
Chapter 17

Originally posted on 5/9/2018.  

Alice Gremory placed one hand on the ground, and, while focusing her green eyes on Roxas, allowed the floor between her and Roxas to be transformed into a fiery wave that travelled towards Roxas at great speed. 

Once the attack reached Roxas, the wave rose up, over four metres in the air, well over twice Roxas' own height of 5 feet 8 inches, and then attempted, by Alice's own will, to engulf Roxas, but Roxas jumped back, extending his hand out to catch the firey wave in an Amalgamation hole, while two more appeared on either side of him, which, by his own will, ice and Light appeared in one hole each. 

Alice grinned as the three Amalgamation holes rose up, as one, and combined into one large hole. Roxas gave a growl from the effort, and fired the ensuing combination of three attacks (which was some sort of Holy Frozen Flame attack) straight at Alice, in the form of an enormous laser, which Alice was unable to defend herself from. 

She attempted to create a shining silver shield in order to deflect Roxas' laser, but it was insufficient, in terms of defensive power, in defending against the entirety of Roxas' Amalgamated attack. 

The shield blocked about seventy percent of Roxas' attack, but the other thirty was enough to break the shield and hit Alice, eliciting a groan of pain from her. Before his eyes, Roxas could see burns popping up all over her body (including under her clothes, which had partially been torn away by the attack), with those burns seemingly worsened by the fact that Roxas had incorporated Light into his attack. 

"Oh, shit!" Roxas widened his eyes. "I'm sorry!" 

"It's fine." Alice replied, shrugging off Roxas' apology as she enveloped herself in a crimson glow, and the burns she'd endured began to slowly shrink. After a moment or two, Alice Gremory looked as good as new. 

Apart from the fact that her clothes were torn, leaving Roxas with an even better view than before of that incredible body of hers... 

"Anyway." Alice remarked, walking towards Roxas. "Go and get yourself a drink, Roxas. You've been training in here for around 11 days. You need a drink." When she reached Roxas, she playfully delivered a gentle slap to Roxas' rear end. 

"Go." she insisted, smirking as Roxas looked at her in slight shock. "I'll go find Rias and train her for a while." 

"O-Okay." Roxas replied, going slightly red as he walked over to a door that materialised right before him. He opened it and stepped out, into an exceptionally luxurious (yet simultaneously casual-looking) living room (with the door dissipating behind him) 

The room had a large window that took up 90% of the wall it was on, that gave an absolutely incredible view of Quebec City, to anyone who looked outside, as it was currently late-afternoon there. There was a comfortable four-seater sofa (which both Palutena and Gabriel were currently sitting on, while watching the movie Incredibles 2 on a TV that Roxas recognised as one produced by one of his own companies, RoxTech. 

This TV in particular was one of the higher-end ones, which, as far as Roxas knew, went for approximately 3500 Canadian dollars. 

"Hey." Roxas greeted his first wife and soon-to-be-fourth wife, as he walked past them. "I'm just grabbing a drink." 

"Alright, Roxas." Gabriel replied. Palutena didn't reply, as she was so engrossed in the movie, as Roxas went into Alice's kitchen and poured himself a drink. 

It had been two days since the Rating Game between Roxas, Sairaorg and Imogen, and Roxas and Rias, after accepting Alice's offer to train them in their Amalgamation ability, had travelled to Alice's residence: an immensely luxurious two-story penthouse in the heart of Quebec City, the eleventh-most populated city in Canada, and had currently been training in Alice's special training room, inside which time operated 91.3125 times faster than real time. 

Which meant, in simple terms, that it was three times more effective as a training room than Roxas' own training room back at his villa in Greece. 

Which meant, in simpler terms, that one day outside the room meant three months inside the training room. 

Which meant, in the simplest terms possible, that ALICE'S TRAINING ROOM IS VERY GOOD. 

As Roxas came back with his drink, and sat himself between Palutena and Gabriel (both divine beings subconsciously shifted themselves closer to Roxas (Gabriel went so far as to lay her head on his shoulder, while Palutena opted to just place an arm around her husband)), they continued to watch the movie with him. 

"Thanks for letting me stay with you for the last few days, Roxas." Gabriel spoke, a gentle smile on her face. "It's been really nice, being with you." 

"It's been nice being with you too." Roxas replied. "And thanks for coming over to Alice's place. Both of you." 

"Hey. It's no problem." Palutena replied. "You never really trained in Amalgamation beyond the point that it doesn't require you to bring up those holes every time you want to use the Power of Twilight. So, it's cool that you're actually practising with it." 

"With the help of my perverted, sexy great-grandmother." Roxas muttered in reply. Palutena laughed. 

"I won't disagree with you there, love." she replied. "But you could... you know... train in the Power of Destruction-" 

The look Roxas gave her was enough to get Palutena to instantly stop talking, as she knew she'd touched on a particularly sensitive nerve for Roxas. 

