
Neo Yondaime Hokage

AU. In battling and defeating Kyuubi No Kitsune, the sealing jutsu unexpectedly sealed away Yondaime Hokage into Naruto. What will life for Naruto be like now that Yondaime is sealed away into him? This is not my work it belongs to Psycho G. I am bringing this story to this platform as I believe it is a great story and deserves to be read and the author deserves his flowers. It is a shame the story was abandoned and left unfinished.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter Sixty: Polar Opposites Part II

A/N: For the record to everyone, despite the similarities, the alternate universe Namikaze Naruto and his girls are in is NOT the cannon universe. It's a reflection of his life if the Shiki Fuujin jutsu Minato had planned to use originally had succeeded if Kyuubi didn't lash out and attack him at the last second, causing Minato to botch up the jutsu in the first place, which was what happened in the first chapter of this fic. Therefore, don't ridicule me in assuming that this story arc is designed to put down Kishimoto's "Naruto" manga and anime. This story arc will build up as it progresses, so don't be quick to believe that this fanfic's quality has declined.

I hope I cleared that up for all of you. With that out of the way, here's the next chapter.

(Four Hours Earlier; In The Forest Of Death)

The front door to the house opened revealing one of N. Naruto's fully dressed kage bushins entering the house with three scrolls before closing and locking the door.

"Here they are," the clone said while handing a scroll to each of the girls at the table.

"What's in the scrolls," Hinata inquired.

"Seeing that I had no female garbs on standby here in the house," Naruto explained, "I had one of my disguised clones go into the village and buy some new clothes and panties for you three."

"You really know how to spoil and treat us right," Ino grinned.

"Would you rather I go into the forest and skin tigers and leopards for their fur and make loin cloths for you three instead," Naruto remarked.

"That would be nice," Ino remarked toothily. Before more on that subject could be said, the clone, changing the subject, said to Naruto, "I also delivered the message to Konohamaru. He's completely aware of everything."

"That's good news to hear," Naruto said in approval.

"What message to Konohamaru did you send to him," Temari asked. Naruto explained, "A change of plans. I sent him a message explaining-"

Naruto stopped abruptly when he suddenly felt a sharp burst of pain shoot through his head. Screaming in pain, he grabbed his head and fell off his seat and onto his knees. The clone grabbed his head in pain and screamed also before puffing out of existence as the girls immediately rushed from their seats and hurried over to Naruto.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata asked with panic in her voice.

"What's wrong," Ino asked with the same sense of worry and panic.

"What it is," Temari asked in the same manner. A strained scream escaped from Naruto's mouth before he completely collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Hinata," Ino exclaimed as she turned to the girl. The Hyuuga nodded, "Byakugan!"

The girl activated her bloodline and thoroughly examined Naruto's body and brain. She found nothing wrong with him physically but she noticed an unexplainable abnormality.

"He suffered from a psychological shock," Hinata explained, "And his mind is showing signs of irregular brain wave patterns. But I can't identify what triggered it."

"Will he be OK," Temari asked while caressing their lover's head.

"He will be," Ino said despite her worry, "He has to be!"

"Ino-chan," Hinata suggested, "Can you try to use your jutsu to see into his mind?"

"I'll try," Ino agreed as she performed the essential hand signs for the jutsu, "Shintenshin No Jutsu."

With that, Ino's mind left her body in a pool of chakra and entered into N. Naruto's body as her body collapsed into Hinata's arms. Several seconds later, Ino was forcefully ejected from out of Naruto's body and back into hers. She gasped and took in a deep amount of breath.

"What happened," Temari asked. Ino shook her head, "Something in him forced me out. His mind was so clouded before a strong pulse came from out of nowhere knocked me straight from out his body."

Ino was now rubbing her head from the pain resulting from the brute ejection.

"Did something invade his mind," Hinata asked.

"No," Ino confirmed, "Nothing invaded him. Though I can't explain what it was I felt."

"Regardless," Temari interjected, "We can't leave him like this. Help me carry him to the bedroom."

The two younger girls nodded and helped Temari carry their lover to the bedroom. Arriving there, they laid Naruto down on the bed and placed a blanket sheet over him. Hinata left and came back with a warm wet wash cloth and placed it over Naruto's head.

"How long will he stay like this," Temari asked.

"I have no idea," Ino said, "I hope this is only temporary."

"Naruto-kun pulled through many obstacles," Hinata said with a voice trying to sound as optimistic as possible though worry was still present in her tone, "And I'm sure he'll pull through this one."

"We all know and believe he will Hinata," Ino said, "For sakes and everyone else's, I'm sure he will pull through."

"Let's let him rest," Temari suggested, "Later we can come back and check up on him."

