

Two Centuries ago, mankind has created one weapon that was truly an all powerful and unstoppable weapon. The atomic bomb. A name terrible enough to bring fear to anyone. And it would be this weapon that would bring mankind’s end. The world broke out into another world war and each countries government fired their bombs without hesitation. And in minutes, humanity had been destroyed. Well…maybe not all of them. A boy, Arlo Baros, awakens in a strange building. His clothes showed wear and tear, yet his body was completely untouched. Alone and desperate, he leaves his chamber of awakening and sets out into the world to search for others. What little left of them there are…and if they’re even human anymore.

Mangaverse710 · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Nuclear Genesis

Location: ???, Underground bunker

Year: 3012

I awoke…my eyelids heavy. Slowly they opened. Allowing a faint light to sting my eyes. It felt like I had just started using them. Soon though, the pain subsided and I was able to see where I was. I am in a large grey room with the only light source being a small lightbulb hanging from the ceiling which flickered every few seconds. The walls had doors on them, some were open. Revealing a number of weapons in them.

"Where…am I…" was the first thought that came into my mind. I couldn't be dead if I was still drawing breath. If I was then Hell (or heaven) wasn't exactly what I expected. Because if Hell's idea of punishment was placing me in an empty room alone, then I have to say it's not working.

After discarding these thoughts I tried to push myself up. But when I moved my arm, I felt an extreme pain course through my nerves. My arms felt as stiff as concrete and they wouldn't budge one inch. I shuddered as I heard my bones make that blood curdling popping. Soon, I relaxed my arms and fell back onto the floor.

"This fucking hurts…why is my body hurting so much?" I said to myself. I then notice my voice had a dry sound to it. Strange. But I don't have time to be concerned about my voice. I need to get out of here.

And of course being the dumbass that I am I decided that forcing my arms to move was a good idea. So I quickly jerked my arm and felt an immediate pain with the sound of my bones popping loudly. It was almost unbearable. It felt as though fire was flowing through my vein, burning all the flesh and muscles. I bit my lips hard enough that blood seeped out and rolled to the back of my throat. The metallic taste was unpleasant but nothing compared to the feeling in my arm.

The pain subsided after a minute, and slowly I began to feel my arm once more. I wiggle my fingers slowly so as to not repeat the burning sensation again. They shook slightly, but still seem to function. With my other arm, I moved slightly slower to make sure the pain wasn't as sharp. It still hurt, but I was able to brace myself. Then with hesitation I carefully placed my hands on the floor and gently pushed. As I did, I felt every bone in my body gently pop. It was almost satisfying in a grotesque sense.

God damn it hurt. It felt like I haven't moved my body in ages. I'm surprised I was still here anyway. Next came my legs, which might be the worst part. Since legs typically have more muscle than the arms, it might mean that I could get an extremely unbearable pain the second I move. But I had to get out. I need to get out. So instead of jerking them around, I moved my legs extra slow.

As I did, the pain was almost unreal. The moment I got half way through folding my leg, my quads instantly got a cramp. I couldn't hold in my voice. Letting out a loud and quivering howl of pain. My body shaking from the intense sensations. But I power through and folded my legs all the way.

I place the weight on my feet and slowly rose up. My stiff body slowly but surely got loose and I was able to feel again. It felt weird. Like I was…a mannequin. But at least I was up. I dusted off my body and found that my clothes were full of holes. I had on a blue jumpsuit with an orange jacket. I thought it was a bit on the tacky side, I would never wear anything like this…would I?

No I…I don't think I would. Anyway, after I finished dusting off I saw a name tag. "Arlo Baros".

Arlo…is that…my name? I suppose it must be if it is on my jacket. Otherwise it might be the name of whoever owned this jacket. Did I steal it? Was it given to me? I…no. Who am I? Who was the guy that was "Arlo Baros"? Why was I here? The questions echoed within me.

My train of thought was interrupted however, when I heard a loud bang in the distance. I flinched and heard some voices. They were quiet but I was able to hear some bits and pieces.


