
NeToRi System

Reincarnated into a new world James lives a miserable life until he finally awakens the NTR system that turns his life upside down. ———————————————————————— Just a heads up the NTR refers to the system requiring James to NTR other people not get NTR’d. p a t r e o n/prognastat s u b s c r i b e s t a r/prognastat https://discord.gg/JKKPatT2ue

Prognastat · Urban
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76 Chs


It was finally the weekend. Usually that meant late night gaming and sleeping in late, but with his new goals he actually woke up at the same time he would have for school and went into his workout routine without hesitation.

His gains still weren't decreasing now managing to squeeze 3 sets of his routine into just 15 minutes. Looking in the mirror he was also slowly starting to see some results. He hadn't built up much bulk yet, but between losing some of the extra weight and putting on a little muscle it was somewhat noticeable once he took his shirt off. A couple more weeks at the current rate of improvement and he might actually look in shape.

Breakfast was just him and Jackie again. Since it was the day before his big match his father would be spending the entire day preparing making sure he was in perfect shape for the match. Given how lethargic he had been this week he was all the more motivated to make the most of his preparations. No amount of it was going to make up for what he lost though.

After a flirtatious breakfast Dave made up his mind for what he would be doing on his day off. He was going to visit a nearby gym to take a look at the facilities and inquire as to what they offered and the associated costs. His home routine wasn't going to last him much longer with the progress he was already making and he needed to know what he was in for.

Jackie actually seemed to be sad when he told her he had to go, but they had already spent a lot of time together over the past few days and he couldn't drown himself in debauchery to the point of delaying his greater goals no matter how enjoyable the debauchery might have been. He had to keep his eye on the prize.

The gym he chose was close enough to jog to. Looking through the large windows he could see all the equipment and some of the members working out. There was a good blend of men and women working out. The equipment seemed to be quite diverse and would cover most needs. At least his for now, he wasn't planning on any specialty exercises at the moment after all.

He went to the front desk to enquire about their fees when he noticed a sign on the counter advertising a personal trainer course. It would cost some money, but they guaranteed anyone that paid for and completed the course an apprenticeship with one of their in-house personal trainers and the possibility of also becoming an in-house personal trainer if the apprenticeship went well.

It actually intrigued him. He needed to work out, but he also needed to make money and find targets. Thinking about it a job as a personal trainer would actually cover a lot of his goals and had enough flexibility where it wouldn't interfere with school. He would be exercising regularly and getting paid for it. Meanwhile meeting clients could introduce him to promising targets, most of all the hot married women looking to get back in shape.

Just taking this particular job would help him towards three of his goals. He needed to get the money for the course though which was a couple hundred dollars that he did not have. He also still didn't look like someone that could be a good personal trainer yet so he would need to continue working on his physique a bit more before applying. Though no longer scrawny he definitely didn't look fit or inspire confidence in his ability to make others fit yet.

Perception mattered after all. Who would hire a fitness trainer that didn't look fit? Almost no one, that's who.

One of the receptionists showed up and it didn't take him much time to get some more information regarding their fees and the personal trainer course and what being an in-house personal trainer was like at their gym. Turns out a free month of gym membership was included with the course and if he managed to become one of their in-house personal trainers then the gym fee was waived too.

He would have to hold off on both a membership and the course until he got some money though.

He actually did have an idea for the money. Back home he slipped into the guest bedroom and went into its bathroom. after popping the lid off the toilet tank he could see his father's "secret stash". A ziplock bag stuffed with a couple tens of thousand of dollars in $100 bills. It was rather hefty.

His father rarely checked his secret stash and hopefully by the time he did it would already be too late for him to do anything about it. Dave decided to take what he needed from it and take the risk. If he managed to get the job he would become less dependent on his father too so it was more than worth it.

He actually ended up taking quite a bit more than he needed. If he was going to take the risk he might as well really take advantage of it ending up netting himself a couple thousand dollars. It wasn't even really that noticeable that any was missing from the massive ziplock bag stuffed with bills.

This would give him not only the money for the course, but also get him some money for the food, supplements and other necessities like new clothes which he would soon need if he continued to bulk up and a new haircut to improve his looks further. He hadn't cared much about his appearance since he gave up hope so he was in need of all of those.

His father actually did attend dinner, but scarfed it down and rushed back out to continue his preparations. They had another fun evening together, but had to hurry since there was no telling when his father would return since he was entirely sober.


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