from behind me. Without turning, I knew who it was. Malfoy. He had been picking on me a lot lately, calling me a mudblood at least twice a day. Ron and Harry have stopped yelling at him every time he did it, and instead, they just ignored him. "Hey, I'm talking to you! You should be nicer to your superiors!" He started to laugh. I just walked faster, trying to get into a building to get away from him. I could hear the laughing getting louder, even though I was basically running. Soon the laughing was very close. I looked to my left and saw Malfoy standing about a foot away from me, still smiling.

I started to walk again, but Malfoy walked with her. She looked to her right and saw a group of Slytherins giggling. "What's this?" Draco said, pulling a euro out of my pocket.

"It's not yours, that's what," I said, snatching it back.

"Ooooh talking back to a pureblood isn't very nice to do," he said, making the other Slytherins laugh. He took the euro back and started to run. I chased after him, though it was just a Euro, I didn't want him to have anything that belonged to me. He stopped, holding the Euro high in the air, so I couldn't reach it. He was tall, about six feet, and I am only 5' 5''. The Euro was eight feet in the air, and Draco was just standing there, watching me try to grab it.

"Just stop, Granger." he said laughing. "You're never gonna get it." he put it into his pocket, walking back to the group of Slytherins.

Thank you SO MUCH for reading this!

I don't own any of these characters. If you have any suggestions for the story, you are welcome to comment and I might use it!

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