
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

ZeroESM · Sports
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129 Chs

Chapter 103. The sealed tiger!

  "This round is won by Seigaku! Score"


  Following the referee's declaration, Takashi Kawamura, who kept hitting the tiger balls in the field, won the two rounds with a strong attitude.

  "He's so awesome!!"

  During the exchange of venues, Jirou Akutagawa walked around happily, as if he wasn't the one who lost points at all.

  "Although it feels terrible that it went smoothly."

  "But I always feel that something is wrong with that guy."

  Kikumaru frowned and said involuntarily while looking at the tailwind situation in the field.

  "Probably because of that player's attitude."

  "Obviously two games behind, but still able to maintain such an optimistic attitude."

  "There is no pressure or sense of urgency at all."

  Fuji saw through what Kikumaru said at a glance. situation, then explained.

  "That's true. He seems to be confident and doesn't worry about losing points anymore." "It's like

  seeing a child who is like a novel toy."

  Inui Sadaharu flipped through his book and found no information about Jirou Akutagawa. .

  Hyokui, like Teikou, went abroad for special training after selecting qualified main candidates, so he had no chance to collect information at all.

  "Don't sound so scary."

  "Alon should be fine."

  Oishi shook his head, not wanting to think about so many things, but trusting Kawamura Takashi.

  "This is hard to say."

  Atobe, who was sitting at the seat, heard Oishi's words and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

  If anyone underestimates Cilang, they will definitely pay the price.

  The reason why Coach Sakaki placed him at No. 3 singles is because he trusts his ability.

  "He seems to be getting serious."

  Shinozu glanced at Jirou Akutagawa, who suddenly calmed down, and said calmly.

  "Go, Cilang, let those guys see."

  "Your strength!"


  "Forehand power ball, so be it."

  The moment he served, Cilang aimed at the opponent's baseline and hit it. past.


  Seeing the ball flying towards the outside of his left foot, Kawamura Takashi was forced to backhand it back.



  But before Kawamura Takashi could adjust his position, Jirou Akutagawa had already rushed to the net, gently hit a tennis ball, and won the score.


  On the second serve, although Takashi Kawamura compressed the defensive area on the left, Jirou chose to play a quick short ball.

  The landing point was relatively close to the left side of the midfield, so Takashi Kawamura had to rush forward and backhand it back.

  But then Cilang still went to the net and smashed to the other side to win.




  "Hyokui wins this game, score!"


  Takashi Kawamura, who originally relied on the tiger to draw the ball to his great power, is now like a cannon that has stalled. Like bamboo.

  There was no chance to play next, but Jirou Akutagawa reversed the score with a superb volley.

  "The other party seems to have seen through Aron's weakness."

  Inui Sadaharu's lenses reflected the white light, and he also knew the ability of Jirou Akutagawa.

  "Yes, it is difficult for Aaron to hit the Tiger with his backhand."

  "Even for the forehand, you need a relatively standard posture to drive the strength of the body and wrist, otherwise the power of the Tiger will be greatly reduced." "

  He saw through it . At this point, every attack either prevents Aaron from hitting the ball, or makes it impossible for Aaron to hit the ball in a standard posture."

  Fuji opened his eyes and looked at Takashi Kawamura who was gradually falling into defeat on the court and explained. .

  "And he's very fast at volleying on the net."

  "Aaron can't handle this kind of player at all!"

  Kikumaru scratched his head and said worriedly.

  This is a blind spot for power players. Once the power they rely on is blocked by others, they will fall into passivity.

  What's more, Kawamura Takashi is not an all-around player.

  Because of this, Akutagawa Jirou was able to easily reverse the score after seeing through his actions.

  "Damn it."

  Every time he was forced, he couldn't play a normal tiger shot. Ordinary power shots, the opponent could come back, but he was completely unable to deal with his magical volley at the net.

  Kawamura Takashi is in a really bad mood now.   


  Another game was won, and he was almost on the edge of the cliff.

  "No matter how I hit, he will find the points where I can't hit the ball and target him."

  "In this case!! I will insist on hitting. Come out!!"

  During Takashi Kawamura's serve, he held the ball and said unwillingly.

  Then he threw the ball up and hit it hard.


  Seeing Kawamura Takashi standing motionless in the midfield, Jirou was slightly startled, but then he chose to hit the ball to his left half.

  The ball is too fast and Takashi Kawamura cannot get to the right position to hit the forehand immediately.


  But this time he did not choose to adjust his position, but directly tried to hit the ball with his backhand.


  The tiger roared, and the sealed tiger came out of the cage again.

  "That idiot."

  Nanjiro, who was sitting on the coach's chair, cursed when he saw the choice made by Takashi Kawamura.

  "He actually hit it with a backhand?"

  Kise, who was watching the match, looked at Kawamura Takashi and said in surprise.

  "Idiot, do you think the tiger that was forcibly shot out in that irregular posture has any power?"

  "It's not like everyone is the pervert Aomine."

  Bai Jin glanced at him and replied as if he was disgusted. road.

  "Hey! What do you mean by that?"

  Qingfeng next to him suddenly felt a little depressed after hearing this.

  What do you mean he is a pervert?

  Emotionally, he can hit the ball in any position, so that's abnormal, right?

  Isn't that something you have learned by making a habit of yourself?



  "Scared me."

  Cilang still intercepted the ball and hit it back. Although it was slightly more powerful than an ordinary ball, it was far less powerful than when he first received it.

  "Oh oh oh!!"

  Facing the second ball and unable to quickly adjust his position, Kawamura still chose to hit the tiger with a backhand.



  But it did not change any result.


  (It seems to be a little stronger than before?)

  Although the touch after catching the ball this time changed slightly, Jirou Akutagawa still I felt those many changes.




  After receiving the third backhand from the Tiger, Cilang was already convinced of one thing.

  (The force of this guy's blows is getting stronger and stronger!)

  He was a little shocked in his heart, but he still focused on the front.

  "How come they are all idiots who think that they will have a chance if they act recklessly."

  Shirazu sighed as he watched the fourth ball being hit by Takashi Kawamura with the same posture.

  "Is there something wrong?"

  Murasakihara didn't understand what Bai Jin was sighing. If he wanted to lose, he would definitely find a way to fight.


  "The tiger's shot requires a lot of body, arm, and wrist strength." "Forcing him to hit it with that backhand will cause a lot of damage to his body."   Bai Jin is also very good at ordinary times


Play less with this ball, after all, there are actually many that are better than it.

  But worst of all, he also knows where the Tigers' shortcomings lie.

  And Chacha Kawamura Takashi was doing something that hurt himself.

  It was almost a reenactment of himself in the drama.

  This is why Nanjiro cursed when he saw Takashi Kawamura backhand a tiger for the first time.

  "Out of bounds!!"

  "The game is over!! This set is won by Hyokui! Score."


  But no one expected that Takashi Kawamura's last ball was powerful enough, but not accurate. It was a lot worse, it hit out of bounds, and the score was lost.

  Hyokui won the No. 3 singles match!

  (End of chapter)