
Netori: Reborn as the Human Aphrodisiac

After living a hopeless life and getting exploited to his breaking point for his unique powers, Mithras is diagnosed with a terminal illness, about to die a brutal death when he is murdered anyway by his boss for refusing to betray his sister. Reborn as the Human Aphrodisiac, and now equipped with a lewd system, Mithras is determined to use this second chance to avenge his past grievances and breed his boss' slimthick mom with a million babies! But there are two problems: 1) He is now unkillable, but can only heal his injuries and sustain his immortality by drinking breast milk or love juice! 2) The System has not only turned his entire body into an aphrodisiac but also made his cum into a five-star delicacy that can not only improve the beauty of any woman he has sex with but also turn them into peerless warriors! "Mithras, we want your secret juice!" "Ok. But how much are you willing to pay for it?" [Ding! Ding! Ding!] [Hidden Quest...Bad Girls Become My Bitches...completed!] [Hidden Quest...I Don't Stuff For Free...completed!] Surrounded by beauties chasing after his secret juice, and persecuted by their greedy admirers, can Mithras protect his secrets and stay true to his past life's principles, or will he indulge in the temptation of his new powers, becoming the Harem God of a generation? Spoiler Alert: Of course, he will! (Note: This story contains no yuri or netorare, but a shit-ton of netori -- meaning that the mc steals other men's girls and crushes. It's also a lot more lighthearted than what I write usually. Extra tags include Wincest, Smut, Netori, Twins, MILFS, Priestesses, Nuns, Demonesses, Monstergirls, Dragons, Revenge, Conquest, Oyakodon, Dual Cultivation, Ero Leveling, Large Harem, Ahegao, Slut-Training, Goddesses Pay Mc for Sex, and many more cultured tags.)

Demonic_Paradise · Fantasy
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175 Chs

Netori Novice Title...Acquired!

While the generous Mithras was letting loose torrents of spunk in his godmother's cunt, Arian came as well—firing a pathetic amount of cum in his pants. Needless to say, the Green Slave wasn't feeling any pleasure. His cuck body operated on its own, turning him into a mess of hopelessness and despair.

And now realizing that he'd gone from a dashing young noble to a disfigured cuck that had just cum from watching his mom get bred by his servant, Arian's lips stretched in a gross smile.

<Ding! Ding!>

<Arian has acquired the title…Green-Cuck Slave>

<Arian has acquired the title…Mom-Con Cuck>

<Two Cuck titles detected! Arian is now a Super Cuck!> 

<Because Arian is so possessive that he feels doubly cucked by his mother and the host, Arian's cuck titles have fused into Super Cuck title!>

<Super Cuck (title): Whenever a bearer of this title watches the host engage in sexual acts with his beloved, pain and euphoria he feels are doubled. Any cucking-related ero gains doubled as well.< p>

Super Cucks provide the host with a passive bonus of 500 ero points per day!> 

<Cassandra has orgasmed enough on the host's dick to be considered a Harem Slut.>

<Harem Slut title…applied to Cassandra>

<Harem 500 Slut (title): Harem Sluts provide a passive boost of ero points per day. But if the host goes full month without fucking them, lose their title—ending all boons>

<Host has successfully cucked one man till he wished for death>

<Netori Novice title…applied>

<Netori Novice (title): Men with love interests naturally feel somewhat threatened by the host's presence. And even without touching them, women or marriage ties a small attraction to host>

<Independent from the Human Aphrodisiac effects. Can be upgraded to Netori Apprentice>

'Yikes. This can get out of hand real fast.' As the system messages ended, Mithras pulled out of Cassandra's cunt, letting the matriarch lie in the mess they'd made while he stood up, processing his gains.

Of the titles introduced, the Netori Novice was the only one that bothered Mithras somewhat. The reason being that there were far too many men with love interests across the world. If every single one of them felt threatened by his presence, wasn't he destined to get hunted down by countless powerhouses? 

This wasn't the plan! He had to become the most dazzling man-whore in history and be loved for it by bros and hos alike!

<Ero Points: 159,550>

The Hidden Quests, Your Mom is my Cocksleeve and Netori Initiation, rewarded Mithras with 50,000 Ero Points in total. As for My Enemies Wish for Death, that one alone added another 50,000 bonus. From that stunning difference, Mithras could tell that quest difficulty had an impact on the bonus he received. 

He also got 50 points for sex, 100 for exhibitionism, 100 for fornication, 100 for adultery, 100 for moral incest since Cassandra was now his godmother, and 50 for every time Arian's heart pounded with a feeling of shame and humiliation. However, the system capped this bonus at 5,000 points per person, per day, so that Mithras couldn't abuse that option. 

