
CHAPTER 13: Terror.

Three hours would pass and the sun would be setting in the hidden leaf village. A hidden leaf shinobi would be standing on top of the walls surrounding the village. He would be holding binoculars to his eyes, scouting the surrounding land of the village. Nenma would be standing in a tree wearing his cloak with the hood up and his mask. Nenma would put two fingers on his earpiece. "Kiyomi, a guy is watching outside of the village… I need you to knock him out… Do not kill him!" Nenma whispered. Suddenly, the Haruki siblings appear standing next to Nenma. "Good Christ," Nenma whispered. Nenma would touch the earpiece. "The Haruki's arrived, also don't enter the village without hiding your chakra signal," Nenma whispered. Kiyomi would be crouched in another tree. "Why not kill?" Kiyomi asked. Nenma shook his head, "This is a stealth operation, we don't want a chakra pulse to go missing when you kill him…" Nenma said. Kiyomi would nod and close her eyes, putting her mask on. Kiyomi would then jump onto the wall and the roof above the Shinobi. Kiyomi would then jump down behind the shinobi and knock him out. Kiyomi tapped her earpiece. "Alright, he's knocked out…" Kiyomi said. The Haruki siblings would then vanish from the tree branch. Nenma would then vanish and appear on the wall of the hidden leaf village. Kiyomi would walk over to him, "We'd better hurry before they leave the lab…" Kiyomi said. Nenma would look down at the village. Nenma would clench his fists, "I know where the Laboratory is… Meet me there…" Nenma said. Kiyomi look confused for a second but nodded. "Alright…" Kiyomi said. Kiyomi then hopped down the wall and into the village. Nenma then jumped from the room into a roof and jumped from roof to roof until he saw his childhood home. Nenma would take off his mask and wipe his eyes. "I don't know what to do… I have two homes, but which do I choose…" Nenma thought. Nenma would then hear an explosion. Nenma looks to the left in shock at a smoke cloud. "What the fuck!!??" Nenma thought. Nenma would put his mask on. Nenma would run toward the explosion. One of the Haruki siblings would be holding a bloody shinobi by the neck. Nenma would then kick the Haruki sibling. "NO KILLING!!" Nenma shouted. The sibling would look Nenma up and down. The sibling of the Haruki's would jump and then vanish. Nenma would scoff, "I hate rinnegan users… Have no damn control over themselves, think they're gods…" Nenma said. Nenma would then vanish and appear on top of a building next to Kiyomi. Kiyomi would look over at Nenma. "You've regained your memories, haven't you?" Kiyomi said. Nenma would shake his head, "Our only mission is to kill this scientist… That's all…" Nenma said. Nenma would then grab Kiyomi's wrist and make a one-handed ram hand sign. Kiyomi and Nenma would appear in a janitor's closet. "Let's go…" Nenma said. Nenma and Kiyomi would walk out of the closet. An alarm system would go off inside the laboratory. "He's attempting an escape…" Kiyomi said. Nenma nodded and they entered the main laboratory. The main scientist would be stuffing folders into his bag with science equipment. Nenma would then walk over to the scientist and grab his shoulder. The scientist would drop his bag and turn around. Nenma's eyes would widen as the man pulled out a laser sword at Nenma. Nenma would dodge the sword and disarm him. "Sir! I just want to talk!" Nenma said. The scientist looked at Nenma in horror. "W-Why did she send you!!??" The scientist asked. Nenma looked back at Kiyomi. Kiyomi would be bouncing her foot on the ground waiting for Nenma to kill him. "What do you mean??" Nenma asked. The scientist looked at Nenma. "L-Lady Uzura… I told her I had to delay the projects… I need the resources." The scientist said. Nenma looked at the Scientist worried, "W-What project?" Nenma asked. Suddenly the door slammed open. Kiyomi would open her palm toward the scientist. "SOUL ABSORPTION TECHNIQUE!" Kiyomi shouted. A transparent grey ghost would then come out of the scientist's body and be absorbed into Kiyomi's hand. An adult male with Spiky red hair would run in with three other shinobi Nenma's age. Nenma would look at the Shinobi in shock. Explosions would then be heard throughout the building. Nenma's eyes widened in shock as he looked back at a reactor. "SHIT!" Nenma shouted. Nenma would run over to the reactor and hover his hand over it. "W-What are you doing!!??" Kiyomi shouted. Nenma would take off his mask and cloak. "Dammit, why did they have to come along??" Nenma thought of the Haruki siblings. Nenma would then surround the reactor in chakra. "KIYOMI, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!" Nenma shouted. Kiyomi would run over to Nenma. "N-NENMA, W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!??" Kiyomi shouted. Koruto then looked up at Nenma in shock. "N-Nenma!?" Koruto said.