
Neighbor in Trouble

Cece has moved into her new apartment. Everything coming together aside from her single status. Her new place is her dream apartment on her neighbor is easy to get along with. One fateful day... Cece is put through the ordeal of helping her distraught neighbor

CeCe_Ssi · Celebrities
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Recovery Road

Jungkook has been waking up randomly during the whole night sobbing and curling himself into a ball from not standing the agony, every time Cece caresses his hair or arm and assures him that he's not alone until he falls back asleep.

By dawn, she decides to prepare some Tylenol for him with some more honey water

She decides to make some breakfast as well for when he wakes up. Cece is already anticipating his refusal, she figures she might have to be pushy to make him eat or at least drink fluids.

Cece has gone through and still goes through depression… it looks something like this except she tries to steer clear of alcohol when she feels on edge.

She checks on him once in a while but starts to see he's out of tears because he now simply whimpers in his sleep mumbling 'Don't' and 'Please No' as if begging someone.

She goes to change her work clothes after getting all the ingredients needed.

Once done she checks on him and her heart breaks at the sight of him, once again.

He's back to crying in his sleep. It's honestly concerning and gives a helpless feel.

'This is how Nana must feel when she sees me break down'

Around noon he finally wakes up groggy and in need of the water.

He immediately takes the honey water Cece left on the table and realizes he's not home.

She can see him from the kitchen as he shoots up from the couch and instantly regrets it grabbing his head.

"Good Morning Sunshine!" Cece says walking over to him.

He squints as if trying to get a better look at her in confusion

"Come on, I'm sure you need to freshen up," She says and his eyes widen in response as his hand goes up to cover his mouth.

Seeing that he doesn't make another move, she goes back and pulls him by his free wrist towards the guest bathroom

"I-I sh-should go home," He says muffled by his hand and tries to cover his eyes with his hair

"Sure but after you eat something," she says trying her best to hide the concern in her voice…

Cece knows he won't eat once at home.


"Not taking a no Jungkook... Just eat and then I'll leave you alone" She promises not looking back at him knowing he is embarrassed.

She hands him a new toothbrush and some clothes her brother has left when he has visited along with a towel.

He looks down at the clothes as if not able to register what they were for.

"A warm shower should soothe your body and get rid of the alcohol smell" She says smiling at him

"Th-thank you Cece" He says, his voice strained

"I'll order some lunch, breakfast time is long gone" Cece responds smiling as she turns to head back to the kitchen for her phone

She always feels awkward when people thank her.

Cece turns on some music and starts looking up somewhere to order from

Her mother has mastered Korean cuisine while Cece only knows how to make Spanish and American food. Not wanting her unexpected guest to wait on her cooking something for an hour she opts for some take out

She is dancing to some Portuguese Bachata as she cleans her kitchen while waiting on Jungkook and their food.

She doesn't notice him coming which gives him a chance to look at her carefree movements as he nears her.

A small smile forms on his lips

As she turns she catches her breath startled.


He looks…

He looks really good…

REALLY really good… despite his puffy eyes covered by his hair.

She smiles at him and gets a cold pack from the fridge as she lowers the music volume.

"Here, put this on, at least until the food is here"

He blushes but complies as he sits on one of the stools around her kitchen island.

"Sorry for being such a burden, Cece. I shouldn't have -"

She takes a seat next to him and turns to face him deciding to voice something that he should hear.

"Sometimes I wake up still crying from the night before because I'm in so much pain that I can't even manage to breathe well, literally feel like I'm dying.

But still, I have to get up and pretend I am perfectly fine… at least in front of others"

He looks at her with concern and moves to comfort her... but this isn't why she shared this

"I don't know what happened nor do I need to know… all I can tell you is that I'm glad I found you, otherwise I know you'd still be giving into your pain and suffering alone… the way I did and sometimes still do.

In the past, I have stupidly made myself sick enough that Nana had to rush me to the hospital when I collapsed. Having to spend the night there since at home I did nothing but work, cry and curl up into a ball in my bed, not able to stand the pain.

It's fine to be in this kind of pain Jungkook and to give in to it, it's understandable.

Please don't be embarrassed"

Memories start making her tear up.

Jungkook sits beside her wanting so much to hold her

"I'm not saying this will all go away soon… it won't.

It will make you stronger though, once you're able to see the situation more clearly"

She wipes away tears and smiles at him.

"You'll get through this Jungkook"

She turns the music back on and continues to clean her fridge, avoiding an awkward silence

The doorbell soon rings and as she turns she sees him.

'Oh Jungkook'

She plays it off pretending he hasn't seem him but watches him from the corner of her eye as she heads to the door.

His hand grips his chest… feeling the pain of his heart breaking again.

As she goes to the door he wipes his tears quickly.

Cece receives the food and quickly heads back to the kitchen setting down the food in from of him.

She catches him off guard hugging him.

"I told you not to be embarrassed dummy"

He immediately wraps his arms around her waist tightly and breaks down sobbing uncontrollably, she feels the tears being absorbed by her shirt.

His cries muffled by her body and the music, all she can do is stand there consoling him in silence.

Cece knows that sometimes you just need someone's presence in order to not feel alone and hopeless.

She lets him cry for a while but then gets down to eye level brushing his hair away

"Let it hurt, Let it Bleed, Let it Heal and Let. It. Go Jungkook" She says and smiles as she wipes away his tears and touches his puffy eyes

"These battle scars will fade Jungkook, just remember that… Time really does heal everything."