
Networking in a cultivation world

"There's always somebody better than you." A heaven-defying genius, a maniac who eats calamities for breakfast, the reincarnation of the devil himself, a literal jack of all trade, master of them all. The universe is big enough. So, what do you do when there's people like that in the world? Pray that god doesn't pick a fight with them? Hope that you and your love ones doesn't get annihilated in the crossfire? There's only one way to beat them. Networking. Let's see what are y'all gonna do when the entire world works for yours truly.

Edock · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


After experiencing 7 years of their new life, many souls has came back to questioned their choice in choosing the reincarnation portals. Many were contented, many were less so, but if one were to ask them what would have been the 'best' choice. All of them would silently agree that it would be the '???' Portal.

The reason for it is 'Family Love'.

Although there were many wealthier lives to be born into. Even Zhang He, the one born as a prince of a kingdom, the one that by far, was to be considered the 'wealthiest' choice of them all didn't get to see his biological father for more than two times a year on special formal events. His family life was especially bloody, as all of his siblings were scheming to kill each other for the throne.

The saddest part of them all is the number of the Orphan Faction members, with the population of 30 souls and counting, it was quickly becoming one of the most numerous factions in the Soul space. And that wasn't counting 4 of the 6 souls who had their whole family exterminated before death.

Peng Tian himself thought that he was really lucky to have been born into such a loving family with enough power to defend themselves, but now it was clear that that wasn't the case. His grandmother was exiled, his family ridiculed, and they were in the middle of a faction war with no sides willing to accept them.


Peng Tian forcefully returns back to reality. He wasn't able to fully open his eyes, but he was able to feel numerous treasures and arrays protecting him. The Spiritual qi powering them was the familiar one he has felt since birth.

"What about it? This bastard is the grandson of that damn bitch anyway, he shouldn't even have the right to step into our clan's grounds, much less be considered as one of our own!" A man was shouting from a distance.

The man is the one who tries to attack him. Upon realizing that his mind attack had failed and even bounced back, enraged, he didn't care about the consequences and broke into the room; only to be slapped back in the face by an incoming Peng Fan.

"That's enough. You're still the one who broke the rules." A powerful voice was heard from the side.

As his eyes started to adjust, Peng Tian realized that the residence he was in was reduced to rubble with traces of a beatdown. The surrounding courtyard was filled with crowds.

"Is that the bastard?"

"The one with a peak rank 2 body? What a waste."

"How did he survive anyway? Did Peng Fan actually put such a valuable protective treasure on him?"

The reason he was able to survive is precisely because of the said mind protection Treasure Peng Biyu put on him, but it only bought time for them to act. It's just that none of the 400 souls would've been able to react in time otherwise.

"Haha, why would it even matter? The brat's got to have been turned into an idiot at the very least, who knows? Maybe his mind is entirely destroyed already." Another one in the crowd said, laughing.

Suddenly, Peng Tian felt himself being lifted into a person's embrace. The lonesome figure stood with his back facing the twilight. His face pitched black as he slowly said "Elder Gui, this one here would like to use my contributions to the clan to bring my descendant into the Soul nourishing Hall."

The elder nodded "Permission granted." And pass him a token.

"What?! How could we let this bastard-" The man didn't get to finish before a voice sent him flying.

"Who dares block this Fan's path shall DIE!"

Peng Fan then glanced back at the heavily injured man who broke the rules to hurt his grandson in the first place "And I'm not done with you yet." His eyes were bloodshot.


His speed shot past several sound barriers, some of the crowd that hesitated to give him a path was sent flying and screaming everywhere.


The guards standing in front of the Soul nourishing Hall noticed something was coming.


But none of them was able to react before one of the guards' heads got smashed into the wall by a flying token and something zoomed past them.


In the Soul space...

"A Soul nourishing Hall?"

"How much should we drain this time?" Another one giggled.

They have met this kind of situation before. Usually, a Soul strengthening treasure or environment of this scale will be too much for a single mortal soul to bear, but when hundreds of them are thrown into the equation, however, the absorption capabilities were quite horrifying. It was just that most of the time they have to limit how much they drain to avoid suspicions.

"All of it. As much as we can." Peng Tian's eyes were bloodshot.

"Really?" Some were worried, but the majority of them were overjoyed.

The only one that will be in trouble is Peng Tian himself, with the rest of them untraceable. This was basically a perfect crime for them.

"Besides, we'll have to make it look like I'm revivaling or something of sorts anyway." He said as he started to divide his soul into different pieces.

"Alright, same deal then, each of you hold a piece of me."

The whole Soul space glowed with white light as every soul prepared for going all out.


Peng Fan stood above an altar as he placed his grandson on it to activate the mechanism. His face was full of confusion and worry. The situation in the clan was spiraling out of control.

"Dammit, why did they suddenly..." He sighed.

'And even though the main reason for this trip is for you to use this hall in the first place, why did it have to be this way?' He regretted.

But it didn't matter to him anymore. The 85 year old just wants his grandson back.


"Master, why did you allow him to go into the Soul nourishing Hall?"

Back in one of the walkways, Elder Gui was being followed by a group of his disciples.

"Every clan member has the right to use the hall as long as they have the contribution points to spend on it, you should know this." The Elder rebuked.

"But I've heard that he has never contributed anything to the clan as a member of the side family, only living off of our clan's generosity. Although he's one of the strongest Outer Elders, how many contribution points could he possibly have?" The questioning disciple had a hint of disdain in his voice.

Elder Gui looked for any traces of disbelief in his disciples' faces, only to be dissapointed. 'There have even been these kinds of rumors floating around.' He lamented.

"As my disciples, you shouldn't be believing these kinds of rumors so easily. While it's true that he's a member of the side family, ever since the exiling of Peng Ai 50 years ago, Peng Fan has never used a single of the contribution points he has, in fact, he has never used the clan's name for his own benefit."

"But, but, even so." The disciple stuttered.

Elder Gui stopped walking and turned to the side. "You see that?" The disciples all turn their heads to follow him. On the right side of the walkway was a house full of children running around with adults supervising.

"A nursing home?" Many disciples were confused.

"How many of you are from the third to fifth tiers districts?" He continued. Some disciples raised their hands. "Did you know, 50 years ago, the lower tier districts didn't have their nursing homes like they have today. Most of the clan's children didn't have the means to get basic education. And the side family's younger generations weren't able to apply for cultivation scholarships from the main family."

"All of this was accomplished by a single person. If it was in any other clans, he would have been revered as a hero for generations to come, but why has there never been news of such deeds in the clan? This is your homework for the week, you are dismissed." Putting his hand behind his back, the Inner elder can only lament at his powerlessness.

'Peng Fan, I could only do this much for your injustice. Originally, with your talent and diligent personality, you had some small hopes of reaching the nascent realm. I can only hope the future generations you put so much faith in will remember your deeds.'

'Hm?' His head turned as he noticed that the aura from the Soul nourishing hall was reacting to something.


Back in the constellation observatory...

The man in the dragon robe got chills down his spine as he looked over to the night sky.

"The constellation is changing again?" His eyes bulged out.


In a wooden palace...

A shaman wearing rainbow coloured feathers was performing a ritual.

"Hmmm. Unknown. Abnormality Detected. Analysis Time Required."


Far away in a witch hut...

An old lady wearing a straw hat was looking down a pot of unknown mixture.

"Hehehehehehe. A strengthening of fate?"


Seers all over the world were watching the birth of a new variable as it made the first move on its path to heaven.

Lesson learned today#6: I have a heaven defying talent in making retarded sex jokes.

Thank you สำหรับ reading :^)

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