A tense silence followed for the next minute or so, until the door to Alice's training room re-materialised, and Alice herself walked out of it. 

"Alright, Roxas." the silver-haired Nephalem's great-grandmother remarked. "Your break's over. Come on." 

"Got it." Roxas replied, downing the rest of his drink in one go. He kissed Palutena and Gabriel, before following Alice back into the training room, where they met Rias, whose clothes (she wore a pink tanktop with red horizontal stripes, along with a pair of white shorts that hugged her thighs) were also torn, revealing some of her skin to Roxas' sight as well. 

A sight that Roxas appreciated very, very much. 

Line Break  

About an hour later (about an hour outside Alice's training room, that is, which translated to four days inside the training room), Alice (who had changed from her shorts into a black mini-skirt this time around), Roxas, Rias and Palutena were sat around a table in the dining room of Alice's penthouse. Gabriel had had to leave between the time that Roxas had gone back into the training room and the time he, Alice and Rias had come out, due to a call from Michael, which just left the four of them alone. 

"Man, Roxas." Alice remarked, as she tucked into the meal that she'd cooked for herself and her three guests (she insisted that she do it alone, since she was their host). "Training you and Rias really stretched me out, like I haven't been in ages." She gave Roxas a sly smile. "You know. I wouldn't mind you coming over for a bit of private training. You could stretch me out in other ways~" she slowly licked her lips, and Palutena chuckled, as did Roxas. Though his chuckle was rather more nervous than his wife's, while he returned to his meal. 

"I certainly wouldn't mind doing that." he replied, after finishing a mouthful. "You are damn hot." 

"Aw, thanks~" Alice replied, smiling at her great-grandson, who was downright HOT, compared to his younger brother, who was more on the cute side of things. "Seems you've inherited my looks, too. I wonder if you've inherited other parts of me, too~" She yawned, and stretched herself, letting her breasts bounce invitingly for Roxas, who went red. 

"Alice, you know I'm a guy!" the Nephalem cried. "So I wouldn't-!" 

"Roxas, I think Alice was referring to what most older female Devils think about first when looking for a young sexual partner." Palutena remarked to her husband, while suppressing a giggle. "As opposed to what most younger male Devils think about first when looking for an older sexual partner. And Alice." she smiled. "From experience, I can tell you that he certainly has." 

"Great~" Alice replied, standing up (given how her breasts bounced as much as they did, Roxas severely doubted that she wore a bra), as Rias, who seemed to be receiving a call on her phone, pulled out her phone. 

"Hey Mira." she answered, before going silent as Mirajane talked on the other end. "I see." she licked her lips. "Tell her I'm sorry. I was... preoccupied. No, for once, it wasn't because I was having sex with Roxas." another pause. "I don't care if Sona doesn't believe me." 

Yet another pause. 

"I was training. With my grandmother. And Roxas. Anyway, I'll be back in Kuoh in a couple of minutes. Bye." 

She ended the call and put the phone back in her pocket. 

"What was that about?" Roxas asked, an amused look on his face. 

"The two Exorcists and two Angels have just arrived in Kuoh." Rias replied (referring to something that Gabriel had told her and Roxas just the day before). "Sona tried to call me directly, but I missed it due to the training. So she had Mira call me just now." she sighed. "She's gonna be annoyed." 

"Who cares." Roxas replied. "Anyway. If the Exorcists and Angels are in Kuoh, let's head off." 

"Yes." Rias spoke, standing up. Roxas followed suit, while Alice pouted. 

"Aww." she spoke. "Don't you wanna stay here, and spend some time with your dear great-grandmother, Roxas?" 

"I'll be back, Alice." Roxas replied. "But now, I gotta go. See you soon, Palutena." 

"See you." Palutena replied, as she stood up and left via transportation-circle. 

Roxas and Rias were gone, a second later, through one of Roxas' transportation-circles, as well, leaving Alice alone. 

"Oh, well." she remarked, to herself. "You can't evade me forever, Roxas~" she slowly lifted herself off her chair, and off the ten-inch dildo that she had magically attached to the chair that she was sitting on. 

Moving one of her hands down to her pussy, she began teasing it with her fingers while picking up the dildo with her other hand, shifting it to her mouth and beginning to suck her own juices off it. 

Line Break  

A second later, Roxas and his aunt arrived in Kuoh Town, outside the very abandoned church that they had first come across each other. 

"Hang on." Rias spoke, once she realised this (while her eyes adjusted to the morning sun). "What are we doing here? This is a Church." 

"And it's the only one in this town, as far as I know." Roxas replied. "Ergo, this is the number-one place a pair of Exorcists and a pair of Angels would, most likely, go, upon entering this town." 

"Ahh." Rias replied, nodding. "Sorry." 

"Meh, it's fine." Roxas replied, quickly kissing Rias before striding forward through the very door that he'd walked through, a few weeks before. 

Rias followed suit, and upon entering, she saw that Roxas had been right. There were four people inside the ruined Church, all of which Roxas recognised. 

