
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

ZeroESM · Sports
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129 Chs

Chapter 121. Kaio Fist and God’s Declaration!


  Although he fired the Chidori Spear very handsomely just now, if he uses it again next time, it will end up with the Rasen Shuriken.

  The flawless Tezuka can handle almost any type of incoming ball.

  Except for the first kill at the beginning, both the spiral shuriken and the chidori sharp spear were directly destroyed the second time.

  Fuji said that I was familiar with this,

  "Well, as expected, the style is still very high, it's perfect."

  Even with Zone on, he could only have a back-and-forth with Tezuka.

  "Then let's try this move next."

  "How many balls can you hit back at once?"

  Shirazu waited for Tetsuka to serve, leaning forward slightly and placing the racket upright in front of him.


  The moment the ball bounced, Bai Jin swung the sword at extremely fast speed.

  "Nine-headed Dragon Flash!!"

  It did not hit Tezuka directly, but with slight deviations, it hit nine directions outside the body.


  Atobe felt his eyes sting for a moment, closed his eyes and pouted in a low voice.


  "Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

  Five goals were fired back! !


  "His Nine-Headed Dragon Flash is much stronger than Kutsujin's."

  Sanada is the person who has the most say. He has personally suffered that move and knows it. How high is its gold content?

  That's not just nine ordinary balls

  , but nine fast balls in different directions in an instant.

  Each one has speed comparable to Chidori and Thunder.

  Even Tezuka, who was flawless, only managed to counterattack five goals.


  Akutsu looked at the battle below with a little displeasure, but in his heart he tried to remember every detail and movement of the Nine-headed Dragon Flash.

  "Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!"

  "Six goals?"


  "Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!"

  "Seven goals!"


  "That kid! The number of counterattacks is increasing."

  Byodoin watched this game and became very interested in the competition between junior high school students.

  He has not yet fully experienced the world, and he is still full of immature insights.

  After losing the serve, Tezuka did not panic at all, but stayed prepared.

  (It can only be said that it is perfect. The Nine-headed Dragon Flash has gradually begun to adapt.)

  Although the difficulty becomes higher as you go to the back, Tezuka has already figured out the trick. I believe there will always be someone who can defeat the Nine-headed Dragon Flash before the end of the game. when.

  "Oh, forget it."

  "Zone is really useless to me now."

  It was Bai Jin's turn to serve, but he uncharacteristically canceled the zone.

  The light from Tianyi was already approaching, intending to engulf him.

  "There are too many ways to resist the BUFF of light."

  Bai Jin said as if he didn't care at all that he was affected.

  Whether it's Yukimura's zero-sense tennis, Kirihara's concentrated burst, Shiraishi's Bible of Stars,

  etc., they can all ignore the seamless influence.

  It can only be said that there are always more solutions than difficulties.

  For example, let's take the move he's going to use next.

  In the past, I didn't dare to use it because my body couldn't bear it, but now it's just right.

  Compared to Zone, which consumes more physical energy, this move is more suitable for now.


  As soon as Shirazu threw the ball up, Tezuka's attention was focused.

  "Kaio Fist!!"




  When I heard the sound, what came into my eyes was Shirazu, who was emitting crimson arrogance, and the dark ball remaining outside his field. print.


  Nanjiro's eyes lit up when he looked at Bai Jin who exuded an astonishing aura.

  (The fierce energy dissipated the seamless brilliance)

  (Not only that, his own physical fitness has increased astonishingly.)

  (How many things has this kid hidden?)

  I have to say that Nanjiro can be pleasantly surprised these days. There are very few things going on.

  But since meeting the boy Shiraizu, Nanjiro feels more and more that he is full of surprises.

  "Out of bounds!!"


  The referee stuttered after realizing it.


  Just when everyone was confused, a sudden cracking sound diverted their attention.

  I saw that the floor at Bai Jin's right foot was slightly cracked, as if it had been stepped on.   

  "Tsk, this thing is too powerful. It's not easy to control."

  After all, it was the first time he used it in actual combat. Bai Jin's whole body was covered with crimson arrogance, and his hair was flying straight.

  The surge in physical fitness required him some time to adapt.

  "Hey, Tezuka, let's continue."

  "Next time I will hit the ball accurately."

  Throw the ball, and there is no need to prepare any fancy hitting methods. He can also hit the ball with just one swing. Shocking power and speed.


  It was like the air was torn apart, and Tezuka felt a dull pain in his ears from the shock.


  When he came back to his senses, there was only a dark scorched shadow of the ball in the midfield.

  Focusing to the limit, Tezuka awaits his next serve.


  "Fight back!"

  This time Tezuka knocked back Shirazu's hit.

  The ball passed through the net and fell straight to the bottom line of the corner.


  But in everyone's field of vision, a red stream of light seemed to teleport to the position where the ball bounced.

  Shirazu raised his hand and swung back.



  The two then started an amazing attack and defense.

  If Tezuka raised himself to the limit to deal with it, then Shirazu's figure was like...

  "Red flash..."




  Even if it is turned on Even though everything was perfect, he still fell into a disadvantage.

  (The red energy can dispel the brilliance of Tianyi Seamless, and give oneself the effect of greatly improving physical fitness.) (

  This is not to be outdone compared to Tianyi Seamless.)

  (Where did this kid learn this move?)

  Nanjiro touches Holding his chin, he looked at it for a while and finally understood the effect of "Kaiou Fist".

  That strange increase is enough to crush the bodies of ordinary players, but after blooming, Bai Jin has been able to adapt to such "oppression".

  Obviously from the perspective of feeling, it is not a different dimension

  , but its effectiveness is not much compared to other dimensions.

  "There is no excessive load on the body."

  "In other words, that kind of increase is within the range of his tolerance."

  "It is equivalent to a move that can be maintained for a long time. No wonder he would cancel the Zone and use this."

  Akashi's eyes stared at the shining arrogance. Friends, Bai Jin once again developed a move he had never seen before without saying a word.

  "Hey, do you want to serve with Zero?"

  With their heads held high and their hair ridged, Shiratsu and Tezuka showed completely different colors and styles.

  A green light surrounds, and a red light shrouds.

  "Sorry, I won't do what you want this time." The

  Zero serve is indeed close to unsolvable, but the ancients said that you must use magic to fight magic. The

  unsolvable serve is Use unsolvable tricks to deal with it.

  "Your zero serve will be invalid!"

  Seeing that Tezuka still wanted to hit the zero serve, Shiratsu just stood the racket on the ground and supported his body leisurely this time, even as if he didn't intend to catch the ball.

  But his tone was resolute,


  At this moment, an old man wearing a white divine robe projected behind him and opened his big hands towards Tezuka.


  As if he had received some impact, Tezuka's hand holding the ball shook slightly.

  "What was that?"

  Almost in a flash, Tezuka fell into a moment of confusion. He was sure that it was not an illusion just now.

  But the next serve also confirmed his idea.

  "Out of bounds!!"


  "How could Tezuka's zero serve fail?"

  Fuji opened his eyes wide in disbelief. He looked surprised at the tennis ball that went out of bounds.

  "If you always think that you can score points by serving, then I will be very troubled."

  Bai Jin still maintained the appearance of using his racket to support the ground, and he looked so powerful wrapped in red arrogance.

  "In the face of God's announcement."

  "Your moves will be invalid and you will lose points."

  (End of chapter)