
When it all begun

I graduated from school in 2020, the year of the great pandemic, Covid-19.

Spreading at a rapid pace, everyone was instructed to return home and all varsities in the country are shut down till further notice.

Psych, future notice lasted for a year and some months.


Back then, I was awaiting an admission that was yet to come, with little hope due to my Jamb score not being up to standard but waec was good tho.

But unfortunately, the admission never came to be.

My mom was both sad and angry, my dad was disappointed, and my brothers were not happy but tried to support me all the way.

They might be troublesome but they're not bad when it comes to looking out for each other.

But I wasn't okay, because that meant I have to stay a whole year at home, while my friends attend school.

I wanted to study medicine and surgery at the university of Cala, but couldn't make it.

I had to think of other things that I can be doing to distract my mind from this failure.

But no matter where I put my mind, it was hard to get over it because, in one way or the other, I was reminded of it.

It was painful but I wouldn't say I don't deserve it.

I didn't do what was necessary to become what I wanted.

Nonetheless, I had faith, I had a feeling that, come the next year, everything will be different.

I spent most of my time indoors with my mom and brothers.

At that time, my dad was still in Abu, the borders have closed the meantime because the outbreak of the virus was getting higher every day.

Hand sanitizer and face masks were instructed to be carried anywhere we go.

And now, face mask has become more of a fashion item, coming in different shapes and colors, and designs.

I once saw one that was as hard as a plastic rubber, with an opening on the south side.


Every day, I washed plates, cleaned up the house, and most times, cooked but that later became my job.

I remember when I attempted to stir up noodles for my mom, I used too much water with the noodles in it.

At that moment, it will take like, more than an hour to be done.

Truth be told, I ruined it, but I was saved by the brothers, who improvised which till now, I don't know how they did it but they got the job done and the noodles were delivered successfully!

Even after that, I felt disappointed with myself.

So I decided that I will learn how to cook and stir up.

Well, it was easier said than done as I was very lazy when I should be learning, which gets my mom aggressive.

Sleeping became a daily routine, I could sleep anywhere my body gets in contact, as far as the place is comfortable...