
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

ZeroESM · Sports
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129 Chs

Chapter 126. The lonely light!

  (I still want to continue playing tennis.)

  Kawamura Takashi's words shocked Murasakibara.


  did playing tennis become a dream?

  It is simply unimaginable that he was so frustrated that he could not hold the racket just because of the injury.

  The reason why he felt uncomfortable was probably the two-month treatment period and the unknown recovery time.

  The national competition will be over in two months.

  At that time, what's the point of Di Guang's presence or not?

  In that endless waiting, there was no hope. He was almost desperate.

  Therefore, seeing Takashi Kawamura, who was more seriously injured than himself and whose treatment period was more difficult than his own, doing morning exercises gave him an unparalleled "shock".

  "Besides, it's true that I can't move my right hand violently, but that doesn't mean I can't play with my left hand." "

  Although I'm not left-handed, but with some practice, I'll find a way."

  "I just become a little like Yamato-senpai. It's just that, it's not like I can't play with both hands." He

  answered with a smile, and Takashi Kawamura talked about his injury without any problem.

  "Yes, just because you can't play with your right hand doesn't mean you can't play with your left hand."

  Nodding, Murasakihara suddenly figured it out. Kawamura Takashi's words really helped him get out of his confusion.

  The doctor only said that the right hand cannot move too much, but he did not say that the left hand cannot play ball.

  As long as he waits for treatment, it won't be impossible to play with his left hand by then.

  Looking at it this way, the injury to his right hand is not something worth worrying about. Anyway, it will get better sooner or later.

  Until then, let's use the left hand that I'm not used to.

  With his talent and physique, he is not any weaker than before.

  Ever since


  After that day, there were two more training guys in the hospital.

  They always moved their left hands to practice ball while the doctors and nurses were not paying attention.

  "Would you like some snacks?"

  "Ah, thank you. "

  But eating too much will be bad for your health."

  "It's okay, I don't care."

  Kawamura Takashi's good-natured character also made the relationship between them familiar.

  "You are really amazing. You can play with your left hand freely without affecting your right hand."

  During the break, the two began to communicate with each other.

  "Of course, it's not a difficult thing for me."

  Although changing hands will affect the feel to some extent, Murasakihara is not an ordinary person, so he is accustomed to a much faster speed than Kawamura Takashi.

  "By the way, Tezuka and the others have been invited to play in the youth trials for a few days. You, Teikou, should have gone too." "

  Ah? I remember that May Girl mentioned this before."

  "It seems that it was mentioned a few days ago . In the first battle, the guys from Kansai were beaten badly."

  Turning his eyes, Murasakihara replied lazily after hearing Takashi Kawamura's words.

  "Haha, after all, they are the ones playing."

  "Just looking at the lineup, I feel that no one can beat them."

  Although it will be a lot of pressure to be the opponent, Teikou, Seigaku, Rikkai Dai, Hyotei When the school was unified, it was extremely reassuring.

  It seems that there is no better lineup of junior high school students than them.

  The powerful Shirazu, Akashi, Tezuka, Yukimura, and Atobe.

  Oishi Kikumaru who can synchronize in doubles, and the expert Kuroko

  Phantom and the imitating double team Nioh Kise, who

  have strong singles Fuji, Sanada, Aomine, Kagami, and

  Akutsubu Sengoku, Haizaki, Ninzu, Jirou, and Midorima who were all

  in position

  were pulled out. Kawamura Takashi could not imagine what kind of players from Kansai could stop them.

  If you think about it carefully, the changes in Kanto in the past few months have been earth-shaking.

  It has to be said that the factor that caused all these changes was due to the appearance of Emperor Guang.

  (It is precisely because of them that everyone wants to work hard to climb higher)

  If it were not for this group of people, they must still be living in a hazy way.

  But now, they have set their sights on higher places and are working hard to move forward.

  "Of course Bai Zai and Chi Zai

  are invincible."   

  Picking up the delicious bar and taking a bite, Murasakihara was playing B player.

  The days passed slowly according to the fixed planned route of the two people.

  It wasn't until Bai Jin and the others came to visit again that they noticed the obvious changes.



  "So, the idiom "a blessing in disguise" does not come out of nowhere, does it?"

  Akashi stood on the window sill and stared at the two people below, wearing a brand new red and white team uniform, facing the side Bai Jin spoke.

  "Ah? It can only be said that we may have to thank Kawamura Takashi."

  Hearing this, Bai Jin was startled, and then looked at Murasakihara who was practicing his swing and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.


  "Although such brilliance is still very subtle"

  "But sooner or later it will bloom."

  "Kawamura Takashi has awakened the miracle."

  Akashi stared at Murasakibara silently, his tone gradually became softer, and his mood was very good. Happy.

  There is nothing more joyful than the current situation.

  "Hey, that's really good."

  Bai Jin leaned against the window sill with his elbows on the sill, and Bai Jin did the same.

  It seems that Murasakihara is injured and will be unable to play for a long time.

  But it didn't make Murasakibara walk on another path.

  (When you break your own limits and gradually gain a clearer understanding of your own strength and weakness.) (

  Perfectness will appear.)

  (It's really surprising)

  Shirazu tilted his head and looked sideways at Murasakihara Atsushi below, I thought to myself.

  The faint cyan light could not be hidden from him and Akashi

  . They never expected that Atsushi Murasakihara, who suffered this disaster, would cross the first two gates of selflessness and directly enter the realm of seamless clothing.

  Although it has not fully opened yet,

  as Akashi said, there will always be a time when it will bloom.

  Murasakibara at that time would be far more powerful than before.

  All I can say is that it's worth it to trade a right hand that can't play for at least two months for a perfect one.

  The origin of all this is Takashi Kawamura.

  He was the one who injured Murasakibara,

  but he was also the one who guided Murasakibara's seamlessness. To

  untie the bell, one must tie it.

  (You understand the essence of power, and sincerely realize the limits of a short-lived person.)

  (You will truly be the one to untie the bell. Will he become a great player?)

  "The Light of Rakusoku?"

  Unlike Tezuka's radiance of "love", Murasakibara awakened to the light of "Rakusaku".

  In getting along with Takashi Kawamura, he understood that the origin of strength does not lie in talent

  and truly realized the limits of his small person.

  At the same time, he understood the significance of Takashi Kawamura's playing and his will and spirit that are different from ordinary people.

  All these factors came together, causing Murasakibara to step through the door.

  This situation was very unexpected when Bai Jin and Akashi learned about it.

  "This way, we can go against those guys with peace of mind."

  "You are the number one singles player in Neon Junior High School."

  "Don't lose."

  Akashi's words gradually sounded, and Shirazu was wearing the same uniform. The red and white uniforms laughed on the sidelines.

  "Didn't you just play against professional players?"

  "Devil Nash"

  "I will make him cry and go back to the United States!"

  (End of this chapter)