
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

ZeroESM · Sports
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129 Chs

Chapter 100. Doubles No. 2!

  "Please get ready for the doubles No. 2s from both sides!!"

  After lining up, the players gradually retreated, and with the referee's announcement, four players stood on the court.

  Aogaku Oishi Shuichiro, Kikumaru Eiji!

  The Hyo Emperor goes to Hidakuto and Shinto Ryo!

  "Look, over there"

  "It's Emperor Guang!"

  The noisy venue suddenly came to a halt, and people's attention suddenly shifted to the men who were approaching with terrifying force.

  Akashi took the lead, and the others followed behind him on both sides, just standing on a high place overlooking the court below.

  That strange momentum brought an unimaginable sense of presence.

  "Huh, is it finally here?"

  Atobe looked at the opponents watching the game from a high place and didn't pay too much attention.

  Although he wanted to fight against Di Guang, the opponent he should defeat now was Qing Xue.

  "Should we say it is a team worthy of victory?"

  "Even just standing there, there is a strong sense of oppression."

  Inui Sadaharu looked up and unknowingly realized that , Emperor Guang can actually bring people such a feeling now.

  It can only be said that their performance along the way is really worth paying attention to.


  "Really, hurry up and beat them."

  Ryo Shido held the ball and glanced at Oishi and Kikumaru on the opposite side but didn't care.

  He is still trying to keep his hair long, but he still doesn't look as fresh as before.

  If he is lucky enough to enter the main selection and get the qualification for special training, he will naturally not lag behind others.

  In the eyes of other Ice Emperors, they were very strong after going abroad for special training.

  And Oishi and Kikumaru have no outstanding achievements at all.

  So he didn't think there would be any big trouble.

  Throw the ball up and hit it.


  The ball quickly crossed the net and flew to the baseline.


  Dashi calmly ran to the position, raised the racket and hit it to the other side.

  "Too tender!!"

  Xiang Ri put on a shocking pose. He floated sideways as if lying on his side in the air, and stretched out his right hand to backhand him.

  The ball passed through the two defenses and flew towards an unoccupied corner.

  "What a joke!"

  Kikumaru smiled when he saw it, ran twice, and then jumped into the air.

  The whole figure seemed to be hanging upside down in the air, flipping and hitting the ball.



  "Are these two really playing tennis?"

  After a few consecutive balls, someone in the stands asked a question. It's just   that the behavior of Kikumaru and Xiangri was so unbelievable that he would think so .

  Like acrobats, the two kept hitting the ball back with various outrageous and brisk gestures.

  "The flexibility of their bodies is so good."

  Momoi looked from above, took out a pen to write something, and praised.

  If Aomine is soft yet hard , then Kikumaru and Mukahi are probably on the softer side.

  They are different from Aomine's tough and chaotic posture, and they tend to be "light" and "fast".

  "It's a good fight."

  "I haven't been breathing much so far."

  Kise watched the two people's movements closely, not missing the slightest detail.

  For him who has dual imitation, anyone's actions give him the possibility to go further.

  It would also be an improvement if they could imitate Kikumaru or Mugahi's movements and coordinate with others.

  He is now like a random combination of unknown Xs. The more he knows, the stronger his dual imitation will be in the future.   


  In the field, Oishi and Shishido Ryo did not interfere much in the duel between Kikumaru and Mukahi, but allowed the two to continue to confront each other.

  As if they were meeting players of the same type, both Kikumaru and Mukahi mustered up their motivation and did not want to lose to each other.


  It seemed that the two were evenly matched, but the people watching knew that this was just the beginning.

  "You can actually hold on for so long?"

  In the venue, Shishido Ryo frowned and looked at Kikumaru. The opponent's still vigorous and flying movements expressed his sufficient physical strength.

  It was hard for him to imagine that

  Xiang Riyueren could train his body to this extent after receiving guidance and scientific training with abundant training equipment abroad.

  How could Eiji Kikumaru be able to rival Mugahigatake?

  "It's just this level. It doesn't seem like it's enough for you to play with, Eiji."

  Oishi stood in the backcourt, watching every move in front of him, but he whispered reassuringly.

  "Of course!!!"




  It almost replicated the action of Mugahigatake's first ball lying horizontally in the air and hitting the ball faster. Kikumaru hit the ball back with great speed, Kikumaru said confidently and cheerfully.

  "How could that happen?"

  Mugahiyueto looked at the ball passing by with an embarrassed expression. Kikumaru's movements just now were even faster.

  Instead of being affected by the game and causing his movements to become sluggish, his movements were faster.

  "This level is not enough."

  Kikumaru flipped the racket over and over in his arms, and Kikumaru's calm attitude put great pressure on the opponent.

  In addition to extreme physical training in the past two months, he also had to play three consecutive games with members of the team every day.

  If he couldn't stand the confrontation for only five or six games, he wouldn't be able to complete every day's training.

  Although Nanjiro didn't give much guidance, the training content actually suited them.

  Kikumaru's weak physical ability improved in such an environment.

  Just like Nanjiro has always taught them, instead of thinking about so many fancy things, it is better to improve the most basic physical fitness first.

  If you have that foundation, are you still worried that you won't be able to do anything good in the future?

  What's more, they are working hard with the goal of defeating Emperor Guang, and they are even less likely to be lax.

  "That's enough, you don't need to fight with him alone."

  Ryo Shido tried to stop Mukahigatake who continued to compete with Kikumaru. Although he couldn't believe it, Kikumaru's stunt hitting ability was superior to Mukahigatake. .

  It would not be a wise choice to continue fighting.

  "Damn it!"

  Gritting his teeth, Xiang Riyue stepped back from the backcourt, his expression extremely grim.

  "Oishi, they don't seem to want to continue playing with me."

  Kikumaru sighed and said boredly, holding the back of his head with his hands and watching the two people changing formations.

  "It's wrong for them to continue."

  "This is not a singles match."

  Oishi smiled and didn't care. Instead, he concentrated on preparing to deal with the Ice King's attack.


  In Shishito's serve, he hit the ball again, and Oishi returned the ball.

  This time, Mukahi didn't rush to fight back, but Shishido took the initiative to go online and volley.

  "Did the two of them switch places?" Oishi

  was slightly startled when he saw Shishido coming to the net and Maki retreating to the backcourt.

  "Easy, easy!!"

  Kikumaru hit the ball back in the midfield, but Kikumaru didn't care about the opponent's change of formation.

  (Your movements are indeed amazing.)

  (But if you continue, I don't believe that you can use more energy than two people.)

  Ryo Shido quickly stood up, swung his racket to fight back, and thought to himself.

  (End of chapter)