Three women (those three women being Irina, Xenovia and Griselda), and one man. Or rather, one boy, as he appeared to be in his early-teens. 

He had large, blue eyes and fluffy-looking brown hair, with a small cowlick poking out from the back, He wore a white chiton decorated with red and gold hems along the bottom, which was fastened on the shoulder by a golden fibula and red gem in the center. He wore the outfit with a brown belt lines with silver, and a gold, triangular buckle on his waist. He also wore navy-blue tights beneath his chiton. 

He had a pair of bronze and gold cuffs around his forearms, and singular gold rings on his upper left arm and right thigh. His brown sandals were decorated with crossing beige bands, and were edged at the top with white wool. 

"Hey, Pit!" Roxas greeted Pit, Palutena's first attempt at Creating an Angel, and Michael's Brave Saints Queen. "Been a while, eh?" 

Pit turned around, and grinned at the sight of Roxas. 

"It's been too long, Lord Roxas!" he replied, running towards him in order to bow. However, before he could slide to a halt, Roxas stuck his fist out, which Pit, due to being unable to stop himself, ran right into. He gave a yelp of pain and landed flat on his back. 

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Roxas asked, sighing. "Please. Don't call me Lord. Or bow. 

"S-sorry." Pit replied, getting up. "But you're the husband of Lady Palutena. So, I should call y-" 

"Aaahhbubububub!" Roxas placed a hand over Pit's mouth to shut him up. "None of that, or I'll enchant your mouth shut again. Got it?" 

Pit nodded. 

"Good." Roxas replied, letting him go and looking up. "Hey Irina, Xenovia, Grizzly." 

"Roxas." Griselda greeted the silver-haired Nephalem through clenched teeth. Irina and Xenovia looked damn ready to shit themselves at the sight of their one-time trainer. "How nice to see you. Though I was under the impression that we would be only meeting with the governer of this Town, which I don't remember you being." 

"Meh." Roxas shrugged. "If you wanna talk to her, here you go." he stepped aside, revealing Rias. "Though I think we should go somewhere more... comfortable." he turned to his aunt. "Any ideas?" 

Line Break  

"Alright, Pitty Pat, Grizzly." Roxas spoke to the two Angels, as they sat down opposite him and Rias in the ORC room. It was currently a weekend, so since it was early morning, they could just walk into the school grounds without detection. "Start talking. What business, exactly do two members of the Top 10 Strongest Brave Saints and two Exorcists have in Devils' territory? I'm curious." 

"You know about Excalibur, right?" Pit asked. "The actual Excalibur, not the copy you have?" 

"Damn right, I do." Roxas replied. "I also know that it got split into seven swords after that." 

"Three of which we currently have a hold of." Griselda continued. "Excaliburs Mimic, Destruction and Blessing. All of which we currently have a hold of." She opened a magic-circle with her hand, and summoned a hologram of a simple-looking two-handed broadsword. "Irina and Xenovia here are in possession of the other two." 

"I see." Roxas replied. "How about the other four swords, then?" 

"We lost possession of Ruler some time ago." Griselda replied. "However, Excaliburs Rapidly, Nightmare and Transparancy have been stolen by Fallen Angels and Vampires." 

"Wait, hold the fucking phone." Roxas spoke. "Fallen Angels AND Vampires? You sure about that?" 

"Well, when the facility that was holding them was raided, the beings that stole the swords were identified as Fallen Angels and Vampires." Griselda replied. "Chief amongst them... Kokabiel." 

Roxas got a chill down his spine when Griselda said that name. 

He'd never met him in person, but he knew all about him. One of the Cadre of Grigori, a ten-winged Fallen Angel and the chief promoter, between all Four Factions of the Christian Pantheon, of continuing the Great War. 

He was constantly at odds with Azazel, to the point that he had actually left the organisation altogether, about a year ago, and had been off the grid ever since. 

"Kokabiel, you say? Are you sure?" Roxas asked. 

"Positive." Pit, who looked oddly serious, replied, waving his hands and conjuring up several magic-circles. "These memories were gathered from the scene. 

Roxas and Rias both looked up, and saw that, indeed, Pit was right. The memory that was used captured Kokabiel firing several light-spears into the hearts of a few Angels, while several Vampires and Fallen Angels (all of whom Roxas noticed were dressed in army uniform (specifically, the uniform worn by German soldiers during World War 2) continued to engage against Angels and Exorcists alike. 

Kokabiel had the appearance of a young man with long black hair and red eyes. Unlike other Fallen Angels that Roxas knew, Kokabiel had pointy ears. He had ten wings (like Roxas) though his wings were black and feathery, as with all Fallen Angels. 

Another individual that caught Roxas' eye was a female individual with dark brown skin and short, spiky orange hair. She was very tall and muscular, giving her an imposing presence. She had narrow green eyes, with the right eye being much darker in colour. In addition to having a muscular body and androgynous appearance, her breasts were more conical like and bulky. 

