
Netherils Brilliance

"In a boundless universe filled with ancient civilizations and legendary magic, a mysterious anomaly appears - Punk, a seemingly ordinary young man from Earth, is reborn into this fantastical realm. As he navigates a world of powerful mages, divine beings, and hidden knowledge, Punk must embark on a journey to transcend his limits. With legends of forbidden spells, transcendent realms, and an intricate web of factions, he sets his sights on become a legend himself. However, as the past and present collide, and secrets buried deep within the universe unravel, Punk will discover that his true destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of the cosmos. The question remains: Will he become a savior or the harbinger of destruction? This is R-rated Novel? This novel contain graphical violence, so please read on your own risk.

GazeOfRedMoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
105 Chs

A sudden battle.

"Creak! Creak!"

In Punk's hand, there was a small creature with a ring of pale cyan scales and pink skin. With a cluster of pink blossoms atop its head, this tiny creature resembled a chubby fish with frog-like legs. Its cries were also quite peculiar. This little creature was originally a predator that lurked in the mud, only exposing its pink petal-like tentacles on its head to lure prey. However, the one in Punk's hand was clearly very unfortunate. As Punk found himself a bit torn in his decision-making, he habitually reached for a small flower and intended to pluck its petals, but this little creature unwittingly became a substitute for the flower. In fact, when Punk grabbed a grassy flower and pulled out such an unusual specimen, he was astonished.

However, his astonishment and the weirdness of this creature didn't stop him from plucking its "petals" just like he would with a real flower, especially in his irritable state. So, this unfortunate little creature, who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, could only cry out in pain!

Punk pulled off the tentacles like petals on the little monster's head from time to time while boringly revised the information and spells in his mind, especially those whom he received as the night raid's reward from McNeesey. Because in Punk's heart, there was a faint hunch that these spells would come in handy very soon.

The little monster was still constantly screaming and struggling desperately, but Punk completely ignored it!

After all, he wasn't strolling through this muddy forest; he was escaping from a catastrophe. As some wise person once said, "Disaster is always unexpected and sudden," whether it's a natural calamity or a man-made crisis.

As night fell and most of Casa's brilliance sank below the horizon, a massive fireball suddenly soared towards Punk's group, akin to a flowerpot plummeting from a balcony, startling them all.

Accompanied by a soldier's loud roar: "Enemy attack!" a group of professionals from Prince William's camp appeared in the distance. Their number was not many, only a fraction of the Princess's Guard, but the enemy fired several extremely conspicuous flares, which was obviously to notify the other nearby teams to support them. Meanwhile, this team rushed toward the princess's group with a crazed look on their face.

Punk speculated that Lunka should have issued a very strict death order to these pursuing teams, which caused this group of professionals to rush desperately at them despite their low numbers. Although they knew they would suffer heavy losses, they still wanted to stall the Princess's Guards here until other search teams arrived; after that, it would be very easy to encircle and suppress the princess's group.

In fact, Punk was not very surprised by this sudden situation. It was a real capture and escape, not a strategic retreat like that of some novels, where not only the protagonist had the free time to search for treasures but also drink with beauties, that's not a big escape, that's a traveling adventure!

However, in a rapidly changing battlefield, there would always be many things that would go beyond one's expectations.

Punk cast a prophecy spell with all his speed. His goal wasn't to assess the enemy's power but to determine the precise number of enemies involved in their capture mission. This information was more critical than dealing with the current group since they lacked the numbers to pose a substantial threat to the entire evacuation team. The real concern would be the main force that might soon arrive.

"Is Lunka out of his mind? Doesn't he care about Konola?"

When Punk sensed the information obtained by the prophecy spell, his calm heart couldn't help but waver- Commender Lunka actually sent all of the professionals out! This meant that he has completely given up the whole of Konola city's spoils and abandoned all of his army of ordinary people in Konola city. These ordinary soldiers' fate could be imagined when the furious professionals of Konola figured out that all the enemy professionals were absent. And all of these sacrifices were only to prevent Princess Nesa from escaping to Dylan kingdom!

"Why they chasing Princess Nesa like lunatics! Did she steal some magical artifact or something?"

Punks had already unintentionally complained. How should one feel if one chose a path thinking that they could quietly achieve their goal but then found out that this path was the most troublesome and to move forward in this path, they had to fight a bloody war.

"If this was a novel, then the author could be regarded as abusive."

But no matter how much he complained in his mind, Punk still had to prepare for the fight. As one of the only two Mages in this group, it was necessary to take on the task of crowd control, especially in this situation where they must finish this fight quickly.

So now Punk was wondering about what spell would work best in a place filled with mud!

While Punk was thinking about this,several attacks from apprentice-level archers targeted him. However, all the arrows rebounded after striking his Mage Armor .He then move to the center of the group and started to chant a spell unhurriedly. What he was reciting was a relatively unpopular but very mana consuming spell, called- 'surging tide.'

Punk didn't rush through the spell casting this time, as there were plenty of meat shields in the form of loyal trainees ready to repel any attacks aimed at disrupting his incantation. He calmly retrieved a small piece of bluestone from his robe pocket, a crucial material for the "Surging Tide" spell, and infused a significant amount of mana into the mental model of the spell in his mind's eye. Finally, when Punk's spell gestures were completed, the spell manifested in reality without any hindrance or waste. In order to let this unfamiliar spell be released with its greatest power, Punk had used almost all strengthening methods that could be used!

After chanting for a full three seconds, Punk suddenly opened his eyes, shining with azure blue light, and a white-blue ribbon-like energy wave flew up from his hands and converged into a ball.

The surrounding air started to twist and rotate around the energy ball, and created a mini-tornado that blew Punk robe. The small amount of energy that was dissipating from his hand was like colorful butterflies flying away. Under the outline of the afterglow of the sun, Casa, Punk guarded by several warriors of all colors of battle qi, looked as dazzling as an immortal emperor watching the world with disdain!

Princess Nesa, who had never noticed Punk before, was even more fascinated by Punk's heroic appearance. Like a typical young girl with the dream of a prince on a white horse, little stars started to appear in her eyes; she even forgot for a while that she was on a crisis-ridden battlefield. And at this time, only Punk's well-proportioned face, which was very attractive and handsome even when most of it was covered by the hood, was left in her eyes, and Punk's eyes glowing with blue light in the shadow of the hood added a sense of mystery that completely enchanted the princess's young heart.

The young princess, who sneered at the "love at first sight" in the knight novels before, now felt in her heart that the so-called "love at first sight" maybe... it really existed...


Punk, prepared with his spell, was unaware that his unintentional display of skill had captivated the young princess. Even if he had known, he would have considered it a hassle.

At the moment, his sole focus was on eliminating or incapacitating the enemy, and who took notice of him was beyond his current concerns.

Just as the enemy attempted to encircle them, Punk's eyes began to gleam even brighter.

"An opportunity!"