All three girls kissed Naruto on his cheeks and reluctantly left the room, closing the door behind them. As Naruto lied there motionlessly, a spectral figure rose and floated from out of Naruto's body and took on a form and appearance very different from Naruto's. Hovering off the ground next to the bed, the spectral figure looked at Naruto emotionlessly before closing his eyes and scanning all of his memories of N. Naruto, including his first encounter with Konohamaru, all that he saw in the village the previous night and everything else that happened up to Naruto losing consciousness. Opening his eyes, the figure then shunshin'd in a whirl of wind, leaving the house and making his way to his next destination.


Jiraiya the Toad Sage was leaping from tree to tree making his way to Konoha to check up on his godson. The Sage thought about how adamant U. Naruto was when he tried to talk him into abandoning the idea of trying to get Sasuke back and accept the fact that the Uchiha turned traitor. The Genin was hardheaded and wouldn't listen to him.

"Just like Minato and his red-haired lover," Jiraiya said to himself, "And just as obstinate and brash."

Jumping down to the ground, Jiraiya landed down gracefully and sat down under the tree to take a break. As he was about to pull out his tobacco and pipe, he sensed an unusual chakra signature. Feeling troubled by the strange wave of chakra, Jiraiya got up and followed the chakra signature to its source, which led to a hidden underground cave.

Going into the cave, Jiraiya crawled in and moved further into the cave. Once inside he stood back up and walked over to the source of the chakra signature. What he saw shocked him to the core.

"What kind of seal is this," Jiraiya said in a low voice as he saw the eerie glowing seal writings of the Hoka Sekai Senshi on the ground.

(Present Time; Back In Konoha)

Daisuke and Konohamaru were still making their way to the library. While walking, Konohamaru couldn't help but wonder if things could have gone better between Daisuke and U. Naruto. He was hoping that Daisuke and U. Naruto would have hit it off just perfectly but everything backfired and now he was at a loss in figuring out how to fix matters.

"Dai-kun," Konohamaru asked, "Wasn't there another way in which you could have spoken with nii-chan? He doesn't take too kindly to those who talk bad about his friends."

"That's all understandable Konoharmaru," Daisuke replied, "But a friend who willingly betrays you is not your friend. There's no greater act of betrayal than the one committed by your closest friends or family members."

The boy sighed, "…But Sakura-san didn't betray Konoha or Naruto-nii-chan. Sure, she can be a snob and scary sometimes, but she isn't all that bad as you made her out to be."

"Perhaps not," Daisuke admitted, "But still, some of her traits aren't all that complementary to Naruto's character either."

Konohamaru sighed again, seeing that his points were again inverted. After another twenty-two minutes of walking, they arrived at their destination. Entering the building, the pair walked in and looked around the book selves. Daisuke noticed a few people whispering amongst themselves while stealing a couple of glances toward his direction. Two girls in particular started gossiping.

"Who's the new guy with the bizarre looking cloak," the blond girl asked in a whisper.

"I dunno," the other girl whispered back, "But he's hanging around Konohamaru."

"Why would Konohamaru want to hang around a guy like that," the blond girl inquired.

"How should I know," the second girl shot back, "It's not like I-"

"If you ladies have something to say us," Daisuke interjected as he turned into their direction, "Have the decency to come say it to our faces."

The two girls jumped slightly from behind discovered talking about them. They were surprised that the stranger was able to hear them. Stepping forward, the girls stood before the mysterious taller teen.

"Sorry about that," the first girl said, "But we've never seen you from around here before."

"So I've heard," Daisuke remarked. The first girl went on, "I'm Yamanaka Ino, and the one with the pink hair and large forehead is Haruno Sakura."

Sakura snorted at Ino while mumbling "pig" under her breath. The girl then returned her attention to Daisuke.

"Where are you from," Sakura asked, "Are you a visitor here on business?"

"I'm here to help Konohamaru catch up on his reading," Daisuke said, "We're looking for a book to borrow from this library."

Ino and Sakura then noticed the jewel flower on his shirt.

"Wow," Ino marveled, "That's a most beautiful ornament you have there."

"Do you believe that to be likewise with my 'bizarre looking' cloak which you so nicely described?"

Ino chuckled lightly while scratching the back of her head feeling embarrassed.

"Hey you guys," a masculine voice greeted. Everyone turned to see Kiba, Shino and Hinata making their way over to them.

"Hello everyone," Hinata smiled and greeted, "We didn't expect to find you all here."

Daisuke turned to Hinata and her team before he approached them. Akamaru, while being carried in Kiba's jacket, gave Daisuke a low snarl. Kiba noticed Akamaru's behavior towards the stranger but kept himself in a cool state of mind not wanting to draw unwanted attention to himself. Shino was as collective as ever, but his bugs felt something weird about Daisuke though they couldn't figure out what it was.

"Judging from your eyes," Daisuke said to Hinata, "I take it that you're of the Hyuuga clan, yes?"

"Yes," Hinata nodded her head, "I'm Hyuugu Hinata. Th-This is Kiba-kun, his dog Akamaru, and Shino-kun."

