
Netori System [Original]

https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones [WARNING EXTREME R-18 SEX] In a modern world full of powerful beings a System is given to every human when they are born. Each System is different based on the System's special abilities and title. The origin of these Systems is unknown and remains a mystery. One high school boy named Jon is betrayed by his closest friend and is outcasted from this world. His life soon changes when he gains a new power that takes everything from everyone! He will get his revenge! In this world, only the strong stand above in their own hierarchy and corruption. Even mythical and legendary beings exist in this world hidden in secrecy. Jon will conquer every beauty in this world no matter what! >[Netori System activated!]Warning

GhostyGodZ · Urban
Not enough ratings
151 Chs

Awaken Pt.4

"Talk about what exactly?" Jon replied to Sera as he starts drinking from a nearby water fountain. He needed some refreshment from what was about to happen next and from what happened before with all the sexual lewd things he did to his beautiful sisters and Rias. Sera was a more powerful girl to go up against. Even when compared to Rias who was a prodigy and top of her class as well as a high-tier Royal. But when it came to raw power of one's System Sera easily took the higher status and ranking. 

When Jon first entered Prestige Academy without a system he was an easy target. For months he was put down and beaten up. No one would stand up for him, accept Asura, of course, his own younger sister. But she wasn't strong enough to protect Jon from the higher tier students. 

One day the leader of the boxing team cornered Jon in the alleyway center of the academy and with his squad they all attacked Jon. Suddenly someone froze all of them in time and also they were being choked by some kind of powerful force. It was Sera she had actually saved Jon from the boxing team. She most have used the Time Freeze power of her system. A Time Freeze skill that was probably more powerful than Jon's! For you see... Sera had bee cultivating her system since she was born! The more and longer you use your System the more powerful your system becomes! Kind of like cultivation, but instead you are cultivating your system and its skills!


"What's up?" Sera said in a cool way as picks up Jon. He spits out blood from his mouth. His face looks all beaten up.

"You should really stand up for yourself," Sera sighed as flips back her long light pink hair, her aqua eyes glimmered at Jon. She looked like a superhero. Her face was the most radiant and empowering thing Jon had seen. She had a fearless strong warrior face. She was fearless and mighty pink-haired Vaylkire. She wouldn't back down from anything or anyone. 

"I tried but without a system and those assholes ganging up on me my chances were slim to win," Jon replied as wipes blood from his lips. He looks pissed off by having no powers. He was outnumbered and outmatched.

Sera sighed and blows up her long pink hair off from her fierce aqua eyes, "Then just get stronger. I won't always be around to save you," She lightly punched Jon's shoulder. She was always so cold and brash to Jon and everyone. She told everyone 'how it was', she always disliked anyone picked on weaker people, however, she wanted others like Jon to stand up from themselves. She was so empowered and strong. There was a reason every guy feared her and every girl admired her and respected her. They looked up to Sera. And in a way so did Jon or more or less he started to stand up and fight for himself after listening to her empowering words. 

From then on after Sera standing up for Jon they talked every day and got to know more about each other. They became the best of friends at Prestige Academy. And it was Jon's first real ' girlfriend'(Friends) in any academy.

Flashback over...

"Were you the one who beat up those Royals?" Sera asked with a serious face. Right now she was wearing jean shorts and a long pink sleeve sweater. She also had purple highlights mixed in with her natural pink hair. And she had earing piercings all over her ears(silver helix-ear piercings). Sera looked like she did everything she could to not follow the academies rules. She was kind of like a tomboy/ rocker/rebellious looking girl. Nonetheless, she still looked extremely beautiful as a young goddess. A goddess of time that is.

"Are you freaking serious? How can I do that? You know me. Yeah maybe I could punch them around and kick their asses but literally battling all the high tiers and Royals is suicide." Jon lies. He most diffidently doesn't want Sera finding out that he had a system. Let alone a Netori System that was used to get girls in a harem! So Jon played it out cool that he never gained System.

He actually respected Sera as his best friend and she didn't betray him ever. 