Her most notable features, however, were her tattoos, which consisted of a large pentagram on her forehead, a purple spiral on her right shoulder, and innumerable letters covering the entire right side of her body (or at least her face, neck and arm). She wore a dark green halter top and a pair of pants and boots. She also wore black gloves on both hands, and carried a gigantic silver and dark grey scythe. 

The woman and Kokabiel seemed to be commanding the Fallen Angels and Vampires. 

"I see." Roxas replied, as Pit dispelled the memories with a flick of his hand. "So. What do you would like us to do? You want our help?" 

"Stay completely out of it." Xenovia replied, speaking for the first time. This is between us and Kokabiel. We're going to keep this simple. We don't need you to intervene." 

Roxas, after a second, laughed. LOUDLY. 

"Jesus fucking Christ." he chortled. "That's hilarious, Xenovia. You expect to be able to go up against a ten-winged Fallen Angel, who has other Fallen Angels and Vampires at his disposal and who has more experience in life-or-death battle than the six of us sitting here together combined?" he burst out laughing again, crowing "That's hysterical!" before calming down after a few seconds. 

"Ahem." he cleared his throat. "In short terms, no, Xenovia. We're not gonna just stand by and let you, Irina, Grizzly and Pitty run around in Kuoh with your cute little swords and/or bow. This is Devils' territory, which, since you're in knowledge of the supernatural, makes you RIAS' responsibility, and therefore HER subordinates, as SHE is the Governor." 

"They're your subordinates too, Roxas." Rias muttered, in reply to what Roxas said. "You'd be a much better Governor of Kuoh than me." 

"I understand." Griselda replied, after taking a breath. "And accept." 

Xenovia attempted to protest, but Griselda shot a fierce look at her that got her to shut up. 

"Well, then." Roxas took a breath himself, and spoke. "Now that that issue's taken care of, what do you plan to do in this town? Where do you plan to stay?" 

"At the house of a friend of mine!" Irina replied, instantly, speaking for the first time. "I know the way, and I remember that they've got enough rooms to house the four of us! ...Probably." 

"Probably." Roxas imitated Irina's voice. "If I might ask, what is the name of this friend?" 

"Isane Hyoudou." Irina replied. "I used to live next door to her when we were little, but my parents and I had to move away." 

"Well, let me drop a little info on you." Roxas replied. "Though I know through Rias that Isane does still live in Kuoh, I very, VERY much doubt that a family of only three has the living space to house seven individuals. I mean my old house was barely able to house five individuals, and started getting kinda uncomfortable when two more girls moved in. So just imagine what would happen when you attempt to house yourselves in Isane's house." 

"I..." Irina opened her mouth to try and counter-argue, but closed it after a moment. "You're right." she whispered. 

"Of course I am." Roxas replied. "Any other ideas as to where you'll house yourselves? Unless you wanna go the natural route and sleep on the streets." 

"I have an idea." Rias replied. "I own an apartment complex in the higher-class part of Kuoh. You can house yourselves there until the Kokabiel problem has been dealt with. Since you're allied with us for this mission, you won't be charged at all." 

"That's very generous of you." Griselda replied, inclining her head to Rias. "We accept." 

"Very well." Rias replied, standing up and opening a transportation-circle. "Let's go now." 

"See you later, Rias." Roxas whispered to his aunt, before leaving via his own transportation-circle. 

Line Break  

A few minutes later, Roxas was stripping himself down into nothing but his boxers, and getting into bed. 

As he made himself comfortable in bed, Roxas saw a transport-circle opening, and saw Rias coming out of it, dressed in... nothing. 

She was entirely naked. 

"Hey, Rias." Roxas greeted his aunt. "Come to keep your nephew company again?" 

"Y-yeah." Rias replied, blushing slightly as she walked forward. 

"Welp." Roxas shrugged. "Get in." 

A few seconds later, Rias was cuddling up to Roxas in bed, her head on his chest. 

"Hey Roxas?" she asked. "I wanted to ask you something." 

"Shoot, then." was her nephew's reply. 

"You said you'd tell me about your run-in with the Avengers." Rias said. "Can you... tell me about them? Please?" 

"Oh, fuck." Roxas replied. "I'm sorry, Rias. I almost forgot." 


The ice-barrier that surrounded Roxas was reduced to shards from the force of the punch Roxas delivered to it. Floating on eight Nephalem wings, his short hair blowing in the wind, and a pair of mirror-tinted golden sunglasses on his nose, Roxas regarded the being he was fighting: Loki, Norse God of Mischeif and Evil God of the Nordic Pantheon.  

Loki was a handsom man with eyes like a delinquent. He had light blue hair that floated behind him with two small bangs. He also had a blue jewel on his forehead and yellow earrings, and wore a white robe.  

Fucking hell, Loki." Roxas remarked, flying towards Loki and grabbing him by the hair. "You got a crush fetish or something? I mean if you still fuck that giantess wife of yours, it kinda makes you wonder."  