Daisuke saw how Akamaru was looking at him. He starred piercingly at Akamaru causing the dog to retreat further into his master's jacket.

"Hey buster," Kiba retorted at Daisuke, "What are you doing to Akamaru!?"

"Nothing," Daisuke said, "Nothing at all."

Ino asked, "What kind of book are you looking for Konohamaru?"

"It'll come to me once I find something interesting," Konohamaru answered.

"Anyway," Daisuke said, "Konohamaru and I have much work to do. (Turned to Sakura) But, I remember Naruto telling me that you have a test to study for."

"That's right," Sakura confirmed, "I'm studying to become a medic-nin. Tsunade-sama is my trainer."

"Y-You know Nar-Naruto-kun," Hinata asked.

"I just met him today actually," Daisuke said, "But our first encounter was bitter and unpleasant. Maybe you can find and cheer that fool up."

"M…Me," Hinata stuttered and blushed.

"Yes you," Daisuke remarked plainly, "And you won't need Byakugan to see through the fact that he'll listen to you."

"You two got into a fight," Hinata asked worriedly, "What happened that led to the fight that took place between you both?"

"Why don't you go find and ask him yourself Hinata," Daisuke replied, "Like I said, maybe you can cheer that fool up. In any case, Konohamaru and I must really continue on our way now. Konohamaru?"

"Right Dai-kun," Konohamaru said as they went both over to one of the librarians.

"Good day, Dekosuke," Daisuke said to Sakura before heading over to where the boy went. Sakura blinked a few times from the name he called her while Ino and Kiba snickered at Sakura's reaction. Sakura growled heatedly with bloodlust while Daisuke continued walking away from them as though he didn't have a care in the world.


Sakura was about to charge after him when Ino grabbed and pulled her back.

"Hey Forehead," Ino said, "Don't do anything that'll get you kicked out of here!"

"…You heard the name that jerk called me," Sakura snarled.

"Yeah I did," Ino said, "But pay him no mind."

Sakura just huffed.

"Still," Ino continued, "I really liked that rose jewel he was wearing. It would sure look good on me any day of the week."

"It's not like he'll freely folk it over to you Ino-pig," Sakura stated.

"Who asked you," Ino shot back, "Then again, he did notice you, well your large forehead anyway."

"Oh shut up," Sakura retorted.

"If it makes you feel better Sakura," Kiba said, "Akamaru doesn't seem to like him all that much either, and for good reasons too."

"And what might they be," Sakura inquired.

"We couldn't smell him," Kiba replied. Sakura and Ino looked at Kiba quizzically, "What do you mean?"

"Every flesh and blood creature gives off a distinct smell," Kiba explained, "A smell unique to that person, animal or creature. That guy didn't give off any distinctive body scent whatsoever; it was as though he was never here."

"My bugs reacted in the same manner," Shino added, "They too found him unusual."

"Well he wasn't a genjutsu," Sakura said, "If he was, I'd have sensed and dispelled it. What do you think Hina-"

The group turned to see that Hinata was gone and no longer among them.

"Where did Hinata go," Ino asked with being given an answer, "And when did she leave?"

Daisuke stood next to Konohamaru as the boy was being instructed by the librarian he was speaking to on where he and Daisuke could find what they were looking for. Moving on, the duo made their way over to the book shelves and started looking around for the book. While Konohamaru did that, Daisuke moved away from him and made his way over to another book shelf. Making a quick scan, he found what he was looking for.

"I found it," Daisuke gestured to Konohamaru to come over to him. Reaching the older male, Konohamaru saw that Daisuke was holding a book on bojutsu.

"This book will be a great benefit to you Konohamaru," Daisuke suggested, "Read this book to help establish your foundation for bojutsu and the use of the naginata."

Konohamaru nodded and took the book before he and Daisuke made their way over to another librarian at the check out desk. After having the book checked out, they both exited the library and started off to their next destination, which was at one of the training grounds.

(Back In The Forest)

Jiraiya was still hard at work trying to study the ancient seal. He was at it for a couple of hours now.

"I've never seen anything quite like this in all my years," Jiraiya said kneeling down on one knee next to the seal. In his analysis he discovered several aspects about the seal.

"This seal however has several design flaws in it," Jiraiya noted, "Not the work of a genuine seal master that is certain. Whoever wrote and executed this seal has triggered some kind of chain reaction though I still can't pinpoint exactly what that chain reaction is."

Jiraiya continued his investigation of the seal. Unknown to him was that a creature of some sort slithered from out of the cave and into the opening making its escape.

(At The Training Ground)

Konohamaru and Daisuke arrived and found a particular team that was already there practicing their fighting styles. The Jounin-sensei in question was wearing an outfit that many didn't find fashionable, with one of his Genins following in his footsteps in fashion and hairstyle.

"Yosh," Gai said with a huge smile on his face, "It's great to see my youthful Genins ready for the day's training! Your flames will burn brighter after today!"