"I am dead serious," Sera goes in front of Jon and starts sniffing him like a wolf.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jon said with his golden eyes furrowed. 

"You smile like Rias, Emerald, and Asura? What did you do with them!?" Sera demanded as she gritted her teeth and poked Jon's chest.  

"None of your business. Are you jealous or something?" Jon said as pushes her aside and he walks past her.

"What!? No!" Sera clenched her fist and blushes a bit, she growls and gritted her teeth, maybe she was a little jealous of Jon being with other girls. Pinkish glowing Angel wings made up of some kind of magical energy like mana formed behind her back for a split second!

'What is that?! Is that some kind of manifestation of power? Like a high-level evolution? Is it like my older sister Emerald who has the powers of a Goddess of Beauty?' Jon infers to himself as he scratches the back of his head in thought.

"Are you are hiding something from me!? I can sense something inside of you!" Sera goes to punch Jon. Sera could sense his dark aura becoming more powerful by the second! His Netori System was about to be revealed!

'I can't let that happen. I can't let her find out about my system. I can't let anyone find out about my system,' Jon gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

Jon couldn't move, but he wasn't going to take the punch he quickly blocked the punch with his elbows. And he counters her attack!  He had copied Sera's [Time Freeze] high-level skill and used it on her! If Jon got punched by Sera he would surely take a lot of damage on his face! Sera was that powerful!

"What is the meaning of this!? What is going on!? How are you able to counter my own attack!" Sera thunders out angrily as purple lighting sparks blast out of her eyes. She couldn't believe that Jon had actually escaped her [Time Freeze] skill! And now she was frozen in time!

'Damn she is scary when she is mad. I have to get out of here quickly,' Jon didn't use his memory wipe skill on Sera, that wouldn't even work on her since she was a higher-tier Royal or Ex-Royal that is. So instead he bolts out the door. Sera was frozen in time so she couldn't see Jon use his Netori System. Sera was frozen in time mid-punch. Whatever Sera's system was, her tier was way higher than Rias's, Silver's, and Asuna's combined!

Jon quickly runs away from Sera. He had used a combination of his Mystic Eyes and his hidden dark power to counter Sera's [Time Freeze] skill if you remember Jon said he had two systems! Jon wasn't running away from Sera because he was scared of her, no he was running cause he was about to be late for the Ceremony. And he wasn't going to miss the most important day of his life. 

A long line of students gathered around the main battle arena of the academy. Jon slams through the main golden gates of the battle arena. Every student gasped. 

"WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!? YOU WERE BANISHED BY SILVER AND ALL THE ROYALS!" Roar out female and male students. These students were about to undergo the Preisteg Academy Ceremony.

On the marble, stair stands Silver, Rias, and an unknown shadow-figure is sitting down on a throne chair. Sharp powerful glowing golden eyes stared back at Jon, 'So you have come,' 

"There you are," Jon looks up. Every student starts throwing objects at Jon like rocks, food, and other demeaning objects to throw at the outcast. Jon dodges all the tossed derby by the angered students. They knew about what Jon had done to Rias, how he violated her. But what none of them knew... Was that Jon now had a System. 

Jon cooly stands still and places one hand in his jean pockets and with his right hand, he points at the Royal with golden eyes and hair. Jon's golden eyes begin to slightly glow and flicker with hatred and rage.

"You are going down. All of you are," 

"LET THE CERMORNY BEGIN!" Thunders out a male announcer. This world was going to experience chaos like no other!

This chapter needs to be edited. Daily chapters every day and even mass release depending on ranking. Let's try to reach rank 40 for 3 new chapters. Keep on voting power stones if you can.

The next chapter today is my pa treon deal that will get you 30 chapters ahead. It is called 'Fast Access' on my pa treon meaning you get new advanced chapter faster. I will be writing and grinding now more than ever since I am under a time situation. You will see next chapter. Thanks for all the support and thanks to all my pa treons.

In the next chapter, it will also be AMA.

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