The silverette Nephalem shoved Loki's head into his knee, breaking the Norse God's nose and allowing him to scream in pain.  

Y-YOU FUCKING PEASENT!" Loki yelled, attempting to struggle out of Roxas' grip. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TREAT A GOD THIS WAY!"  

Uh huh." Roxas replied. "All I see is a cunt, with arguably the biggest ego I've ever seen. At least Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson will have a better master in me than a sick fucker like you."  

Loki roared in rage as Roxas span him around by his hair, before throwing him into the ground. Loki bounced up to a level altitude to which Roxas was floating at, allowing him to deliver a perfectly-timed kick to him.  

Bye-bye, fuckface." Roxas muttered, before landing back on the ground and checking his phone. "Shit." he muttered, in addition. "I'll never make it to that Alice Cooper concert." he shrugged. "Meh. I'll go to another one sometime. Damn God ruining my fun."  

Shrugging to himself, Roxas turned around and made to walk off into an area where he could use a transportation-circle without being seen, but the fact that six people, five men and one woman, were standing in his way kinda got in the way of that.  

The men consisted of a tall blonde guy with blonde hair, blue eyes and wearing an extravagant outfit that was so based on the American flag that it made Roxas want to vomit, a guy with short brown hair and matching eyes who looked somewhat shy, a Caucasian guy with black hair and a moustache, who was dressed in a red and gold armour, another guy with blonde hair and blue eyes who was carrying a hammer, a guy with brown hair and blue eyes, and a hot woman with red hair that was dressed in a catsuit.  

And who the fuck are you?" he asked. "Hang on. Please don't tell me you were watching the entire thing."  

We were." the obviously-American guy replied. Roxas glared at him for a moment, then shrugged.  

Well, at least I know after I kicked that arrogant so-called God's ass. I get stage fright." his stare intensified again. "You didn't answer my question. Who the fuck are you?"  

Well, I'm Captain America." The star-spangled guy said. Roxas blinked, in slight recognition of the name, but didn't reply.  

The other five individuals introduced themselves as Bruce Banner, Tony Stark (or Iron Man), Thor (it was clarified by Roxas that this Thor was not the REAL Thor, as the REAL Thor was a redhead with enough of a beard to put Rubeus Hagrid to shame, while this Thor was a blondie, who looked relatively clean-shaven), Hawkeye and Black Widow.  

So you look like you're a put-together unit." Roxas remarked to himself, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. "What's the name? League of Fancy Dress? Oh, I'm Roxas Gremory, by the way."  

We're the Avengers." Tony Stark replied. "Earth's Mightiest Heroes, sort of thing."  

Ooh, catchy." Roxas spoke. "Sounds like a multi-billion dollar franchise." He stifled a burp. "Well, there doesn't seem to be much to Avenge around here, so I'll just fuck off." he turned around and made to leave, but Stark spoke up again.  

Wait! Would you consider joining us?" he asked. "I mean- wait, what are you?"  

One question at a time, please." Roxas replied, turning around. "One, I'm a Nephalem. Hybrid of a Devil and an Angel, that sort of thing, and two..." he paused for a moment, before sniggering.  

Of course I'm not gonna fucking join you." he spoke. "I have better shit to do than hang around with the League of Fancy Dress and their Pet Sex Slave."  

He turned to leave for a third time, but when he heard the sound of an attack charging up, Roxas instinctively turned around, for the third time, and just in time to conjure up an ice-based shield to block a laser beam, that was fired at him by Stark.  

There was a silence for a moment, before Roxas said two words. Two words that were just as cold as the ice that he'd just conjured up.  

Big mistake."  

Music: Ride the Lightning – Metallica 

Roxas dashed towards the armoured Avenger, his red eyes burning, and ducked under another laser that Stark shot at him. Grabbing one of his armoured legs, he lifted Iron Man into the air (to everyone's surprise) and slung him down onto the ground like a rag doll.  

Roxas wasn't done, however. He did it again. And again.  

And two more times for good measure. On the second sling, he let Stark go, and his armour (with Stark himself inside it) bounced off the ground, heavily damaged from the force that Roxas had used on him.  

Roxas grabbed Stark by his armoured face, and focused a pulse of ice-magic into the hand he was holding onto Stark with, which was enough to freeze him in a block of ice, from top to toe.  

Forcibly shattering the ice block (and the armour) with a punch from his other hand to Stark's chest, Roxas threw the hapless genius, billionare, playboy and philanthropist away from him, far enough for him to fly straight into a window, and through it.  

Looking back at the shocked Avengers, Roxas asked, mockingly.  

Is that it?"  

Black Widow and Hawkeye immediately drew their weapons, that being a pair of pistols in Black Widow's case and an arrow, which was fitted into a bow, in Hawkeye's case. When they began to fire, Roxas immediately jumped into the air, conjured multiple shards of ice and flung them all down on his present two opponents.  