"Hai Gai-sensei," Lee said enthusiastically thrusting his fist into the air, "I'll do five hundred squats and three hundred one-arm push ups. If I fail, I'll do six hundred laps about Konoha!"

Tenten sighed at Lee's usual antics while Neji's expression was as stoic as ever.

"An interesting Genin team I see," Daisuke observed.

"They may act odd," Konoharmaru said, "But from what nii-chan told me about them, they're a real fighting force and can give anyone a hard fight any day of the week."

"Hmm," Daisuke said sounding interested as he approached the team.

"Hey where are you going," Konohamaru called out.

"To introduce myself of course," Daisuke replied while continuing on his way over to the group. It wasn't long until he was spotted by Gai and his team. Konohamaru followed close by.

"Konohamaru-kun," Lee greeted, "Who's this newcomer?"

"He's Rurounin No Daisuke," Konohamaru said, "He's a good friend of mine."

Neji looked at the older teen with curiosity. He sensed that there was something abnormal about him though he couldn't put his finger on exactly what it was. He was tempted to use his Byakugan on him, but decided against it. Tenten looked at the guy from head to toe, trying to make out what kind of a person he was.

Daisuke stood before them and asked, "And who might you all be?"

"I'm Hyuuga Neji," Neji said.


"Rock Lee."

"And I'm their Jounin-sensei, Maito Gai, Konoha's Green Beast."

"An interesting team," Daisuke said before turning to Lee, "So you're Lee. Naruto mentioned you earlier."

"You met Naruto-kun," Lee asked. Daisuke nodded. Lee asked, "What did he say?"

"That both you and him have a crush on this Sakura," Daisuke shrugged.

"Yosh," Lee confirmed enthusiastically, "Naruto-kun and I are strengthening our flames in our effort win the love of that pink-haired angel named Sakura-san! Through my flames and dedication to hard work, I will woo Sakura-san and show her how great my affections burn for her!"

Tenten sighed, feeling embarrassed, "You don't have to act that zealous about it in front of Daisuke-san and Konohamaru."

Turning to Gai, Daisuke asked, "Was I interfering with their training?"

"Actually," Gai said, "We were just about to have a sparring session."

"You don't say," Daisuke remarked while looking over at Tenten, "Perhaps the young girl here with panda-looking hairstyle would like to challenge me."

Tenten's right eye twitched several times as a low snarl left her mouth. Konohamaru snickered at his remark though he felt bloodlust from Tenten aimed at Daisuke.

"I accept your challenge," Tenten said pulling out her weapons scroll. Daisuke reached behind him and pulled out a small scroll. Opening it, he focused chakra into it and summoned his naginata from it. What stood out uniquely about his naginata was that the blade looked like a large razor-sharpened fang of a viper and the staff itself looked to be beautifully made out of rock hard polished marble. The kanji writings inscribed on the fang blade stood for "Snake Bite" and the writings of the staff stood for "Stone Fist." The gripping part of the staff had dark brown rubber around it. The up portion of the staff where the blade stood was wrapped and fastened around with light brown leather snake scales. There was also a patch of red fur-like hair around where the fang blade was attached to the staff. With his weapon of choice in head, he swung it a few times to get a feel for it before posing it at Tenten.

"That's an exclusive looking naginata you have there Daisuke-san," Tenten admired, "I'm assuming it was custom made."

"Indeed it was," Daisuke confirmed, "And it's been thirsting for some fresh blood. Care to quench its thirst?"

This guy is creepy like that crazy Special Jounin kunoichi from the Chuunin Exams, Tenten thought before smirking, "Hmph! You'll find that I'm not an easy prey."

The Genin then summoned a naginata of her own and she swung it a few times to get the feel for it.

"Ready to fight," Tenten challenged.

"As I'll ever be panda-ko," Daisuke taunted, "Now show me the true extent of your youthful flames."

Tenten visibly grimaced on hearing that remark while Neji closed his eyes and frowned while shaking his head.

Not another one, Tenten mentally wailed, knowing what was to come next. Gai and Lee at this point were completely in tears.











The two of them hugged with tears still flowing down their faces with a sunset at the beach with crashing waves on the shores appearing in the background.

"Where the hell did that genjutsu come from," Daisuke asked with a sweat-drop.

"To this day," Tenten remarked, "None of us are able to figure that out. It happens every time they do that. (Shuddered) So please, for our sakes at least, no more talks of youth."

"Whatever you say panda-ko," Daisuke shrugged, causing Tenten to revert back to her previous demeanor on hearing that name he called her by.

"I have a name," Tenten shot back with irritation showing on her face, "It's Tenten like I said, not Panda-ko!"

"All in all," Daisuke remarked sinisterly, "You're a panda that's about to be bitten."

