
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

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129 Chs

Chapter 94. Singles number one! Akashi VS Yukimura!

  In Shiratsu's serve, he looked at Sanada who stood up and still hit the ball out

  , but...


  The ball passed by Sanada's feet, but he didn't react at all.


  "We forfeit this game."

  But at this moment, Yukimura's words sounded from outside the court, announcing the end of the game.

  Kuwahara and Bunta quickly ran onto the field and helped Sanada back.

  If Shiratsu hadn't forcibly attacked Sanada and made him unable to continue the match, then according to Sanada's temperament, he would rather keep thundering until the end.

  Even if he knew it was useless, he would still fight, but such a price was definitely not something he could afford now.

  So Bai Jin chose to be the villain himself and let him lie down directly.

  But what I didn't expect was that even so, Sanada still stood up.

  Only then did everyone remember how tenacious Sanada had been before.

  "He lost consciousness and is still standing,"

  Inui Sadaharu made a judgment after witnessing Sanada's current situation.

  "Genichiro Sanada, his willpower and mental strength are really strong."

  Fuji also admired this. He was obviously not an opponent, but he stood up again and again.

  "He is a player worthy of respect."

  Tezuka also silently wrote down Sanada's name. The boy who once lost to him in elementary school has become so powerful now.

  "That white-headed kid made the right decision."

  Although he attacked someone with a tennis ball, the extent was actually considered very minor.

  If you were one of those people in the world with a bad character, they would not let you see any harm, they would vomit blood and refuse to give up.

  "However, this means that Tatekai Dai is irreversible."

  "The king of Kanto has stopped at the top four."

  In the stands, Atobe lowered his crossed legs and glanced at the score board.

  Even if there is still a No. 1 single, no matter how Yukimura fares, it cannot change the outcome.

  "That's what I said, but their chief seems to still have a fighting spirit."

  Ninzu did not see Tatekai giving up. On the contrary, Yukimura held Sanada's racket with an expression of still wanting to play.

  "A battle between two departments?"

  "Yes, we first-year ministers always have to compete."

  "Uh-huh, isn't it? Tezuka."

  Atobe glanced at Akashi, who was also getting ready to play. Finally, he turned his attention to Qingxue's seat.

  Although Tezuka has not yet taken over, in Atobe's view, there is no doubt that Tezuka will always be the director of Seigaku.

  Later, Seigaku fought against Hyokui.

  He was waiting for Tezuka to show off with him as a minister!


  "Are you serious? You don't need information?"

  Although Bai Jin wanted to remind Akashi again, he refused.

  "I want to see with my own eyes what kind of strength he, who is called the Son of God, has."

  Akashi's words were full of confidence. Even though he had been exposed to his brilliant eyes, he still didn't care.

  "Oh, I'm afraid you can't see it."

  After sighing, Bai Jin shook his head and said something else.

  Akaashi's mental strength is somewhat unstable to begin with, but if he meets Yukimura, who is good at mental skills, he may be in big trouble.

  Although Yukimura is only one in the country now, he does have the "five senses of destruction".

  He had planned to confront Yukimura himself before, because as he gradually "bloomed" and awakened, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with Yukimura.

  But since Akaashi always had to face off against Minister Yukimura, there was nothing he could do.

  Watching Akashi gradually walk into the field, Shirazu could only accept the towel handed by Momoi and wait to watch the game.


  "Sanada, your efforts are definitely not in vain."

  Yukimura said in a low voice, holding the racket in his hand tightly and looking at the same signs of scratches.

  First Niou, then Sanada and Tachikai Dai,

  even if they lose, they must not be underestimated!

  King! Never bow your head!

  "I will prove it!"

  He slowly walked into the court with a racket and faced Akashi in front of the net.

  "Both sides have good players."   


  Holding hands, the attitudes of both parties were surprisingly gentle, and then they turned around and walked towards their respective bottom lines.

  At the moment when the two turned around, everyone else felt a strange sense of oppression.

  The two people who were originally gentle seemed to have changed, and began to be filled with a serious and cold atmosphere.


  Yukimura's serve, he hit the ball and moved forward slightly.

  "Four balls!"

  "Are you using it right after you got here?!"

  "It's the Eye of Brilliance!!"

  I thought the two sides would test it out, but I didn't expect Akaashi to make a declaration at the beginning.

  Those strange eyes and the fleeting light allowed people to recognize his moves.

  "Come on, let me see if you can see through my future."

  Even though he was declared, Yukimura was not afraid and faced the challenge head-on.




  "Four goals!!"


  Akaashi hit the fourth ball to the opposite position of Yukimura and won it.

  (Is this a stronger talent?)

  After being declared a point, Yukimura glanced at the position where the ball landed just now, and also knew Akashi's ability.

  The natural eye complements the talent, creating a stronger combination.

  (Then how long can you hold on after losing your eyes?)

  Taking out the ball and walking to the bottom line, Yukimura looked at Akashi and thought to himself.

  "6 goals!"



  "5 goals!!" "



  "9 goals!!"


  "1-0!! "

  In the next three goals, Akashi still made a statement and scored points as promised.

  "The method of cracking the eye of talent is more demanding than ordinary talent."

  Inui Sadaharu looked at the situation on the field and wrote the information in the notebook.

  Ordinary talents can be rendered useless as long as you perform exceptionally well in a certain ball.

  But the Eye of Talent is different. It can capture the entire performance of his body and will automatically correct the errors and continue the rehearsal.

  Therefore, it is necessary to double imitate the movements of the two people like Kise and overlap them

  so that they cannot see through. Either you have the ability to crush the opponent, or you have to use Midorima's unreasonable luck ball

  "2-0!! Emperor" Hikari is ahead!!"

  He still won Akashi's serve game in the second game.

  "I feel like Akashi-chan will be easy to win... Most people can't handle his brilliant eyes!"

  Kise said happily as if he wanted to open the champagne at halftime.

  "I hope so."

  Compared to others who didn't understand, Bai Jin was not so optimistic.

  Sure enough, when he caught the ball next time,

  Akashi's brilliant eye failed and


  "touched the net!!"

  It was not the opponent's mistake, but Akashi's own hit that did not pass the net.


  Raising his hand and taking a look, Akashi noticed the sense of dissonance.

  His touch disappeared.

  (End of this chapter)