Both agents managed to escape the onslaught of attacks unharmed (thanks, in part, to Captain America (or Steve Rogers, if you prefer) jumping in and deflecting some of the shards with his shield, while Not-Thor jumping in to do the same, with his hammer, a replica of the famed Mjolnir.  

Hey, hey, hey!" The shield-wielder shouted, getting in between Black Widow, Hawkeye and Roxas (who had landed back on the ground). "That's enough! We don't have to escalate this any further."  

However, Steve was fractions of a second too late, as before he'd finished his attempt to defuse the conflict (not that it'd have worked either way), Hawkeye had already let another arrow fly from his bow, which came so close to Roxas' nose (even though he dodged it) that the silver-haired Nephalem felt it ever-so-slightly graze his skin.  

Not bad, Arrow Guy." Roxas remarked. "See if you can get one of those any closer to me."  

Hawkeye oblidged, and fired again on Roxas, this time aiming for his midriff. However, Roxas was ready for it, and he caught the arrow mid-flight, inches before it pierced him.  

Well, good try." Was all the warning the archery-master got before Roxas twirled the arrow around in his fingers, and threw it... straight into Hawkeye's knee.  

Well. Hehe." Roxas chuckled to himself. "I guess you just became a walking Skyrim joke, Hawkeye."  

STOP!" Not-Thor tried to shout, jumping in between Hawkeye (who had collapsed to the ground with a yell of pain), Black Widow, Captain America and Roxas, while swinging his hammer. "The Captain is right! This has gone far enough! Roxas, stop, or-"  

Or what?" Roxas grinned, stepping forward and cracking his knuckles. "You want some too?"  

Before Not-Thor could reply by swinging his hammer at Roxas (so he wouldn't come closer to the comrades that he had, in all honesty, come to like ever since he had been sent here by the Nordic Pantheon to help them deal with Loki, after it had come to light that he was in the human world and hoping to cause destruction), but Roxas neatly side-stepped the vertical swing, swung around behind Not-Thor, sent him sprawling to the ground with a single sweep-kick, and delivered another fierce kick to the head to knock him out.  

Cap, who tried to push Roxas away with his shield, was next to go. Once it came to light that Roxas could not punch through his shield, Roxas simply elected to freeze it in place with ice magic (along with Captain America's hand, as he was holding onto it) and karate-chop his arm with such ferocity that the bones in the (nearly) century-old super soldier's arm shattered.  

After Roxas kicked Cap in the head, he went down as well, revealing only one non-incapacitated person left to his vision: Bruce Banner.  

Who seemed to be going green.  

While trying to breathe deeply. Almost as if he was trying to consciously lower his own heart rate.  

Wait, hang on.' Roxas blinked. 'One, wasn't there a hot woman with them, and two, why is he going green? And growing? And-'  

Roxas' thoughts were cut off as Bruce began growing and growing into... what Roxas could only describe as a gigantic green humanoid monster that only looked vaguely like Bruce Banner.  

...Well how about that." Roxas muttered, under his breath, as Bruce raised both his fists in an attempt to slam them down onto his face.  

However, Roxas nimbly dodged out of the way of the attack, and he saw that a minor shockwave went off when he saw Bruce's fists hitting where he would have been, seconds before.  

Alright, then!" Roxas grinned, rushing forward, his fist outstretched. Bruce roared, and thrust a punch of his own at Roxas. And the two fists met, causing another shockwave to go off. One larger than the other one.  

Roxas and Banner struggled against each other for about three seconds, before Banner punched Roxas in the face with his other fist, sending Roxas flying backwards, unlike anything Loki had been able to throw at him, from their fight minutes before.  

Roxas went flying into the ground and rolled for a few seconds before stopping. His nose was bleeding, and he had a black right eye, due to him barely being able to see out of it. He could also feel immense pain on the right side of his face. After gingerly feeling it for a moment, he came to the conclusion that his cheek had been broken.  

"Uuuugh... goddamn." Roxas groaned, as he got to his feet, cracking his neck from side to side, as he looked up at the hulking green monster walking towards him. "That... actually hurt."  

Roxas took off his sunglasses, and before the only Avenger that was currently not knocked out, said sunglasses changed into a gleaming sword, that sword being Excalibur Galatine.  

Alright." Roxas got into a battle-stance, grinning at Banner as he came hulking towards him. "Come on!" he dashed forward and slashed at Banner's legs with all his strength, ready to see them fly off his body.  

However, that wasn't to be, as Excalibur Galatine could barely get a couple of centimetres into the green monster's skin. Which Roxas was not prepared for.  

Motherfucker." he muttered, as he swung around another punch from the Hulk, and tried to swing at his back, to the same lack of avail as before (the only-centimetres-deep wound that Roxas caused appeared to regenerate, right before his eyes). "Direct physical attacks are out."  

Quickly casting up a shield to block the Hulk's next punch (though Roxas still flew back a few dozen feet down the road as a result of the punch), Roxas focused all his Holy energy into the sword, which began to glow a whitish-gold. A beam of energy from the sword also flew up, fifty feet into the sky, like Excalibur Galatine itself had turned into an extra-long sword of light.  