"That's it," Tenten growled as she charged at Daisuke, engaging him in bojutsu combat. Konohamaru watched intently at how Daisuke clashed and evaded every attack Tenten launched at him. Like a cautious serpent, Daisuke manuvered himself with grace and fluidity. Lee was shouting to Tenten to show her burning youth and Neji was trying to decipher Daisuke's fighting pattern. Gai smiled and looked on excitedly.

"Wow, he's good," Konohamaru admired, "And he's fast!"

Tenten was having difficulty landing a blow on the stranger because of the red sash that was attached to his naginata. He continuously used and flashed it in her face which resulted in her confusions and miscalculations. In effect, he was able to land a series of blows on her, resulting in bruises. This was then speedily followed by a hard jab to the gut with the butt end of the staff, causing the girl to back away and fall to her knees, wheezing and gasping a few times in pain and loss of breath. She held her aching stomach while holding onto her naginata for support.

"Surely Panda-ko," Daisuke stood over her and remarked, "This isn't as far as your youthful flames can take you, yes?"

"This isn't over yet," Tenten growled while forcing herself back up. She gripped her naginata tightly, ignoring the still present pain in her stomach, "I'll show you!"

Tenten engaged Daisuke again, this time, more fiercely than before.

"Yosh," Lee cheered, "Tenten, let your youth burn bright! Show him what you can do!"

Tenten appeared to be pushing Daisuke back with the amount of adrenaline she was coming at him with. She felt confident that she was about to corner him. That however was cut down when he now started pushing her back, forcing her to fight harder against him. He took a swipe at her feet, but she jumped over the blade and flipped backwards as he swung his nagjnata at her neck. Getting back to her feet, Tenten hurriedly deflected an attack aim at her face. She was sure she warded off his attack, but she soon felt a stinging sensation on her face as something warm started flowing down her left cheek. She looked and saw that her left cheek had a bleeding cut across and the cut itself almost reached her ear.

"First blood," Daisuke stated, with a small bit of Tenten's blood stained on his fang blade. As he pulled away from her, allowing her to soak in what just happened. Tenten couldn't believe that the teen stranger managed to penetrate through her defense twice, and this time make her bleed. Clenching her teeth, Tenten braced her naginata and aimed it at Daisuke.

"Round Two goes to me Panda-ko," Daisuke said, "Ready for the third and final round?"

Her eyes narrowed, "I'll make you regret this!"

"Come make me," Daisuke challenged, "Show me what more you got."

Coming at him again, Tenten battled with him with more passion than before. Daisuke returned the passion with as much adrenaline, refusing to concede to the girl's offense as their deadly dance went on. Tenten didn't want to lose to him a third time. She was Konoha's weapon mistress in training; she was to be a specialist. She had to prove that she was to be the best. But for the life of her she couldn't break through his defense and his offense was intensifying as the number of hits and cuts she was getting on her body increased, not only from his weapon but also from his punches and kicks.

Gai looked on intrigued at how hard Daisuke was really pushing his student, forcing her to really give it her all. Neji too was fascinated at how coordinated and polished Daisuke's movements were. Konohamaru looked on as though he was completely glued to the fight, trying to visualize himself in Daisuke's place.

Look at him go, Konohamaru marveled, I didn't think anyone of boss' age group could match Tenten in weapon fighting from what he told me about her.

"Byakugan," Neji said in an undertone as he activated his bloodline. He attempted to examine Daisuke's chakra coils. What he saw made him frown with narrowed eyes suspiciously after he deactivated his bloodline moments later.

At this point, Tenten was in her own world. To her, nothing and no one else existed except her and the opponent she was facing. Strike after strike, slash after slash, he kept coming at her with a speed she had a hard time keeping up with and he was getting faster and his strength increased with every blow he landed. He turned and ran a couple of feet from her as she pursued him. Seconds later, he leaped on a large rock and jumped backwards over Tenten's head, surprising the girl.

She speedily turned and received a swing kick to her face. The kunoichi was sent spinning to the ground in a heap. After hitting the ground, she hurriedly moved out of the way as the blade of his naginata came swinging down at her. She got back up on her feet, nursing the bruise that appeared on her right cheek from his swing kick. Daisuke moved and swung his weapon around his body as if he was seemingly dancing with it. He stopped and posed his weapon at her as he looked at her with a hidden smile under his mask.

"Let's finish this," Daisuke suggested. Snarling at him, she gripped her weapon and prepared to charge at him. That option though was denied her when he suddenly appeared in front of her and slashed at her. She barely managed to evade the blade as it sliced off a few strands of brown hair from off her head. Not giving her time to counter him, he came at her with unrelenting prejudice and adrenaline.

Who the hell is this guy, Tenten thought frantically as their death waltz went on. She tried backing away to make some distance between them but he just kept coming without showing signs of relent. She didn't know for how much longer this would last. Moments later, he used the red furry sash on his naginata again to throw off her focus as he kept thrusting the blade at her face as she did everything in her power to evade getting her face cut up and stab by the weapon.

