
Neurolink System in the Modern World

What if you woke up one day with the power of a god? What would you do if you could control the mind of your most hated person ? Or better yet, the girls of your dreams? For Zyden, a bullied teenager who has endured years of discrimination and cruelty, this becomes a reality when a series of event grants him abilities beyond his wildest dreams. As he learns to use and improve his new powers, he must face shadowy organizations, powerful beings, and his own inner demons. Will his powers consume him? (Totally) (100%) Discover a life where one person's choices could change everything.

InnocentFox · Urban
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552 Chs

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As Miyoshi intensified the mist, enveloping the room in a dense fog again, I focused my thoughts, preparing to counter his tactics with my abilities.

First, I tapped into my mastery of elemental manipulation. Drawing on the energy within, I conjured a swirling vortex of wind, dispersing the mist around me and clearing my line of sight. 

But it didn't work, the miss just showed up again. Unlike Zhang who only used force, I could see that Miyoshi was really smart and had a good head.

I noted down all his abilities: making things heavier, generating mist, messing with my sense of direction, and hiding his presence. 

"Hey, why don't you reveal yourself? Let's talk things through. I'm confident you'll appreciate my proposal," I attempted to negotiate again.

"I'm not an idiot," his voice echoed from all directions.

With my barrier set, he couldn't escape this place without alerting me, so I was not worried.