
Neurolink System in the Modern World

What if you woke up one day with the power of a god? What would you do if you could control the mind of your most hated person ? Or better yet, the girls of your dreams? For Zyden, a bullied teenager who has endured years of discrimination and cruelty, this becomes a reality when a series of event grants him abilities beyond his wildest dreams. As he learns to use and improve his new powers, he must face shadowy organizations, powerful beings, and his own inner demons. Will his powers consume him? (Totally) (100%) Discover a life where one person's choices could change everything.

InnocentFox · Urban
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550 Chs

The Real Deal

"What is this thing?" I muttered to myself, my curiosity urging me to press it. Humans had a natural tendency to push buttons, so I was actively working on controlling myself and resisting the temptation. 

"Forget self-control," I chuckled and jabbed the button with enthusiasm. I couldn't help but feel like a kid who had just discovered a big, red rocket button, eager to see what would unfold. 

The moment I pressed the button, my vision underwent a dramatic transformation, and I found myself in a surreal virtual space. The entire world was reduced to just two colors: black and white lines.

"What the hell is this place?" I exclaimed, utterly shocked by the sudden turn of events.

I started to panic. Having a system didn't change the fact that seeing my hands reduced to black and white lines was unsettling. I felt like an incomplete skeletal frame for a gaming humanoid asset. 

Then, I heard the familiar sound of the system.