During the confusion, he found an opening and immediately used his naginata to smack hers from out of her hands away from her. Speedily using the butt end of his naginata, he swung it into her right leg, causing her to fall to the ground flat on her back. Not giving her time to react, he rushed and pressed his left foot down on her between her breasts as he held his naginata and swung it down at her neck, stopping when the cold sharp fang blade touched the skin of her neck right under her jaw. She gasped in shock, seeing the serious look on his face.

"The battle is mine," Daisuke stated, staring down at Tenten, "Choose your next move carefully Panda-ko, for a viper's venom turns toxic after the bite."

She looked back at him with a look of disbelief, defiance and at the same time awe. The only time she fought that hard was when she helped Neji perfect his Kaiten, but Daisuke forced her to not only to fight him but to defend herself through her expertise. He challenged her abilities in the naginata and completely subdued her. Dropping her head back down, she admitted defeat, "I lose."

"That was cool Dai-kun," Konohamaru said as he ran over to the older teen. Daisuke removed his foot off Tenten and withdrew his naginata. Dai-kun offered with his left hand extended to her. Tenten took his hand before he helped pull her up off the grass. Standing upright, Tenten winced from the sore pain in her stomach, the cuts and bruises that were around her arms, back, legs and parts of her face with the still freshly open cut on her cheek. Parts of her clothes too were stained in her blood and sustained some tears from Daisuke's naginata. Daisuke thought didn't have a single scratch anywhere on his body or a tear on his clothes whatsoever.

"I'm a complete mess," Tenten grieved.

"Here," Daisuke offered, "Let me."

Tenten looked at the teen questionably as he took hold on her arms. Focusing green chakra into her arms, he started healing the cuts and injuries he personally inflicted on her. When that was done, he healed her legs, back, stomach and lastly, her face.

"You're a medic-nin also," Tenten asked, feeling much better than before.

"I have many talents," was Daisuke's only reply.

"Your moves and timing in attacks were most impressive," Neji commented as he stepped into the mix with Lee and Gai joining in.

"Yes they were," Lee added, "You were most youthful in your arts and your flames were shining as bright as the-"

"Save it Lee," Tenten interjected.

"Daisuke-san," Gai asked, "Your spar with my youthful Genin was a most enlightening experience for her I'm sure. She'll definitely use this as a lesson to help her flames grow ever stronger."

"Yes I'm sure Panda-ko will," Daisuke said.

"Stop calling me that," Tenten grumbled with clenched fists and shut eyes.

"Daisuke-san," Lee said, "Would you like to spar with me? I'll be more than happy to show you my flames as did Tenten."

"I can't," Daisuke said, "Regrettably, Konohamaru and I must be on our way now."

Turning around, Daisuke held and rested his naginata on top of his right shoulder and started on his way from the team.

"Konohomaru," Daisuke said turning to the boy, "Come."

And with that, Konohamaru followed Daisuke close by. When both Konohamaru and Daisuke were gone, Neji turned and said to his team, "There's more to Daisuke than he lets on."

"You think," Tenten remarked, "Throughout the whole fight I couldn't lay a single hit on him and his moves were getting stronger and faster. Plus he kept calling me that annoying name."

"Not just that," Neji continued, "I couldn't make out what his chakra coils were. They were unlike anything I've ever seen. Along with this, his chakra was also unusual and erratic. But the thing that troubles me most is that when I tried to see through his hood and mask, I couldn't see anything. It was like he had no face, like it didn't exist."

"He couldn't be a genjutsu," Lee said, "Seeing that you spoke of him having chakra coils. Plus he healed the injuries he inflicted on Tenten after his match with her was over."

"…," Neji gave no further comments as he thought some more about that mystifying ninja.

"From what I saw in your spar with Daisuke-san," Gai stated, "He didn't look at you as a challenge at all Tenten."

"What," Tenten replied indignantly, "C'mon, you saw how hard I fought him!"

"Yes," Gai elaborated, "Your battle was most youthful and zealous. But along with what Neji explained, during your sparring session with Daisuke-san, I was analyzing both his movements and tactics. His style of fighting was that of the Snake."

"You mean his fighting style was from Orochimaru's," Tenten's asked with a shocked tone.

"It resembled Orochimaru's style but it wasn't quite the same," Gai continued, "Also, he predicted and countered every move and strike you made in both defense and offense efficiently with accurate timing. It was like he already studied you and knew how to fight and get around you with little to no problem.

"From the way he fought you Tenten, if Daisuke-san was serious, you wouldn't have stood a chance. He'd have killed you since the beginning of the match."

Tenten couldn't believe her sensei's words, yet she knew they were truthful after what she went through.

"What level would you rank him Gai-sensei," Lee inquired.

"To be honest, it's hard to say," Gai admitted, "We really don't know the actual extent of his abilities besides what we saw, along with the fact that he also knows medic jutsus. Therefore I have no real way of ranking his true aptitude."