There was also a 600 bonus for cucking Arian and stealing his mom, plus 150 because Arian begged him to not fuck her, and he fucked her anyway. 

On the ground, Cassandra's Sid rank made sweet progress, reaching the eighth level of Great Expansion. With that Sid rank, she now ranked among the top powerhouses of the Blood Smelting Kingdom. Even in the Red Cloud Theocracy, she could obtain an elder priestess or head instructor seat. 

Arian improved by five levels, now at the twelfth level of Flame Refinement. 

As for Mithras, he could feel the energies he'd accumulated temper his flesh and muscles to the limit, and start sculpting his bones and organs. 

<Templar rank breakthrough detected>

<If the host wants to, system can store energies he accumulates to prevent undesired breakthroughs>

"Can't I do that on my own?" Surprised by the system's offer, Mithras asked. 

<Yes, but there is a limit to your storage abilities, and doing it on own can help enemies see through Sid rank anyway. The system, however, has no limit, you hide or show off at will> the system explained—making the Human Aphrodisiac nod in understanding. 

Indeed, Mithras did consider delaying his Sid rank breakthroughs. This would help him abuse the system multipliers to farm more ero points from women and cucks that possessed higher Sid ranks than his own. 

However, at his current level, there were so many people with higher Sid ranks that it didn't make much sense. Instead, he should focus on making himself as strong as possible as soon as possible so he would be more secure in his sister's rescue plan. 

Waves of Sid flooded Mithras' bones and organs, helping him break through to the first level of Flame Refinement. His bones and organs kept improving but stabilized before he'd reached the second level of Flame Refinement. 

'System, can you present both my status screen and that of the people around me?' Wanting to get a better picture of his situation, Mithras asked. 

'Of course.' The system replied immediately, and right afterward, obeyed Mithras' wishes. 

<Name: Mithras> 

<Age: 18>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Half Monster>

<Charm: Divine>

<System Title: Netori Novice>

<Templar rank: first level of Flame Refinement> 

<Sid 400 Level: units>

<Mutation: Adamantine Dragon Horse (saint class)>

<Sid Flame: Wrathful God Fire (divine class)>

<Destiny: Blank>

<Ero Points: 159,550>

<Talents: Human Aphrodisiac <> Wisdom of the Slithering Emperor <> Netori Milk Fountain>

<Item Cards: King-class (2)>

The item cards were rewards from the last hidden quest—showing how much the Netori God Path valued Mithras cucking his enemies to suicide. Sadly, the system didn't allow Mithras to trade item cards for points. 

<Name: Cassandra> 

<Age: 125>

<Gender: Female>

<Race: Human>

<Charm: Divine>

<System Title: Harem Slut>

<Templar rank: eighth level of Great Expansion> 

<Sid 0 Level: units>

<Gene: imperfect Burning Land Gene (first class)>

<Sid Flame: None>

<Name: Arian> 

<Age: 18>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Human>

<Charm: Hideous>

<System Title: Super Cuck>

<Templar rank: 12th level of Flame Refinement> 

<Sid: 0 units>

<Gene: imperfect Blueflame Hawk Gene (first class)>

<Sid Flame: None>

While Mithras expected the system to not show the Talent and Ero Point sections for others, he hoped he'd have access to their destinies—helping him make better plans. A pity that it didn't. 

Still, these were considerable gains. Just the ability to see through his enemies' Sid rank, Gene and the like would be enough to help Mithras plan better. 

'I can trade ero points to upgrade upgradable talents, correct?' 


'That being the case, I will trade one Item Card for a king-class Poison Resistance talent card. As for the other Item Card, I will keep it for later use.' Mithras told the system, and instantly, a Poison Resistance talent card appeared in his hand. 

These cards could be given to other people. But Mithras got this one for himself. The world was a dangerous place. As a Master of Toxicology in his own right, Mithras knew how mainstream poison was in the aristocratic circles of the Purple Dawn Continents. 

King-class poisons could affect warriors from Blood Longevity up to Blood Authority—depending on the actual grade. Such poisons were virtually nonexistent in the Purple Dawn Continent, meaning that Mithras should be safe from all poison-related attacks till he left this part of the Spiritual World. 

Crushing the talent card, Mithras felt a wave of dark energies spread through his body. 

<upper king-class Poison Resistance…applied. Note that if an item's grade is not specified, it's by default the upper> The system explained. And satisfied, Mithras Aphrodisiac raised his pants, turning 180, and walking towards Arian. 

"Congratulations, my dear mini-boss. From this day onward, and for the rest of eternity, you are my bitch," Mithras said, and without further do, walked out of the underground dungeon—carrying Cassandra on his shoulder and leaving her son behind. 

Enjoy! And don't forget to leave reviews to help the story enter the rankings and get more exposure!

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