That was all I could hear. I could already tell whoever these guys were, they weren't going to let me talk. They were probably going to pump me full of lead. So naturally I grabbed a rifle from the wall. I never fired a gun, but I needed something to keep me safe.

With quiet footsteps, I made my way out of the room. Carefully observing each step so as to not make any unnecessary noise. I try to familiarize myself with the rifle as I made my way through the twists and turns of the building. It looked…unlike any rifle I could recall. It definitely had the shape but it was more heavy built and looked to be made from some kind of metal. There was no clip and the sights were just two spikes on the top of the barrel. And its colors were a solid black and thin lines of blue from the butt to the barrel. It was an odd design, but so long as it functions I don't care.

As I made my way, I saw many rooms which were labeled for different purposes. I passed one room labeled "Bathrooms". One that was "Gymnasium". And another labeled "Barracks". I guess this place had its own little army to defend itself. But from what?

My question was seemingly answered when I reached the cafeteria. The sounds of pots being dropped and cupboards being opened rang in my ears. And the voices I heard before were more pronounced.

"Keep looking you dipshits. There has to be more food here. And Narak is not going to be happy if we come back to the city empty handed." One gruff voice ordered.

"Aw give me a break boss." A high pitched voice answered. "It ain't my fault that them varments get to the grub 'fore us."

"Yeah he's right." A third voice joined "It's not like…"

"Don't you idiots try to talk back! Either you find something or we'll get the beating of a lifetime."

These guys were trouble. I knew that right away. Stirring trouble with them would be the wrong move. So I slowly walked away from the door. But I didn't see the rat that was right behind me, and I stepped on its tail. Causing it to let out an unearthly screech.

The men in the cafeteria stopped their searching and I heard them fight with each other.

"Hey! I thought you idiots said this bunker was abandoned?!" The leader said.

"I said it was quiet!" The high pitched voice said.

"Well you were wrong." The third voice accused.

"Whatever, just kill it. Whichever one of you."

I then quickly turned and ran down the hall. The fear in me powering each step I took. I ran as fast as my tired legs could carry me, but it wasn't enough. For soon I heard the thumping footsteps of one of the men. I turn and try to fire my rifle, but I got tackled by something large. I fall onto my back and my arm was held behind me.

I open my eyes and I see my assailant. He appeared human, but he had…unnatural features. Half his face was a covered in scales that were a light brown color and his blue eyes were reminiscent of a gecko. His clothes were torn and revealed small bits of his human and lizard like body. On his back were long spines about half a foot long, and his fingers ended in long claws. And I also noticed…a tail.

My face contorted into a fearful expression and I wanted to scream, but my whole body wasn't responding to my thoughts. I tired to get out of his hold, but he held me tightly.

He smiles, revealing his sharp fangs. "Hey boss!" He yelled in a high pitched voice. "I found the source of the noise, and you're going to love what I found!"

Two more foot steps came towards us and the other men he was with were just as horrifying.

One man had a mammalian appearance, having long ape like arms that were covered in red unkept hair and a large torso. He had large yellow eyes which almost pierced my soul. The only article of clothing he had was a pair of black cargo shorts. He walked barefoot, which allowed me to see his sharp toenails.

The last guy had bird wings and talons for hands. His lips were shaped into a beak and eyes that were brown and large. In his talon he held a long staff that ended in a glowing tip.

"What is this…a human?" The bird asked.

"Yep yep! Crazy huh?" The lizard spoke in an excited tone. "I thought they all died out during the catalyst."

The ape grunted in disbelief. "A human in the middle of a wasteland…now that's something unexpected."

"Narak is going to be as happy as a Cragon when he sees this!" The lizard said as he grabbed my foot and held me up.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was too strong. "Let me go! Whatever it is you're thinking, please just spare me!"

The bird strikes me in the head with the blunt end of his staff. "Silence human! You have no voice in your fate. Just let it be and accept your powerlessness." He then grabs my chin and almost examines me. "Best speak whatever prayers or last words you have. Because you won't be able to…" before he finishes I bit his hand hard enough that he began to bleed.