Though he was known for his weird character, Gai had deep insight and understanding in the art of close melee combat, armed and unarmed alike.

(Back In Konoha)

U. Naruto was at Ichiraku with a bowl of ramen in front of him. He was still depressed by what Daisuke said to him and he was hoping to get his mind off of it with some of his favorite food to eat. Sadly for him, that wasn't to be so.

"What's the matter Naruto," Teuchi asked, "Normally you'd have been on your sixth bowl at this point. Did something happen?"

"Some know-it-all jerk I met earlier," Naruto replied angrily, "He doesn't even know me and he went acting all pompous like he's better than me."

"Is that what happened," a feminine voice asked. Naruto and Teuchi turned to see Hinata approaching them.

"Hinata," Naruto asked, "What's up?"

Fiddling with her fingers, Hinata said, "I…I heard that y-you got into a fight earlier today."

"Where did you hear that," Naruto asked.

"From the one you had the dispute with," Hinata answered, "But I didn't get the chance to find out his name."

"Rurounin No Daisuke," Naruto stated sourly, "That's the name of that damn cold-hearted asshole!"

"Watch the language young man," Teuchi rebuked. Naruto lowered his head, "Sorry jiisan."

"Naruto-kun," Hinata asked nervously as mustered up her courage and took a seat next to him, "It wouldn't be too personal to tell me and Teuchi-san about what happened between you and Daisuke-san, would it?"

Deciding to get his problem off his chest, U. Naruto began relating the entire account to Hinata and Teuchi, from his meeting with Kakashi and Sakura to him being where was now. Teuchi and Hinata listened to the blonde without interrupting, seeing the anger and sadness in his tone, especially when he mentioned the accounts on what Daisuke said about Sasuke and Sakura. Hinata was very sympathetic for the blonde, in spite of his one-sided infatuation with Sakura, which was seen from how angrily he spoke about how Daisuke bad-mouthed the pink-haired kunoichi.

"I'm sorry all that happened, Naruto-kun," Hinata said, "He shouldn't have said all those harsh things to you. I know the issue about Sasuke is a sensitive subject for you and Daisuke-san was…cold and unsympathetic for your hurt feelings about Sasuke's desertion."

Teuchi knew that U. Naruto's immaturity stemmed from his loneliness as a Jinchuuriki. He knew that Naruto had it hard all his life as so many in the village looked at him as if he was the bijuu he had imprisoned inside his body.

"Sasuke was your first best friend," Hinata said, "He was one of the first few people to acknowledge and empathize with you as an orphaned child, just like how Iruka-sensei did. Sure you both had your differences but you two didn't hate each other, at least from what I've seen while Sasuke was here.

"You grew a strong bond with Sasuke, your team, Iruka-sensei and others in Konoha and severing just one of those bonds must be unthinkable to you. That's something that Daisuke-san can't begin to understand because he never lived your life, regardless of all his experience and expertise."

Teuchi thought about adding his two cents into the conversation but he decided to standby and watch, allowing Hinata to talk. It surprised the man that despite her shy nature, Hinata was quick to help her friends and he was not blind to the longtime affections and admiration the Hyuuga heiress had for the blonde Jinchuuriki.

"Your views Naruto-kun…," Hinata blushed and paused momentarily as she gathered her thoughts, "…Are more optimistic and you never want to give up on anyone or anything. You try to see the best in everyone, believing that if you truly reach out to them, they can change for the better. That's how you feel for Sasuke and why you so greatly want to help and bring him back.

"Daisuke-san's views are callous, barely opened to compassion, mercy or understanding. Despite this though I think I can see from where he's coming from."

Naruto turned sharply to Hinata, "How could you say that and take his side all of the sudden?!"

"I-t's n-n-not like I'm…trying to de-defend him N-Naruto-kun," Hinata stuttered with panic, "But…I'm assuming that…something horrible and traumatizing…must have happened to him. Like you, he must been gravely hurt and betrayed by those he once looked at as close comrades or family, but he can't understand why you're so quick to forgive Sasuke's actions.

U. Naruto calmed down to think about what Hinata was telling him.

"Not wanting to experience the feeling or act of being betrayed again," Hinata theorized, "Daisuke-san must have shut off all his emotions, choosing to live solely by the way of the shinobi. What happened between you both sort of showed the perfect ninja ideals vs. the not-so-perfect ninja yet one who-doesn't-give-up ideals. Still, that gave Daisuke-san no right to tell you how you ought to view others or those you deeply care for. You're who you are and neither Daisuke-san nor anyone else can force you to change that unless you want to."

Naruto sat there as he just listened to Hinata's words. Little by little he was starting to feel a whole lot better.

