
Nephalem in supernatural AU

A young man has the opportunity to be reborn as a nephalem in an alternate supernatural universe, where supernatural beings are really strong.

FanboyDeowerpower · TV
Not enough ratings
17 Chs



read the auxiliary chapters to understand better


In a cabin in the middle of the forest, in a room, the air was tense as a woman screamed at the height of her strength. "Please, one more push," the midwife pleaded, her voice a constant reassurance amid the chaos.

After what seemed like an eternity, the room was enveloped by the comforting cries of a newborn baby. "Congratulations, Mrs. Ariel, it's a boy," the midwife announced. With gentle hands, she carefully placed the newborn in her mother's arms. Her expression, once contorted with pain, turned into a beaming smile as she looked down at her precious son.

As mother and baby shared a moment of tender connection, a man burst into the room, his eyes frantically searching for his wife and newborn. A wave of relief washed over him when he saw them safe and sound. "Everything is fine?"

The midwife, with a warm smile,

He assured him, "Yes, everything went well. You have a healthy boy and a strong wife."

The room, once filled with the intensity of labor, was now a sanctuary of family happiness. The new parents exchanged looks of overwhelming love, welcoming their son's arrival into the world.

"Cain, I told you to stay calm," said the exhausted but exultant mother, addressing her husband.

"Sorry, it was the first time I needed to birth a Nephalem and I heard that giving birth to one is difficult. I was worried that something might happen to you and the child," Cain replied, a mix of worry and relief evident. in your voice.

After the small talk, The midwife, a serene figure in the room, spoke. "Ahem, if you don't have any problems, Mr. Cain, please wait outside and don't cause any trouble. Your wife needs to rest."

she is tired after giving birth and needs time to recover.

Cain, taken aback by the midwife's direction, began to protest, "Um? Who are you ordering?", but was interrupted by his wife's gentle touch and reassuring smile. "It's okay, Cain. I need to get some rest, and the midwife knows best. Please wait outside for a while," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and understanding.

Reluctantly, Cain agreed, "Alright, I'll wait outside, but make sure you take care of yourself and the little one." With that, he left the room, leaving the midwife and the new mother to focus on the postpartum care needed for both her and her newborn.

As soon as Cain left the room, he felt the presence of the heavenly energy of 3 angels, their heavenly energy marking them as Throne Angels, the 4th power level of heaven.

"Hmm, it looks like they've made a move. Those Angels of Heaven are hunting the Nephalem, but it looks like they don't know who the child's parents are, otherwise they wouldn't even try to eliminate the child. Cain muttered to himself, a storm of emotions shaking inside. Knowing that I would have to kill these Angels so that the news doesn't spread, it's a good thing Ariel did a binding spell, otherwise I could fall into the darkness again and become a heartless beast again.

Meanwhile, high up in a tree canopy, three unidentified figures peered into the distant cabin where their targets resided.

"Remember, our goal is to kill everyone in the cabin, be it angel, demon, of course the freak that is the child.

We can't let another one of these aberrations live, the last one caused a lot of problems", declared one of them coldly, his face hidden by dark cloaks.

Cain, unfazed by their plan, confidently confronted them: "Hmm, you are too confident to think that you could kill me and my family with just three Thrones Angels."

All three turned their heads towards the voice, spotting a tall figure in a Black Overcoat.

"Cain!! What are you doing here?"

"It is now that you plan to run, said Cain to the 3 angels, who had a look of astonishment because they knew they would die, for this is Cain, the first murderer, The Knight of Hell.

The Angel's words were cut short when he turned around and found his companion's lifeless body on the ground. "You were saying you would kill who...?" Cain scoffed.

As the last remaining Angel watched in horror, Cain, with a wicked smile, placed his hand on the Angel's face. The Angel tried to counterattack, but his body didn't respond, as if he couldn't feel. Cain noticed the sudden change in the expression on the Angel's face, he moved away, letting the Angel see his fallen and lifeless body and realized that his head was now separated from his body.

Cain muttered to himself, "Next time, bring a level 1 angel." With that, he released his grip, letting the Angel's head fall.