
Neutrophils low and high value daisies and treatment care

What are neutrophils and what do they do?

Clinically reviewed by Angelica Ballingot, MD — Written by Jennifer Hausen — Updated January 30, 2022




How to level up and down



A neutrophil is a type of white blood cell that helps repair damaged tissue and fight infection. Neutrophil levels can increase or decrease in response to infections, injuries, drug treatments, certain genetic conditions, and stress.

Neutrophils are the most common type of white blood cell in the body, making them the first line of defense for healing wounds and fighting infection.

Evaluation of the neutrophil

Neutrophils help prevent infection by inhibiting, inactivating, digesting, or evading invading particles and microorganisms. They are constantly looking for signs of infection, and respond quickly to trap and kill pathogens.

They also interact with other cells to help them repair damaged cells and boost the immune response. Neutrophils play an important role in regulating the immune system and inflammation in your body.

The body produces neutrophils in the bone marrow, and they are the trusted source of 50-70% of all white blood cells in the bloodstream. The normal level of white blood cells in the bloodstream for an adult is somewhere between 4,500-11,000 per cubic millimeter (mm3).

When there is an infection or other source of inflammation in the body, special chemicals alert mature neutrophils, which then leave the bone marrow and travel through the bloodstream to the site of need.

Band cells are an immature form of neutrophils when your body is fighting an infection or inflammation. An excess of band cells in the blood is called bandemia. When this happens, it is usually an indication that an infection or inflammation is present.

Unlike some other cells or blood components, neutrophils can travel through the junctions in cells that line the walls of blood vessels and enter tissues directly.

In this article, we look at the causes of high or low neutrophil levels, how doctors can check these levels, and what normal neutrophil levels are for different groups.

The amount of neutrophils in the blood usually increases if a person is sick or injured to help the body heal itself.

Neutrophil levels can be low if a person has a long-term infection, cancer, an autoimmune condition, or is taking certain medications.

High or low level causes

There are many reasons why a person may have high or low levels of neutrophils in the blood.

higher levels

An abnormally high number of neutrophils in the blood is called neutrophilic leukocytosis, also known as neutrophilia.

An increase in neutrophil levels usually occurs naturally due to infection or injury. However, neutrophil blood levels may also increase in response to:

Include medications, such as corticosteroids, beta-2-agonists, and epinephrine

Some cancers

Physical or emotional stress

Surgery or accidents



Being obese

Genetic conditions, such as Down syndrome

Surgical removal of the spleen

Certain inflammatory conditions can increase neutrophil levels, including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, hepatitis, and vasculitis.

The lower level

An abnormally low level of neutrophils in the blood is called neutropenia.

Low levels of neutrophils in the blood usually occur when the body uses immune cells faster than it can produce them or when the bone marrow is not producing them properly.

An enlarged spleen can also cause a decrease in neutrophil levels. This is because the spleen traps and destroys neutrophils and other blood cells.

Some conditions and procedures that cause the body to use up neutrophils too quickly include:

Acute or chronic bacterial infection

Allergic disorders

Some drug treatments

Autoimmune disorders

Some specific conditions, procedures, and medications that interfere with neutrophil production include:


Viral infections, such as influenza

Bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis

myelofibrosis, a disorder that involves scarring of the bone marrow;

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Radiation therapy involving the bone marrow.

Phenytoin and sulfa drugs

Chemotherapy drugs

Toxins, such as benzenes and pesticides

Aplastic anemia, which occurs when the bone marrow stops producing enough blood cells.

Severe congenital neutropenia, a group of disorders where neutrophils fail to mature

Cyclic neutropenia, which causes cell levels to rise and fall.

Chronic benign neutropenia, which causes low cell counts for no apparent reason.


Doctors can identify changes in neutrophil levels using a blood test called a complete blood count (CBC) with differential, which identifies specific groups of white blood cells.

A doctor may order a CBC test when someone is experiencing a range of symptoms related to an infection, chronic illness, or injury, such as fever, pain, and fatigue. A nurse or technician will draw a small amount of blood from the arm and send it for testing.

If the white blood cell count on the initial test is higher or lower than expected, the doctor will likely repeat the test to confirm the results. If the initial results are confirmed, a doctor will perform a physical exam, ask questions about the person's lifestyle, and review their medical history.

If there is no obvious reason for the change in white blood cell levels, the doctor will order more specific tests.

If there isn't a cause, the doctor will order more specific tests.

These may include:

CT scan

Blood cultures

Urine sample analysis

Chest x-ray

After the blood test, specialists will examine the sample to see if there are any specific white blood cells, such as the trusted source of immature neutrophils called myeloblasts. During infection or chronic disease, these cells leave the bone marrow and mature in the blood instead of the bone marrow.

If the blood shows significant levels of myeloblasts or other white blood cells, the doctor will request a bone marrow sample.

Collecting bone marrow involves inserting a long needle into the groin near the back of your hip. The procedure can be painful, and a doctor will usually take the sample in a hospital setting using at least a local anesthetic.


