
Nero, The Legendary Hunter

Nero was an orphan boy who one day went to sleep like any other day in his apartment. However, what he did not know that the moment he slept, it would be his last day of life... Or at least that was how it should be. Nero's soul wandered between the worlds and ended up entering the body of a girl who was trapped in a human mutation laboratory. While the girl's soul was still alive, he hibernated inside her body. After so many tortures, the girl named "Zero" in the laboratory died. But, it didn't end there, when the girl died, something very strange happened, something took control of the girl's body and that same thing escaped the laboratory. It was when Nero what that was hibernating in the girl's body woke up and realized was completely naked. In addition, he realized that he turned her into a beautiful winged woman with white hair and some pink strands. Discord: discord.gg/rK69edsWyt

Lruska · Fantasy
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191 Chs

Chapter 32

Nero's ability was still cooling, so she started throwing stones using only brute force with a little mana.

*Whoosh!* *Whoosh!* *Whoosh!* *Whoosh!*

Holes formed in the dungeon floor and after being hit twice on the head, the Elite Red Scorpion died.

_ _

You defeated the Insect Monster: [Red Scorpion] Rank F: Level 6.

_ _

Although surprised that Nero was able to defeat the leader of the red scorpions so quickly, the rest knew they had to kill their scorpions as well. Moving quickly, Choko, Jair, and Breno ran towards the Red Scorpions, while Jana prepared to support them.

Nero sat on the floor to recover faster while watching them fight. Although she knew she was stronger and had more attack power than they each did, she lost to them in fighting experience. Watching them fight, she thought she might be able to learn a thing or two.

Choko was the first to arrive in front of a Red Scorpion who was at level five. Although injured, the scorpion responded very quickly, using its claws which looked like two scissors to attack in Choko's direction.

Choko acted fast but did not advance. Instead, she twisted her body flexibly backward and then came back forward. She then launched a quick and powerful punch in the direction of the scorpion's left claw.

Crackling could be heard as the Red Scorpion's claw cracked open, and the scorpion was thrown spinning like a top on the ground. Choko gave a cute little cry, just before she jumped high!

Like a seagull diving into the sea, Choko extended her red fist towards the body of the Red Scorpion. A great deal of damage was done to the Red Scorpion's back, leaving behind a mark of her big fist. Using her other hand to support herself on the intact part of the scorpion, Choko jumped in the air and did a somersault backward. Green blood dripped from the Red Scorpion's back the moment Choko withdrew her hand.

Choko landed on the floor and looked at the Red Scorpion that had stopped moving.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead and taking a towel from her Hunter Card, she finished cleaning the pair of gloves as she smiled contentedly.

On the other hand, Jair and Breno were still fighting the Red Scorpions in front of them while receiving support from Jana.

Jana's fire arrows were enough to weaken the scorpions. Jair and Breno always used this opportunity to attack.

A moment later, Jair finally managed to cut the head of one of the scorpions in half. He then went to help Breno and Choko who were now fighting the remaining three Red Scorpions.

Seeing that the fight was almost over, Nero approached the Elite Red Scorpion. Looking in all directions, seeing that there was no imminent danger, she crouched down and placed her small white hands on the body of the Elite Red Scorpion.

_ _

Would you like to plunder the Insect Monster: [Elite Red Scorpion] Rank F: Level 6?



_ _

1 [Rank F Monster Core - Level 6] has been added to your inventory.

1 [Scarlet Blood Ore Rank F - Medium quality] has been added to your inventory.

114 [Essence Currency] has been added to your inventory.

_ _

'Amazing!' Nero exclaimed in her mind. 'That amount of coins is ridiculously large...'

A few minutes later, Choko and the rest finished killing the red scorpions and a holographic screen appeared in front of Nero.

_ _

(!) Mission complete.

[Magic Gloves] +5 Energy, 2+ Strength has been added to your inventory.

100 Essence Coins have been added to your inventory.

_ _

Seeing that she managed to complete the mission, Nero had a silly smile as she looked at the holographic screen.

"Were you happy to clear the first floor, Nero?" Choko looked at her when asking.

"You can say that." Nero gave a vague answer.

Choko was convinced Nero was indeed happy by this answer since it was the first time they were in a Dungeon and managed to clear the first floor.

"Are we going to continue and go to the second floor, or are we done for today?" Jana asked.

_ _

(!) New Mission: [Conquer the second floor of the Rank F. Dungeon]

Why stop now? Conquer the next floor of the Rank F Dungeon.

Objective: Conquer the second floor of the Rank F Dungeon.

Reward: [Magic Boots] + 10 Agility, + 2 Strength and Energy - Rank F

Reward: 200 Essence Coins.

_ _

Nero was startled by the screen that suddenly appeared in front of her.

"I'm fine with continuing," said Jair.

"Whatever," said Breno, but in fact, he wanted to continue too.

"Let's continue," Nero suggested. If possible, she wanted to continue and try to complete the second mission.

Choko looked at Nero, and she nodded. "Yes, we will continue. If it gets difficult, we leave."

"Okay, so let's go." Jair led the way.

Arriving at the second floor, everyone spotted many spiders. Seeing as the floor below was only made up of scorpions, this floor probably only had spiders. Furthermore, as far as Nero could see, the lowest level spider was at level 5.

"We have to be very careful," Jair said, "These spiders can throw poison, and we don't have many antidotes to counteract the poison. It wouldn't be good for one of us to die here."

Nero and the rest nodded and were certain to be extra cautious.

Choko said, "Jana, besides Nero, you are the only one who can attack from a distance and you have good control. Attack a spider to draw her attention to us."

"I was about to do that," Jana said. Holding a wand, she began to conjure a small ball of fire less than 4 cm. Shortly thereafter, she launched the fireball at a level 5 spider.

"I have a question." Nero asked, "Choko, is it possible to get magic items when using plunder?"

Choko did not divert her attention from the battle; she replied without looking at Nero, "Yes, it is possible. Did you get a magic item?"

"Yes, some gloves," Nero said and removes the pair of gloves from her inventory.

What appeared before her eyes was a pair of black gloves made of black threads that looked like a net full of holes, with the fingers left entirely exposed.

{Reference image: https://prnt.sc/rwc05g }

Choko, who glanced at them out of the corner of her eye, said, "They are beautiful."

_ _

- Drop some power stone, please s2

{Edited by: Azurtha}

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