He lets out an eagle's screech and quickly pulls his hand. Leaving claw marks on my chin. He pants in pain and drops his staff to hold his wound. Slowly turning his head to me, I saw his eyes filling up with anger. He picks up his staff and walks towards me.

"You…miserable… piece of shit!" He bellowed and stabs me in my stomach with his blade. The pain was immense. I felt my insides spilling out their liquids through the hole in my body. I felt tears flow from the eyes as the blade went further through me, and eventually break through my back.

Arching my back, I screamed with a fierce tone. It was almost bestial in a way. Like a prey animal that let out its last call. Slowly my blood began filling my throat and I spat it out with a small grunt. I moved my hands towards the staff and tried to pull it out, but my body was too weak. I felt my consciousness slipping away into nothing.

The ape man groans from annoyance. "Great Larn. Narak won't be too happy about this food being a bit spoiled." His voice sounded slightly distant. My vision began to tremble and I felt my body slump.

The lizard shakes me a little as my body flops. "Eh I don't think he'll mind. We can just say he tried to kill us. I mean he did have a gun."

That was when I blacked out. I felt nothing, like I wasn't alive to begin with. Before completely losing my self, one last thought came up:

"This is how I die…no memories…no life…"

However…I woke up. And there in front of me, the three men were beaten to bloody bits. The ape's face was swollen and parts of his hair was torn out, the reptile had bullet holes everywhere on his body which made him look like Swiss cheese and his head was smashed. The gun was next to him, its back end covered in a weird green substance. And the bird…had his wings and feet torn clean.

I tasted a metallic and bitter taste on my tongue. Then I looked at my hands and I saw this strange neon green liquid covering my arms. The same one on the gun. It was viscous like some kind of jelly and it was hardened on some areas. My pupils shrank when I realized what it was.

No…it couldn't be…was this…blood?

I looked to the bird and saw his wounds were covered in the same substance. As I stared at him I recalled the wound he gave me. I lifted my shirt to see, but I found no scar. I did found however, the same green substance over my stomach.

"I'm not human…humans bleed red. Why am I bleeding green?" I thought to myself in a panic. Then I heard a groaning of pain coming from the bird, and I looked his way.

He panicked and started to crawl away with whatever strength he had left.

All he could say was "S-Stay away…stay away!" Strange…I didn't feel as…bad as I thought I would. Instead I felt, sorry for him.

Just earlier he wanted to tear me apart and talked down to me, yet now he was the one begging and screaming. It's almost pathetic.

Wait…what am I thinking?! I shouldn't think like that, I need to get out of here! What if there's more of these creeps? I picked up the gun and I searched through the bags the creeps had. They had some food and water, even some candy. Good. I really needed something sweet to calm me down.

I rush through the halls in search of the exit. The events flashed in my head over and over again. As if it were a projector playing a short film on repeat. What is going on? Why…just why?

At last after a few minutes I see a doorway with a bright light coming in. Finally, the exit! I bolted to the door with all my might and I reach the outside world. When I get out I am going to head straight to a city and buy some new clothes and a nice meal. I deserve it.

But what I found wasn't a lush field or a dense forest. Instead I found…nothing but sand. The sunlight was harsh and intense. The earth was scorched and had no green. Rocks were everywhere. I could even see some skeletons of…things. They looked like no animal I have ever seen before. Some of them were huge and quadruped. Their teeth as long as a persons arm and an unnatural number of different limbs. Even heads.

I froze in the door. Quivering from both the heat and shock of what I am seeing.

"Where…am I?" Was all I could say. I felt so lost. No course of actions came to mind, except for one.

So I composed myself and fixed my jacket. With a hesitant move, I place my foot infront of me. And I walk out into this bizarre desert. Hopefully…I'll live long enough to see someone else.

This is an idea I had for a Manga/Comic, but since I’m still in the beginning stages as a Manga artist, putting this on (digital) paper would be a better way to start my story.

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