
CHAPTER 28: Another Threat?!?!

"Who the hell are you..?" Naruto asked. Nenma & Sasuke nodded, "Yeah… That's a good ass question…" Nenma said. Two young women with chalk white skin and hair. One of them had red and black clothes on while the other had black and purple clothes on. Matching their clothes they both had corresponding Tomoe rinnegan. They also had scythes for their colors. "We're the Jashin sisters!" Said the red one. Nenma looked confused, "Jashin..?" Naruto said. Even Sasuke looked confused. "We are the Daughters of Lord Jashin!" The Purple one said. Sasuke nodded, "So… Are you like Otsutsuki?" Nenma asked. They both laughed, "Of course not!" The red one said, "I'm Minako Jashin and This is my twin sister Makoto Jashin," Said the one in purple. Makoto nodded, smiling. "So what're you two doing here..?" Nenma asked. Naruto and Sasuke nodded, "Oh, we're here to erase the timeline!" Minako said. They all blinked, "Erase…" Nenma said. "The…" Sasuke said. "TIMELINE!?!?" Naruto shouted. Nenma slapped Naruto in the face. "Calm down!" Nenma said. Minako and Makoto chuckled. "Don't worry, we'll take you back to this one's timeline." Makoto said, pointing at Nenma. Naruto sighed, "We also have a proposal for Nenma Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha." Minako said. Nenma and Sasuke looked at each other confused. Minako tapped her staff on the ground twice. "As we speak the timeline is being erased." Makoto said. Makoto tapped her staff once as a red circle appeared on the ground. "Step in, or you'll be left behind." Minako said. They all stepped into the circle and vanished.

They reappeared in a forest near The Village Hidden Within Lightning. Nenma looked at Naruto and Sasuke, smiling. "Alright, here's our proposal!" Said Makoto and Minako. Nenma and Sasuke looked at them confused. "Well, what is it?" Nenma asked. The girl pointed at Nenma and Sasuke. In six months we would like you two to come train under us!" The two sisters said in unison. Nenma raised his hand. "I have a question…" Nenma asked. Minako covered her mouth, chuckling. "Ask away." Minako said. Nenma nodded, "Why..?" Nenma asked. Sasuke punched Nenma on the top of the head. Nenma had a bump on his head. Makoto chuckled, "It's because our father sees potential in the both of you, he just wants to see if he's right before training you both himself." Makoto said. Nenma nodded, "I see, I see." Nenma said. Minako smiled, "Could you two. put your wrists out?" Minako asked. Nenma put out his right hand and Sasuke put out his left. Minako put her finger on Nenma's wrist and Makoto put her finger on Sasuke's. Suddenly, two lines appeared on their wrists with a dot in the middle of the top line. "That is your official ticket to our realm!" The sisters said in unison. Nenma and Sasuke examined them. "We'll be back here in six months to pick you up!" The sisters said. Nenma and Sasuke nodded, as the sisters vanished. Nenma looked back at his wrist, and his artificial Karma. Suddenly a hawk landed on Nenma's forearm.

Nenma grabbed the note from it's ankle, unwrapping it. He read the note, with a smile growing on his face. "Hell yeah!!" Nenma shouted. Naruto and Sasuke looked at Nenma in confusion. "What's up?" Sasuke asked. Nenma looked at the two, smiling. "Hey, Naruto." Nenma said. Naruto looked even more confused, "You want to meet your family?" Nenma asked. Naruto looked in shock, "Uh… S-Sure…" Naruto faltered. A few minutes later, they stood outside of a two story home. Nenma held his bag, staring at the door. Nenma gulped knocking on the door. The door unlocked, opening slowly. "Who's there?" Said a female voice. Nenmma looked down slightly confused. A black haired girl stood there looking up at Nenma. "Who're you?" The girl asked. Nenma looked at the girl in disgust. "And what's with the look?" The girl asked. Nenma shook his head, "It's nothing… You just look exactly like me…" Nenma said. The girl squinted, looking Nenma up and down. "What do you mean we look alike? I don't even know who you are." The girl said. Suddenly, an older woman stood behind her, looking at Nenma. Nenma looked the woman in the eyes, moving the little girl out of the way.

The woman had dark black hair and black eyes. She wore a black long sleeve shirt and gray pants. She walked over to Nenma putting her hands on his cheeks. "Look how tall you've gotten…" Mei said. Nenma began to tear up. "M-Mom…" Nenma hugged his mother. The girl looked at Nenma, even more suspicious. "Did he just say Mom?" The girl said. Nenma and Mei stopped hugging, turning to the girl. The girl looked 6 about years old. "Yes, Takara… This is your older brother, Nenma." Mei said. The two glared at each other, "Older brother you say..? Then why don't I remember him?" Takara asked. Nenma choked up, scratching the back of his head. Nenma looked back over at him mom. "Where's Oshira..?" Nenma asked. Mei sighed, "He's on a mission… But he's going to be staying at a friend's house…" Mei said. Nenma looked up at his mother in confusion, "Could I ask why..?" Nenma asked. Mei sighed, "He heard what happened to Yukina, and didn't want to see you…" Mei said. Nenma sighed, looking down at the ground. "Is uh… Dad here..?" Nenma asked. Mei nodded, leading Nenma into the house. Nenma put his bag down, taking his jacket off and hanging it up. He looked around the house, "I'm home…" Nenma internalized. He smiled.