Changes in neutrophil levels are often indicative of more significant changes in white blood cell levels.

The amount and proportion of white blood cells in the bloodstream changes over time with age and other events, such as pregnancy. Although everyone's specific range is slightly different, some commonly used ranges include:

Newborn 13,000–38,000 per mm3 Infant 2 weeks of age 5,000–20,000 per mm3 Adult 4,500–11,000 per mm3 Pregnant woman (third trimester) 5,800–13,200 per mm3

In adults who are not pregnant, the white blood cell count is greater than 11,000 per milliliter. Neutrophilic leukocytosis occurs when a person has 7,000 mature neutrophils per mm3 of blood.

The lower blood level limit for neutrophils in human blood is 1500 per mm3. When a person has a low level of neutrophils, it is called neutropenia. The lower the level of circulating neutrophils in the blood, the more severe the neutropenia. The levels of neutropenia are:

Mild neutropenia 1,000–1,500/mm3 Moderate neutropenia 500–999/mm3 Severe neutropenia Less than 499/mm3

Minor changes in neutrophil or white blood cell levels are usually nothing to worry about as long as they are temporary. An increased white blood cell count often means the body is responding to infection, injury, or stress.

Some people naturally have lower levels of white blood cells and neutrophils than others. This can be caused by a number of factors, including congenital conditions.

If the level of neutrophils or white blood cells changes significantly or remains high or low for no apparent reason, the doctor will order tests to determine the cause.

Severely high or low levels of white blood cells often require emergency care and monitoring. People with severe neutropenia will have a trusted source.

Inadequate defense against infection.

People with severe neutrophilia usually have a life-threatening infection or other inflammatory disease that requires treatment, such as cancer.

Treatment of high and low levels of neutrophils

The best way to correct abnormal neutrophil levels is to address and treat the underlying cause.

How to lower neutrophil levels

Neutrophilia usually occurs when the body is fighting infection or inflammation from an illness or injury. Lowering your neutrophil levels involves treating the underlying cause of the neutrophilia.

Treatment for lowering your neutrophil levels will depend on the cause of the neutrophilia and may include using a trusted source of:

Antibiotic therapy

Anti-inflammatory therapy

Hydration therapy (IV)


Individuals with altered neutrophil levels due to medications or procedures may need to stop or adjust treatment.

How to increase neutrophil levels.

Raising your neutrophil levels involves treating the underlying cause of neutropenia.

If you have chronic conditions that disrupt your neutrophil production, you may need to take medications that allow the body to increase neutrophil production, such as Trusted Source:

Colony stimulating factors


Bone marrow or stem cell transplantation

Antibiotics to help prevent infection

Individuals with severely low levels of neutrophils often require monitoring, antibiotic therapy, and hospitalization to reduce the risk of serious infection.

Neutropenia can sometimes be caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, and vitamin B9, known as folate.

Eating foods rich in vitamins B9 or B12 or taking them as supplements can help improve low levels of neutrophils in the blood.

Examples of foods rich in vitamin B12 include:


Milk and other milk products




Many fortified breakfast cereals and bread products

Fortified nutritional yeast products

Examples of foods rich in vitamin B9 include:

Dark leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli

Beef liver

Fruits, especially citrus fruits

Beans and nuts

To help reduce the risk of high or low neutrophil levels, people can try the following tips:

Try not to overexercise or exercise beyond your comfort level.

Reduce stress levels and treat chronic or acute stress.

Get medical attention for signs of infection, such as fever, weakness, fatigue, or pain, and treat the infection exactly as prescribed.

Eat a nutritious, balanced diet.

Eat enough protein.

Treat chronic conditions, such as genetic or inflammatory conditions, exactly as prescribed.

However, people with minor or mild changes in neutrophil levels in the blood often have no symptoms and do not need treatment.


When neutrophil levels are higher or lower than normal for more than a short period of time, a doctor will order several tests to determine the underlying cause.

The outlook for neutropenia disorders depends on the cause of the neutropenia and the organs involved. Serious infections occur in a significant number of people with neutropenia, and many may require repeated hospitalizations to help prevent infections and treat life-threatening conditions.

Chemotherapy- or drug-induced neutropenia can lead to remission when treatment ends.

Neutropenia, when untreated, is associated with a high risk of death.


Having adequate numbers of neutrophils in the blood and bone marrow is essential for your immune system to function properly and to help you recover from infection or injury.

Neutrophilia, when neutrophil levels are higher than normal, is often associated with:




Physical or emotional stress

Use of medicines

Inflammatory conditions

Neutropenia, where the level of neutrophils is lower than normal,

Often related to:

Acute or chronic infection


Drug therapy

Vitamin deficiency

Genetic conditions

It's a good idea to get regular health checkups at the doctor's office. Anyone concerned about their neutrophil levels or any medical condition should talk to their healthcare professional.

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