"It's true," Hinata continued, "When Daisuke-san said that you can't save both the spider and the fly as one must be sacrificed to save the other. But he said it as if it was a solid fact when he related that notion with people in general; something I personally don't agree with. You never know what can possibly happen until you give it your best shot, but you won't ever know if you don't. That's what you're trying to do with regards to Sasuke. You're trying to save and rescue him from his darkness because…he was your closest friend."

U. Naruto marveled at Hinata's wisdom, insight and consoling words. They were exactly what he needed to hear and it came at the right time. The blonde hyperactive ninja found himself smiling optimistically again. Awkwardly enough, Daisuke's words from earlier came back to him:

"Sakura isn't the only smart and pretty girl in Konoha. There are many smart and pretty girls out there Naruto …"


Turning to the blonde, she asked, "Yes, Naruto-kun?"

Overcome with much joy and high spirits, Naruto stood up and pulled Hinata into a tight affectionate embrace. Hinata's face turned a dark bloody red from the close contact with Naruto.

"Thank you, Hinata," U. Naruto cried happily, "You truly are a smart, pretty and precious friend! You're one of my most precious people! Dattebayo!"

He thinks I'm smart, pretty and precious, Hinata smiled happily, very joyful that she was able to lift Naruto's spirits back to normal and then some, I'm smart, pretty and precious to Naruto-kun.

It was rather ironic really, seeing that the very person responsible for hurting Naruto's feelings was the same one who told Hinata to find and cheer Naruto up. What added more to the irony was how Naruto was affected by remembering Daisuke's words about other smart and pretty girls in Konoha besides Sakura.

"Hey jiisan," Naruto said cheerfully while turning to Teuchi with Hinata still wrapped in his arms, "Two large bowls offbeef ramen for Hinata and I on me!"

"I'll give you a break Naruto," Teuchi smiled, happy that Naruto was back to his ever happy self, "That order will be on the house for you both!"

"That's even better," U. Naruto cheered, totally unaware that the red-faced Hinata fainted happily while still in his arms and embrace.

(All The While In The Forest Of Death)

Temari, Ino, and Hinata were back in the room checking on N. Naruto who was still in bed where he haven't moved from since they laid him there. The girls were now dressed in some of the clothes that their lover had bought for them.

Hinata was dressed in a pair of dark blue pants and a black form-fitting t-shirt. Her head protector was hanging around her neck as she usually wears it. Ino was wearing bandages about her upper legs, thigh and stomach with medium blue shorts worn over it with a matching stomach-less short sleeve shirt. Her head protector was worn around her head. Temari was wearing a fishnet body-suit with a red skirt, and a white t-shirt. Her large fan was strapped to her back and her head protector was worn around her neck like Hinata.

Their feelings of worry and concern intensified when they saw that Naruto was sweating and sweating hard, he was. He tossed and turned several times while lying down and mumbled incoherent utterances on a few occasions, seemingly as though he was trying to warn someone about something.

"What is he talking about," Ino wondered aloud, "He's not making any sense."

"He's burning up," Hinata said with her Byakugan activated while wiping Naruto's forehead with the moist washcloth, "It's like something is sapping his strength and vitality."

"What's wrong with him," Temari wondered, "Why is he like this? Do you suppose the Kyuubi has something to do with this?"

"I found no indication of Kyuubi's chakra or influence anyway in him," Hinata said before turning to Ino again, "Ino-chan, can you try your jutsu once more?"

Ino nodded without question and performed the mind transfer jutsu again. Temari caught her body and laid her on the recliner. Moments later, Ino was shot out of Naruto's body just as before. The girls went over to her and checked on her.

"Are you alright," Hinata asked.

"No better than the first time I was thrown out of him," Ino remarked, "But I heard a name of some kind being repeated in his clouded mind, with another voice trying to warn me about something in connection to Konohamaru."

"What name did you hear," Temari asked. Ino looked at Naruto and then turned back to Temari and Hinata, "Rurounin No Daisuke."


Daisuke's eyes flashed and narrowed when he felt a pulse of some sort course through his body. Konohamaru turned to the older teen quizzically.

"What is it, Dai-kun," Konohamaru asked. Daisuke gave Konohamaru no reply as he thought to himself, Looks like those three kunoichis will be coming after me soon…

The Genins in Konoha are on edge about Daisuke, but who really is this mysterious Rurounin No Daisuke and how does N. Naruto know of him? What warning was N. Naruto trying to convey to Ino concerning Konohamaru and what serious design flaws has Jiraiya discovered about the Hoka Sekai Senshi? And what was that creature that escaped from out of the cave? Find out next time.

Dekosuke: a mocking nickname for people with large heads (From the anime "Gurren Lagaan")

Panda-ko: "Panda Girl" or "Panda Kid"

Since many of you were so quick to criticize Namikaze Naruto for Daisuke's actions, what do you all speculate now? (^_^)

Ollie Ramone: The name changes you pointed out will take some time, but I'll apply them as I get the chances to do so seeing that I wrote a lot of chapters.
