

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · Eastern
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40 Chs

Twist and Turns of Life

The Gatekeeper inquired, "What is this?"

"It's silk," In Hyuk replied, smiling. "A gift to protect Her Highness. My duty's done; I'm heading home."

The Princess's incident became the town's gossip, So everyone had air of the matter. In Hyuk looked at guard suspicious face, leaving In Hyuk both scared and anxious.

He could handle the guards at the Gate, but if others found out, they'd track him down.

The guard uncovered the cart, confirming its silk contents. "You're free to go."

In Hyuk swiftly exited the palace, reaching his horse. He hastily tied Jiho to himself and left in a hurry, heading for a distant mountain cave—a safe place marked on his map.

The horse galloped ceaselessly as Jiho briefly awaken, glimpsing swiftly passing trees before slipping back into unconsciousness.

Guiding the horse into a cave, the In Hyuk dismounted, released Jiho, and took him towards a sizable rock. Leaning Jiho against it, he removed his upper hanbok, placing it nearby, and tenderly lay Jiho's head on the makeshift cushion. Jiho, weakened, remained unresponsive.

Tying the horse to the side, In Hyuk skilfully searched for medicinal herbs, drawing upon his extensive knowledge gained as the Future King of Silla.

Crushing the green herbs with a small stone on a rock, he swiftly removed Jiho's blood-soaked clothes, applying the freshly prepared medicine. Using a piece of his own clothing, he carefully bandaged Jiho's wound.

Anxiously awaiting Jiho's consciousness, In Hyuk whispered, "I'm so sorry, Jiho. Please forgive your brother."

The next morning, the sun sprouted, and In Hyuk was still waiting for Jiho to wake up. Jiho slowly opened his swollen eyes, and In Hyuk quickly approached him.

"In Hyuk," Jiho weakly whispered, attempting to rise and embrace his brother. In Hyuk assisted him, and despite the pain, Jiho clung tightly, expressing his fear.

"I was so scared, In Hyuk," Jiho uttered with trembling lips.

In response, In Hyuk comforted him, patting Jiho's head and reassured, "It's okay now. No one will harm you here."

As Jiho regained his composure, he asked "Are you okay? How did we end up in this cave?" Jiho surveyed their surroundings, bewildered by the rocky walls, the filtered light penetrating shrubs, from the cave entrance.

"It's a Cave in western forests. We are heading towards Baekje western Village" In Hyuk explained hesitantly to Jiho. "It's a long story, Jiho, but let's focus on your recovery for now."

Jiho looked back at In Hyuk, everything suddenly started shaking. In Hyuk quickly steadied Jiho.

"Jiho! Are you feeling unwell?" In Hyuk asked.

Jiho held his head. "It's okay, I can bear it. I'm fine."

In Hyuk stood up, retrieving food from the bag he had prepared for Jiho.

"Eat this; I put it in a pouch for you," In Hyuk offered.

Jiho was starving, accepted the food and began eating.

In Hyuk gazed at Jiho affectionately, reminiscing about Jiho's past voracious appetite.

Jiho, a former frequent visitor to the kitchen, would clandestinely request meals even outside regular lunch hours—an endearing memory that now tugs at In Hyuk's heart.

Curious, Jiho inquired, "What are Western Villages?"

In Hyuk enlightened him, "They're havens for the destitute, beggars, and those without social standings. It's a discreet refuge where anonymity shields us."

(Baekje Western Villages were occupied by people with no ranks on the Western coast. Their occupation included fishing, picking herbs to sell in the market, and various other jobs.)

Concerned, Jiho questioned , "What if we can't find a safe place?"

In Hyuk, with a reassuring smile, quipped, "Then I'll create one for you."

Jiho responded with a smile, the first In Hyuk has witnessed in a long while.

Internally tormented, In Hyuk maintains a façade of strength for Jiho, his unwavering resolve shielding his younger brother from breaking down.