How about this, then?!" Roxas yelled, swinging the sword down with a yell. When the sword hit the ground, an enormous BOOM went off, and a huge amount of destructive energy flew from the beam that had been created earlier, directly towards the Hulk. When it reached the gigantic green monster, a huge dust-cloud emerged, clouding Roxas' vision and making him cough.  

Once his vision was cleared, Roxas clearly saw that, thanks to the pure destructive energy from Excalibur Galatine, that the Hulk was very clearly damaged, much more so than when Roxas had tried to cut him. However, just like before, Roxas watched as the Hulk's skin regenerated to the point that it looked like Roxas hadn't hit him at all.  

OW!" The Hulk seemed to roar at Roxas, as he began lumbering towards him again. "THAT HURT!"  

Good." Roxas replied, getting into another battle-stance as he got an idea.  

As the Hulk came closer and closer to him, he raised one of his fists, fully prepared to crush Roxas with said fist, when he got close enough.  

When he was just feet away, Hulk roared and threw the punch, but when it connected with Roxas, the fist just phased through him. Hulk appeared confused for a second, before the Roxas he'd punched disappeared.  

BEHIND YOU, YOU GREEN FUCKER!" Roxas yelled, dashing up to Hulk from behind with immense speed, and taking a running jump onto his back. Converting Excalibur Galatine into a piece of garrotte-wire, he wrapped it around Hulk's neck in an attempt to strangle him.  

But out of the three attempts Roxas made to damage the Hulk in some way, this one went the worst. Mostly due to Hulk reaching behind him, grabbing Roxas by the hair, and throwing him away from him.  

Fuck!" Roxas yelled out as he landed on the left side of his face, breaking his other cheek, and bounced up into the air. "Ow!" he shouted as he landed on the ground, on his front, and bounced up again. "AHHAHOW!" he yelled, again, as when he landed down again, his right leg was in a very awkward position, which left it in perfect condition to get broken. "Shit." he whispered, as he came to a stop, slumped up against a building.  

Music end 

Miraculously, Excalibur Galatine was still in his hand. As Roxas converted it back into a sword, he managed to pull himself to his feet.  

Time,' Roxas thought. 'To make an escape.' However, as he tried to walk forward, his right leg gave way, and he stumbled, falling to the ground and hissing in pain.  

The next thing Roxas felt after that was the feeling of something fastening around his arm.  

I'm glad I stayed out of this until the end." Roxas recognised a female talking, and instantly made the connection as to where Black Widow had been during the entire fight. "Let's go talk to Director Fury."  

Director? Kinky." Roxas replied, waggling his silver eyebrows at her. "You must enjoy being the bottom of that relationship."  

Black Widow glared at him for a moment, before muttering something that Roxas caught as "Even if he's sexy, he talks too much."  

Thank you." Roxas replied, smirking at her. His smirk (through the pain, which was steadily lessening as he was focusing a healing spell into his broken leg (which was healing fast)) only got wider when Black Widow stared back him in amazement.  

You can speak Russian?"  

Well, not exactly." Roxas replied. "Trade secret."  

Quick as a wink, Roxas used Excalibur Galatine to cut through the handcuff that Black Widow (who had the other cuff on her wrist) had on him, freeing the pair of them from each other.  

As his broken leg finished repairing, he then proceeded to kick the sexy red-head right in her crotch, with such strength that she was lifted off the ground, sent flying through the air about six feet, and landed back on the ground, clutching her crotch in absolute agony.  

Without another word, Roxas created a silver transportation-circle for himself, and left the scene, leaving Not-Thor, Captain America and Iron Man knocked out, Hawkeye with an arrow in his knee, Hulk slowly turning back into Bruce Banner, and Natasha Romanoff only able to sum up what had happened with one tiny, weak, pathetic uttering before she passed out from the pain of having her pelvic area pretty-much completely destroyed.  


Flashback ends:  

Rias, though seemingly enthralled by Roxas' story of how he'd met (and mostly wrecked the asses off) the Avengers, winced horribly at the thought of him kicking Black Widow in the vagina. 

"Was she alright?" she asked. 

"Meh, probably." Roxas replied. "They'll have put her pelvis back together. Or just made a new one." he shrugged. "Either way. Does that sate your curiosity?" 

"Y-yes, it does." Rias replied. "But, aren't you afraid that they'll come back for revenge?" 

"They'd have to call themselves the REvengers if they did." Roxas replied, smartly. "So I doubt it. But even if they did, I'd be fine with having a rematch with them. As I understand it, there's more members than just Boyscout, Rich Brat, Fake Thor, Rage Monster, Guy with Bow and Arrows and Russki Sub now." 

He pressed his lips against Rias', and lay back 

"Anyway. Let's get some sleep. Unless you wanna do something else?" 

