
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

ZeroESM · Sports
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129 Chs

 Chapter 29. Cracked imitation? !

  "Kise scores!"


  The next two goals were also scored by Kise imitating the gesture.

  The serve starts to change.

  "That guy Akashi, he doesn't seem to care at all."

  Kagami crossed his arms, looked at Akashi in confusion, and said in a stiff tone.

  He didn't know what Akashi was doing. He should have been able to intercept the previous few kicks.

  "How could he care? To put it bluntly, he may be the most arrogant among us."

  In response, Aomine shook his head and told Akashi's current situation.

  He used to think that he was crazy, but after meeting Akashi, he realized that he was too humble.

  All this time, he never said any arrogant words like "Only I can defeat me" because he met Shirazu and Akashi.

  Fortunately, Bai Jin doesn't show any special "arrogance", but Akashi is full of an extremely powerful "arrogance".

  But I have to say that Akashi's strength is indeed worthy of that "arrogance".

  (I'm afraid that in his eyes, defeating Kise is simply an easy thing.)

  (For this reason, he doesn't bother to take it seriously at all)

  (But precisely because of this, you are the most arrogant bastard)

  This is why Aomine feels that Akashi is too "arrogant" , this guy has been like this since we met him when we were young.

  This arrogant attitude has never been restrained even when facing Bai Jin.

  It highlights the aura of "I am the only one in heaven and on earth"

  , but no one, including the newly acquainted people, has ever cared about this kind of thing.

  After all, after so many months, they have treated Akaashi as a friend.

  Since they are friends, there seems to be nothing special about his unique personality.

  "I think Akashi-kun will suddenly change sometimes."

  "It seems like he is a completely different person."

  Kuroko heard Aomine's words and did not deny that Akashi's "arrogance" was the most conspicuous in the team. He was just a little worried about Akashi's. situation.

  That completely different change made him very concerned about Akashi's mental condition.

  "It's useless to worry about that kind of thing."

  "As long as he's Akaashi."

  "He's the director of our Teiko Tennis Club."

  Kagami didn't bother so much. After getting along with him, he has become accustomed to these guys with weird personalities. them.

  (They are really irritable guys.)

  Midorima turned his head slightly and glanced at the three people behind him, and couldn't help but think in his heart.


  At this moment, Akashi in the court began to serve.

  The yellow ball shadow crosses the center line and heads towards the opposite corner.


  Using the movements belonging to "Aomine", Kise easily caught up with him and beat him back with his backhand.


  "Good opportunity!"


  Akaashi hit the lob with an expressionless expression. Kise didn't think much about it and used the "Vulcan" movement to jump high and swing the racket.


  Looking at the ball he hit, Kise felt that it was stable.




  Unfortunately, the smash he made this time was directly hit back by Akashi with his bat.

  The ball rebounded and scored before Kise's feet even hit the ground.

  "One hand."

  Kise, who had just landed and knelt on one knee, opened his eyes and stared at Akashi's movements, his tone trembling slightly.

  He imitated Vulcan's movements, including the strength in them, and was actually beaten back by Akashi with one hand.


  Walking back to the serving line, Kise shook his head, suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and raised his hand. Swing.


  "Akaashi wins this game!"

  "The score is 1-3!"

  But in the subsequent game, the situation fell into a one-sided situation.   

  No matter how Kise imitated, Akaashi counterattacked and scored.

  "It's amazing."

  There were beads of sweat on his forehead. Kise felt uncomfortable at the moment. Losing points was nothing. What made Kise uncomfortable the most was that Akashi's reply seemed to deny his efforts.

  No matter who he imitates, he can't beat Akashi.

  Aomine's "agility",

  Kagami's "burst",

  Murasakibara's "defense",

  Shiratsu's "technique",

  Midorima's "basic".

  He even imitates Akashi's own "movements" ".Everything

  seems so meaningless and powerless.

  This feeling has never happened before.

  Even if he had competed with Qingfeng and others, he had never lost so embarrassingly.

  I tried my best and couldn't even get a single point.

  (Oshirazu didn't even go that far)

  Picking up the ball, Kise truly felt the terror of Akashi at this moment.

  (Oops. I don't know what to do at all.)

  Imitation had no effect at all, which made Kise fall into anxiety.

  Even the action of serving the ball was extremely stiff at the moment.





  Almost in a daze, the ball was hit back by Akashi and scored.

  Next, Akashi easily broke serve without any suspense.


  The Vulcans outside the court also saw Kise's obvious "panic".

  (Idiot! Why do you think so much?)

  Aomine looked at the shaken Kise and said angrily.

  In his opinion, Kise's thoughts were simply self-defeating.

  If you concentrate on dealing with Akashi, there will always be a way to break the game. A performance like this when you are stunned when serving is really embarrassing.

  (Ryota, you have always reproduced their level 100%)

  (But why is it you who loses miserably every time?)

  (Don't you understand this yet?)

  Staring at Huangma opposite him in disappointment, Akashi But what was on his mind was something else.

  Even to the picky Akaashi, Kise's previous imitations could be seen as appearing in person.

  But he obviously has the "level" of Qingfeng and others, so why are he so vulnerable to him?

  There is no problem with imitation. The problem is to imitate players who have failed to perform well,

  whether it is Aomine's "agility", Kagami's "burst", Shirazu's "technique", Midorima's "basic", Murasakibara's "defense".

  The real To deal with it, Akashi would not have been able to deal with it so easily without opening his eyes.

  "You're too arrogant Ryota"

  "Stop fooling yourself and others."

  "Try to surpass them."

  Akaashi suddenly spoke in a low voice to suppress the inner turmoil.


  Everyone else was startled when they heard Akashi's words.

  Kise was stunned, these two sentences echoing in his mind.

  "I will let you see your way forward, so..."

  "Open your eyes and see clearly."

  "The realm of imitation"

  The white stream of light wrapped around Akashi, and the abnormal fluctuations made everyone fascinated. Startled.

  Kise has always had a goal.

  That is to play Shiratsu's "skills".

  Kise cannot be satisfied just by using his "skills".

  But no matter how he imitated it, he never got the point.

  And then, Kise probably understood the reason.



  Looking at the serve full of strong rotation and power, the moment the ball was caught, the strings of the racket were twisted together, and the racket flew back in a 360° rotation.


  fell to the ground, and Kise looked at Akashi shrouded in white light and read out the name of the move he played.

  "The realm of selflessness"

   is quietly updated!

  (End of chapter)