
CHAPTER 11: My Revenge.

3 years would pass since Nenma's training began. Four shinobi from the Village hidden in the mist would all be standing in a circle with their backs turned to each other holding Kunai out. All the shinobi's eyes would be shadowed over and they would be sweating. "H-He's here…" One of the shinobi said. The Shinobis looked around in fear. "W-Who's here!!??" One of the younger Shinobis asked. The Shinobi were trembling in fear standing in the dark forest. "T-The Dark Wolf…" Another Shinobi said. The Shinobis then heard a slashing sound. A mist Shinobi fell to the ground dead and started bleeding out. "C-COME OUT YOU FREAK… W-WE ARENT SCARED OF YO-" Another Shinobi shouted. Suddenly, the yelling Shinobi's head was on the ground and his body collapsed next to him. "Spread out… He can't get us all…" The captain said. The four remaining Shinobi would then run in three different directions. The young shinobi would be running through the dark forest when suddenly he heard a scream. The grip on his kunai tightened. He then collapsed to his knee shaking in fear. "I don't wanna die… I don't want to die… I don't wanna die…" The young shinobi whispered. He then dropped his kunai on the ground and put his hands on his head. The young shinobi started rocking back and forth. The kid then started humming a song. Footsteps would then be heard walking toward the young shinobi. A young woman would wear a sleeveless turtleneck dress that went down to her thighs, black leggings, and arm sleeves. She would be wearing a black mask with two eye holes revealing two sharingan. "You won't die…" Kiyomi said. The young shinobi looked at her in fear. "You'll just be… Reborn…" Kiyomi said. The young shinobi would then scream as the crows in the trees flew away. A man wearing a black fox mask and a Rebirth cloak would jump through trees when three hidden leaf Anbu would land on a tree branch in front of the man. "You're surrounded, we're taking you with us…" One of the Anbu soldiers said. The cloaked man then took out a Katana from its white sheath like Sasuke Uchiha's. "You're not planning to fight us!!??" The anbu on the left said. Suddenly, the Anbu's vision would turn black and white and he would be lying on the ground with the man's sword on his shoulder. "AGH!!" The anbu soldier shouted. The soldier looked at the cloaked man standing on top of him in shock. "W-WHAT ARE YOU!!??" The Anbu soldier asked. The cloaked man looked down at Anbu soldiers and scoffed. The cloaked man sliced Anbu's head off. "It doesn't matter who I am…" Nenma said. Nenma then looked at the tree. "Now, I'd like you two to come down and fight me… I'm getting bored…" Nenma said. The two anbu jumped down from the tree and unsheathed their swords. The two Anbu then dash toward Nenma with their swords. "You damned, Rebirth!" A female anbu shouted. Under the mask, Nenma smirked. "You sound so angry, what's your issue with us??" Nenma asked. While clashing swords, Nenma grabbed a paper bomb with his other hand and threw it at the other Anbu soldier. Nenma jumped back as the paper bomb exploded. A smoke cloud would be in the round field of the forest. Nenma would be standing there brushing for the dust from his cloak. The smoke faded revealing Yukina. "Damn you, fuckin smart ass…" Yukina said. Yukina then spits blood onto the ground. "People like you annoy the hell out of me… But, this is personal…" Yukina said. Nenma looked at Yukina confused. "Who's this woman…? Why does she seem so familiar?" Nenma thought. Nenma shook his head. "Not that I care, but what's so personal about this… First time I've seen you in my life…" Nenma said. Yukina scoffed, "The nerve…" Yukina mumbled. Yukina then sheathed her sword and opened up her hand. A Rasengan then grew in her hand, "I'm here to get revenge for my little brother!" Yukina said. Nenma's hand was then covered in blue lightning, "Well then… Let's see how things go." Nenma said. The two then started dashing toward each other and then the two jumped into a colliding attack. The attacks made a huge blinding explosion. Nenma's mask broke, and his cloak disintegrated along with his shirt. The explosion faded and Yukina would lie there with a shard of wood impaled in her stomach. Nenma walked toward Yukina, wiping the blood from his mouth. Nenma kneeled next to Yukina and looked at her face. "Now… Who the hell sent you!!??" Nenma asked. Yukina turned her head to Nenma and opened her eyes. Yukina's eyes widened and watered as she looked at Nenma. Nenma looked at her confused, "What the hell…?" Nenma thought. Yukina then reached her arm to Nenma's face and smiled, "So it wasn't true…" Yukina said. Yukina would rub Nenma's cheek. "You are still alive…" Yukina said. Nenma would look at Yukina more confused. "You… N-Nut brain…" Yukina said. Nenma's eyes widened in shock. Nenma's eyes started to water as his memories started coming back to him. Nenma's eyes then went from dark red back to black. "B-Big sis…?" Nenma said. Yukina smiled as Nenma grabbed her hand. "You look so stupid with long hair, idiot…" Yukina murmured. Nenma shook his head as tears started falling from his eyes. "S-Stop talking… I-I can get you help…" Nenma said. Yukina shook her head. "No… M-My organs are failing… I don't have time…" Yukina said. Yukina smiled, "W-Well, at least I got to see my little brother one last time…" Yukina said as she closed her eyes. Yukina's hand then slipped from Nenma's. Nenma would look at his bloody hands in horror. "W-What have I done…?" Nenma asked himself. Nenma then thought of the 10th Hokage. "I'm… I'M GONNA GODDAMN KILL YOU!!" Nenma shouted. Nenma then grabbed Yukina's sword and tied it to his waist. Nenma then picked up Yukina and carried her over his shoulder. Nenma's bangs then shadowed his eyes. "This is…" Nenma thought. Nenma walked slowly. "My revenge."