The look in Rias' eyes, along with the fact that she slowly climbed up onto Roxas' hips, straddling him, was more than the answer her nephew needed. 

Line Break  

"So, that's the gist of our mission in Kuoh." Griselda finished explaining to Rias, her peerage, Sona and her peerage. It was mid-afternoon in their apartment in Japan, and Griselda and Pit had been explaining the exact reason that they were in Kuoh Town, Devils' Territory, to everyone who was not currently up to speed. 

Xenovia was sat next to Griselda, looking wholly distrusting of the Devils sat next to her, and Irina was talking cheerfully to Isane, seeming to be catching up. 

Roxas had stepped outside for a moment, to make a few calls. 

"I see." Sona replied. "Well, I'll be happy to help in any way I can." 

"Thank you." Griselda nodded, as did Rias. "I hope that with our combined might, Kokabiel will face justice for his crimes." 

At that opportune moment, Roxas walked back into the room, placing his phone in his pocket. 

"How did the calls go?" Rias asked. 

"Well." Roxas replied. "I called Azazel, and he's given me his honour that Kokabiel was just acting on his own, he had nothing close to permission from the entirety of Grigori to go and do what he did. So, there's one mystery solved." 

"And the others?" Sona asked. 

"I called Sirzechs, and though he's unable to help himself, he pledged to send a member of his peerage to assist us." Roxas replied. "I also called Sera-" 

Roxas was barely able to finish his words when a blue transportation-circle opened, and Serafall Leviathan herself, dressed in magical-girl outfit and all, jumped out of it. 

"ROXAS~!" she shouted, happily engulfing her godson in a hug from behind, that caught the ten-winged Nephalem unawards, bringing him down to the floor. 

"Fall." Roxas finished, his tone muffled. "Sera, you're crushing me." 

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Serafall jumped off Roxas, allowing her godson to get back to his feet. "It's just I'm so happy to see you~ And SONA!" she noticed her younger sister, the one person who she loved as much as Roxas, and jumped towards her. 

"Well, at least she's off you." another female voice remarked, and Roxas turned around to see Grayfia standing in the room as well. "Hello, Roxas." 

"Hey Mom." Roxas replied to Grayfia. "I take it Sirzechs sent you?" 

"He did." Grayfia replied, nodding. "And given what Sirzechs told me, I'm fully prepared to help in any way I can." 

"I am too!" Serafall added, turning around to Roxas. "Even if I don't trust certain people you're working with, Ro~" her blue eyes narrowed at Griselda, the Queen of her biggest rival. 

"Well, you'll have to." Roxas replied. "And it's good that you're willing as well, Sera." 

"But~" Serafall added. "If I help you, Roxas, I want you to date me~" 

The reactions to what Serafall said were from the somewhat minor, such as Roxas raising his eyebrows at his Satan of a godmother, to the rather less minor, such as Grayfia seeming to attempt to telepathically destroy Serafall's (probably miniscule) brain, due to how hard she was glaring at her. 

Roxas remained silent for a moment, before sighing. 

"You know what? Fine. The worst that could happen is that I get my balls frozen off during sex." 

"Yay~!" Serafall jumped for joy, and hugged Roxas. "So, Tsu and Glynda should join us! They can join us in our future fun!" 

Sona and Tsubaki both blushed extremely hard at what Serafall said. 

Line Break  

In an unknown location, Kokabiel was stood before someone, who was sat in the shadows, and who had two people standing next to him. 

The first person was dressed in a bloodstained white lab coat, and unusual shirt that revealed his lower torso, and glasses with an assortment of adjustable, multi-lensed spectacles. He had blonde hair that hung down to his chin, and wore four-fingered gloves with both his ring finger and pinky forced into the last one, a sign of Syndactyly, a condition that had the last two fingers of each hand fused together. 

The second person was a tall man, as tall as Kokabiel. He had snow-white hair, bloodyred eyes, and somewhat tanned skin. He wore an overcoat with its neckguard turned up, and an officer's cap emblazoned with a symbol of a skull and crossbones. His trousers were a dark shade of green, and he wore boots. He looked at Kokabiel with no expression on his face. 

"It seems that your mission to steal the Excalibur swords has gone swimmingly, Kokabiel." the man in the shadows said, with a German accent. "Zorin being injured was a slight setback, but we can fix her easily. 

"That you can." Kokabiel replied. "Thanks to the research into creating Fallen Angels I pledged to give you, in exchange for your support." 

"And your support you shall have." the man in the shadows replied. "In your efforts to bring the Christian Pantheon into eternal war." Grinning at the mention of war, the man stood up, and came into the light. 

He was a short, plump man with blonde hair and golden eyes. His hair wsa oddly styled with a longer section coming up and then down again in the front left side of his head, like a folded piece of paper. He had a wide grin on his face, and was dressed impeccably, wearing an expensive white suit with a long matching overcoat, white gloves, glasses and a black tie with red gem on it. 

"I love war." the Major uttered.