
chapter two

At the end of the day, Aiko was exhausted from all of her test-taking. All of the students in her class sweatdropped as she slept with her black hair falling around her face. Taketora also happened to be in her class, and he was chuckling to himself about the events of this morning. they had talked a little bit given they were in the same class. she was even more oblivious than Lev or Inuoka!

"Aiko-san! We have a game to get to! Hurry up!" Suzuki calls from the door, the girls' ears perk up at the sound of her childhood friends voice,

"Suzuki-chan! You ready to go?!" she chirps, blowing a strand of hair off her face, her friend rolls her eyes at her sudden energy radiating from the raven-haired girl.

"Yup. come on," Aiko jumps up and runs to her friend, " do you have your gear?" Suzuki was used to having to remind her klutzy friend of these things, she had been doing all her life.

"Oh... you're a lifesaver Suzuki-chan!!!! I would have had to sit out!" she cried as she grabbed her bag and waved goodbye to her adoring classmates. She wined to Suzuki the whole walk to the locker room about how hard the tests had been, where she greeted all of her teammates with their secret handshakes.

This was the teams starting line-up:

Goalkeeper: Machida Hisoka (quite, but very good)

Left full-back: Moriyama Miyako (team mom)

Right full back: Omori Hisako (basically a female tsukishima)

Center full-back: Maeda Noriko (peacemaker)

Sweeper: Hanako Suzuki (strategy expert)

Right mid-field: Hana Izumi (twins/ the food addict)

Left mid-field: Kirei Hasegawa (vice-captain)

Center defensive mid: mizota Yuki (Aiko's partner in crime)

right forward (attacker): Keiko Mitsuki (team mom junior)

center forward (striker): Aiko Nekomata (captain/ little sister)

left forward (attacker): Satoyo Izumi (twins/ the mild germaphobe)

[AN: lookup soccer positions if you still don't get it :) ]

"Alright, let's go win this thing!" Aiko shouted, the whole team grinned, she may be an airhead but the smallest words from her could hold a ton of meaning. Off the field, she was a child, but when she was playing, Aiko would have a clear head and was very, focused.

As the team got ready to leave there was a crashing at the back of the room. They turned around to see the two twins fighting.

" you touched my water bottle!" shouts Satoyo, "you know how I am about my water bottle! Now I need to wash it off AGAIN!" she and Hana were practically at each other's throats by this point.

"oh ya?! well, last night you had one more dumpling than me!"

" it was one dumpling you fat pig!!!" Satoyo looked about ready to explode!

"WE HAVE THE SAME FACE!" Hana shouts back,

Aiko was laughing at first, and then she realized that Miyako was angry, her and Yuki quickly hid behind Kirei. They hadn't been late to a game that season, and they weren't going to start now when the game was on their turf! [see what I did there? No...?]

"Will you two shut up?!" she chucked a soccer ball at the locker behind them so hard the floor seemed to shake,

"YES MAM!" they shouted in unison, still glaring at each other.

they all picked up their stuff and began to file out of the locker rooms. the twins were growling and Miyako held on to them by there shirts, Aiko and Yuki faced off in a heated 'try not to laugh' contest, Hisako was complaining about how stupid they were, and the rest of the team laughed at there scene.

"Oh ya I forgot! Guess what?!" shouted Aiko, and without giving them any time to respond, " I invited the whole boy's volleyball club to come to watch us!" the whole team fell silent. And then...

"You Did What?" they said in chorus,

"Hey isn't Kuroo-Senpai on there team?" the first years were giggling about him the whole way out to the fields,

"I'm so pumped! I just want to play!"

"GIRLS! What in the heck took you so long?" Coach Rin seemed to be fuming, and Aiko hid behind Kirei while Miyako made the twins bow and apologize.

The team began to warm up and do drills, while the opposing team filled on to the field and the there respected bench.

"Grampa!" Aiko shouted as she waved to the team, "coach! Can I run over to say hello?" the girl was jumping up and down in excitement, the coach simply rolled her eyes and said,

" sure, but hurry it up! you need to be there for warm-ups," Aiko nodded and jogged down to the other end of the field, waving to a few on-lookers, before reaching the bleachers that held the Volleyball Club.

"I'm so glad you came!" she shouted, tackling her grandpa with a hug. The commotion had brought a few stares, and her team sweat-dropped at how loud she was,

" I don't understand how she can be so airheaded now, and then when she plays, she is like a monster?!" Izumi questioned, the whole team's eyes fell on her and they nodded,

"It's because she is an idiot. all she ever thinks about is soccer and sweets. I'm not wrong," Hisako rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face. Some people laughed, and Yuki tried to come up with a comeback to defend her partner but failed.

"Hello, Kenma-san! You too Tora-san!" the boy was melting from her warm smile and the fact that she had given him a nickname. She chatted with the team, giving them all hugs, and laughed again at kuroo's hair.

"Well, I gotta go! BYE!!!!" she waved and the team wished her luck,

" good luck out there kitten!" Kuroo coed, Aiko tilted her head at the strange comment, Nekomata sent him a glare, and kenma rolled his eyes.

"Thank you kuroo-san! But I'm clearly a human..." she said slowly as turned she jogged back to her team. They all dead-panned.

"I don't-- you know what, it better than her understanding..." Coach Nekomata shook his head and pat Kuroo on the back, "well you tried," Kuroo looked very dejected. Before there could be any more reassuring comments said to him, Kenma stated,

"I think the game is about to begin," and sure enough, the teams lined up to shake hands before falling into their respected positions. And then the whistle blew.

[AN: well, sorry this is short, I had a school project due last week, so I pretty much wrote this yesterday! HAVE A NICE DAY!]

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