
Netorare: Consequences of Choice

What potential consequences could arise if the protagonist, who has been transmigrated into a game world, were to succumb to complacency and choose to disregard the events that take place within the game, particularly when faced with anomalous events? ----------------------- [ Author's Note: Simple Novel :) ]

Nariiiiii · Fantasy
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69 Chs


Several days had elapsed since Mr. Kalinski dispatched a letter, notifying them of his unforeseen delay due to an unexpected emergency.

He expressed his apologies to Sucura, who didn't seem to mind the situation.

On occasion, Nicolette would extend an invitation to Sucura to join her for a leisurely lunch or dinner, engaging in amiable conversation without delving into his previous exploits. This left Sucura feeling both perplexed and somewhat reassured.

Under the expert guidance of Linda, Sucura refined his prowess in dagger-wielding, acquiring a range of impressive abilities. She also assisted him in regulating his mana when it became erratic.

Linda refrained from inquiring about the specifics of his abilities, which allowed Sucura to feel at ease. As he progressed under her exceptional tutelage, he began to suspect that Linda was more than just a maid.

Their training regimen encompassed light sparring sessions in the mornings, during which Sucura practiced evasive maneuvers and learned to infuse his dagger with mana. In the evenings, they engaged in more rigorous combat exercises beneath the watchful gaze of the three resplendent moons.

At times, Sucura felt as though he was being observed by someone other than Linda, particularly when he was singing and playing the guitar by himself. Despite his intuition, he opted not to dwell on it and continued to perform the contemporary songs he knew.

Sucura remained diligent in maintaining his skincare routine, ensuring that he was consistently clean and impeccably groomed, as he had always been in his former life.

During his leisure hours, he took pleasure in playing cards, perusing books, observing the five dots on the map, and endeavoring to recollect every detail of what Jonas had said and the MyuTube world records video set within the Accursed Forest. He meticulously documented his memories on parchment.


Sucura now found himself in the heart of the Black Market, standing before Guadiczech's stall – the very merchant who had swindled him out of the Letter Contract of God Aldhunz.

To maintain his anonymity, he donned a half-mask and shrouded his head with a dark towel.

As he entered the shop, he noticed a beastman engaged in conversation with another customer. This peculiar individual possessed a human female body, but with a snake's head – a sight that both repulsed and intrigued Sucura.

He mused to himself, 'A reversed lamia, perhaps?'

While waiting for their exchange to conclude, he diverted his attention to the eclectic assortment of items showcased, exploring the depths of the shop.

After several minutes, the conversation between the beastman and the snake-headed woman came to an end.

As she turned to leave, her serpentine gaze fell upon Sucura, and she flicked her forked tongue in his direction before slithering out of the store.

The beastman grinned, revealing his sharp canine teeth. "Perhaps she considered you a delectable morsel. They do have a taste for young males," he remarked, before inquiring, "So, what brings you here?"

"I want to buy the Arankar gun," Sucura replied calmly.

The beastman studied him for a few seconds before gesturing assertively. "Follow me," he commanded, leading Sucura towards the back of the shop.

After a short walk, Sucura found himself standing before the dark crimson anaconda. Oddly enough, it appeared innocuous, which left him outwardly composed but inwardly puzzled by the unexpected shift.

He pondered, 'An ominous foreboding pervades my very being, as if my sixth sense is sounding an alarm of imminent danger… However, my newfound innate skill seems to complement this weapon perfectly, and my chances of surviving the bottomless pit will surely increase. By utilizing this power judiciously and avoiding overuse, I can anticipate no drawbacks.'

Without a moment's hesitation, Sucura retrieved a bulging pouch teeming with coins and presented it to the beastman, who deftly secured the pouch and placed it into his dimensional ring.

As Sucura grasped the gun, he felt no immediate reaction or anything out of the ordinary, as if he were merely holding a mundane item. He then asked, "Do you have a dummy for testing weapons?"

The beastman arched an eyebrow before responding, "We do. Follow me."

He subsequently guided Sucura to a concealed door nestled behind an impressive display of weaponry.


The subterranean testing ground is permeated with a dense, oppressive atmosphere. Desiccated blood stains the floor, emanating an unbearable stench that lingers in the air.

Long, protruding chains dangle ominously from the ceiling, and the scattered remains of various creatures lie strewn about, their bones a testament to the horrors that have transpired here.

At a considerable distance from Sucura, a sinister figure looms in the shadows. Resembling a scarecrow, this eerie construct is fashioned from blackish-brown wood, its twisted limbs and gnarled features casting an unsettling presence over the macabre scene.

The beastman stealthily cast a glance at Sucura, pondering to himself, 'I've caught his scent before; it's only been a few weeks, yet his aura has undergone such a remarkable transformation. It's inconceivable unless he possesses extraordinary talent, preternatural abilities, or perhaps a potent bloodline coursing through his veins.'

He continued his musings, 'Who could this man be? Hmmm… he remains feeble. Should I kill him and sell every part of his carcass, or capture him alive and deliver him to the nefarious sorcerers lurking within the Eight Overlord's underworld? He would undoubtedly fetch a hefty price, allowing me to indulge in life's pleasures for decades to come.'

As he contemplated in a couple of seconds, 'Nevermind, my keen senses detect that something is amiss. He may possess a formidable artifact or have a powerful patron behind him, implications of which could reverberate throughout the entirety of Guadiczech Country.'

Sucura leveled his gun at the figure resembling a scarecrow, his eyes narrowing as he focused intently on its head.

Drawing upon his innate skill, he fired the dark crimson weapon, channeling his mana as a medium to create and empower the bullets.


With remarkable precision, he landed six consecutive shots on the target's head before ceasing fire.

As he contemplated the aftermath, Sucura mused, 'I must exercise the utmost caution when wielding this firearm, for it devours my mana like a ravenous beast. It would be prudent to expend no more than half of my mana reserves to mitigate its drawbacks. I detect no anomalies in my current state, so perhaps my assessment is accurate.'

The beastman was astonished by Sucura's precision, as the bullets struck its head six times without fail. Baring its sharp canine teeth, it complimented, "Nice shot."

Sucura replied serenely, "Uhm… Thanks?"

The beastman declared, "Well, it has been a pleasure conducting business with you," as he proffered his hand.

Sucura acknowledged the gesture with a subtle nod and reciprocated by clasping the beastman's hand firmly.


Upon departing the testing grounds and returning to the front of the stall, Sucura took his leave.

As he ambled away, the beastman's gaze lingered on him with unwavering intensity.

Under his breath, the beastman muttered as Sucura disappeared from view, "That gun has a will of its own."