In Hyuk said "Take a rest. I will look for something to eat."

Jiho concerned about In Hyuk replied, "It's not safe to go out. You should stay with me here."

"Don't worry it's so far away from all the paths" In Hyuk assured Jiho and took his arrows and bow and came out of Cave passing through shrubs.

He looked around the cave from afar to ensure their safety, then go to search for wild animals or anything to eat. He wandered aimlessly for an extended period, finding nothing of significance.

Gathering herbs and firewood, he eventually returned to the cave where Jiho was peacefully sleeping. Placing the herbs aside, In Hyuk, drained of energy, rested beside Jiho and go to sleep.

Later, he awakens to Jiho's moans in the evening, due to the pain emanating from his wounds.

In Hyuk asked with concerned expression, "Jiho, are you alright?"

In Hyuk assessed Jiho's condition with a touch to his forehead, confirming high fever. Swiftly rising, he ventured outside to gather herbs for treatment, filling his water bottle along the way. Running through the dense forest, he leaped over plants and bushes.

Returning to the cave, he found Jiho still in distress. In Hyuk crushed the herbs, creating a soothing syrup mixed with water. Gently lifting Jiho, he administered the remedy before laying him down.

Witnessing Jiho shivering, In Hyuk lit a fire to warm the surroundings. Eventually, Jiho go to sleep once more. In Hyuk pondered his options, aware that going outside to seek a doctor posed a significant risk.

However, abandoning Jiho in their current situation felt unjust. Deciding to leave at dawn, he considered the possibility of finding a doctor in the Western Baekje Villages.

The lack of food supply added urgency to his plan, prompting the need to venture beyond the cave. Leaning against a rock, In Hyuk vigilantly observed Jiho's condition.

As night descended, a dim glow emanated from the spreading light of the fire pit in the cave. In Hyuk, while keeping a vigilant eye on Jiho, the horse was grazing on grass.

Worried, he checked Jiho's fever multiple times, but it showed no signs of getting down. The deepening concern accompanied In Hyuk into the night until, thankfully, Jiho's fever subsided considerably by midnight. Relieved, In Hyuk finally fall asleep , still keeping a watchful eye on Jiho.

In the morning, In Hyuk was crushing herbs, awakening Jiho with the crushing sounds . In Hyuk handed Jiho grilled squirrel meat, as Jiho sits up.

Jiho, hesitating, asked, "What is this?"

"I captured squirrels and grilled them; couldn't find anything near the cave." In Hyuk responded while making paste, "Just eat it forcefully; we're leaving soon. You need to eat well to get better." He added.

Jiho, taking a bite, remarked, "It smells good but tastes weird."

In Hyuk politely replied, "It's not marinated in spice, that's why it tastes strange." Jiho continued to eat despite his dislike.

Jiho sits with his back turned to In Hyuk, who opens the bandages to treat the festering wounds. In Hyuk, increasingly concerned, realizes the severity of Jiho's condition.

" No wonder he was burning with fever" he thought. He applied the medicine. Observing Jiho wounds, In Hyuk gains confirmation to depart.

"Wait for a while, I'll check the way and return," In Hyuk stated.

Jiho reminded him "Be careful,"

He led the horse out of the cave, mounting it gracefully. They surged through the dense forest, the towering trees casting elongated shadows as the horse's hooves kicked up swirling dust beneath them.

Jiho, observing his departure, witnessed him recede into the maze of trees and foliage.

Jiho gets bored by waiting and start carving on stone with the sword In Hyuk had gave to him for protection. The rhythmic clinks of metal against stone echoed in the stillness.


In Hyuk handed his sword to Jiho, urging, "Take this to protect yourself if needed."

Jiho, resisted, pushed the sword away. "You need it more than me. I'm safe here. You may encounter danger outside."

In Hyuk gently held Jiho's hands, placing the sword into them. "I can fight barehanded, but you can't."