
The world outside of the mines (part 2)

After I leave the guards, I need to go to the high-grade house, maybe in that house I can find some answers. I still walk in the north direction, after some time walking I start to listen a strange sound, this sound is not a man voice is a woman, this voice was scream but that screaming is not a pain scream is like a pleasure scream, in front of me was a big house, this house was large the wall are made of bricks, the windows are made of glass, this kind of material I've never seeing before, Grann told me about this kind of material but this is the first time I see something like this, different of the mines this house is beautiful, the scream continue, then I decide to approach quietly of one of wall, in this wall have one window, I start to look inside of the house and I see. Inside of the house have 20 women and 5 men, they're naked, one of the women is like a dog and the man was behind her, the man was fucking her, this is the first time I seen a scene like this Grann never told nothing like this, what hell this people are doing, maybe this is a kind of torture the high-grade guards make in all the woman I thought, I continue to watch the scene all the men had around 5 women around them, one of them was holding one women through her hair and with his dick was penetrating deep in her pussy, his direct hand was on another girl's breasts and his left hand was on the pussy of a another girls, the rest of the women are kissing his body, the five women have a beautiful face, the first girls have blue eyes, her skins are white like snow, her hair was blond ,her breasts are large, the second girl have green eyes, her skin is brown, her hair was dark, all the girls have large breasts, the third girl possess dark eyes and her skin was white and a dark hair, the forth girl possess red eyes, a red hair and a white skin, the fifth have dark hair, green eyes and pale skin, the others girls in the house were similar, they're beautiful, now I know why the girls in the mine are ugly, the beautiful slaves are destine for the high-grade guards.

I decide to observe the scene, after a few minutes the guards left the room and 5 more guards enter in that room, they've the same clothes of the others guards, so now I know in this house have a lot of high-grade guards and the amount of them was not determinate yet, so I need to explore the outside of this house, so I left and start to explore the house and I find out some interesting things, this house have one door, so there is just one manner for enter and get out, but the windows are the problem, if the guards decided to run away they can jump the window and warn the rest of guards or the main family and my escape will fail. If I enter in this house I need to be quickly and break all the legs of all the guards inside of this house and the girls inside too, the girls are not important to me, so I'll take their eyes and ear for them, if I follow this condition the girls will not listen my conversation with the guards. The plan was form now is time for some action.

The time have come, I start to walk inside the house, I'm in front of the door with my left hand I open the door and enter, the first thing I see was a girl in the floor, she stay in the floor like a dead person in her eyes I see an empty world and a man was approach behind her with his right hand that man start to pull the feet's girl, the man was distracted, so I don't miss the chance, I approach close to him and with my hands I punch his face without time for react the guard fall and I came close to him, my right hand take off his tongue and his eyes and break all his bones for he stay quietly in the floor, the girl still there paralyze but this not important to me, so I approach her and my fingers enter in her mouth and I caught her tongue the girl for the first time have some reaction but was late, so I take off his tongue, she try to scream but she couldn't, so I take off her eyes and say to her:

― If you don't want to receive more pain stay in the floor quietly, can you understand what I try to say, right?

The girl stays quietly in the floor, then I decide to go for the next room. In the next room was empty there was no guard, but have something more important to me, in that room have the clothes of all the guards, in this room have some equipment, I see 5 swords, 10 daggers, 15 chest-armor, after I see the number of chest I already know in this house have 15 guards and one is already down, still 14 unharmed.

I start to collect all the armor and weapons, I put everything in the space-ring and start to look around, in the wall have a map in this map explain how this house work, the house have 4 rooms, the first room have blond-women, the second room have redhead-women, the third room have brunette-women, the forth room have all kind of women, this forth room was like a luck room. I look at that map and start to analyze, the closest room is the second room, so I decide do go to that room, after a few minutes I in front of the door of the second room, this door was strange, the door don't have locks, just the door handle, so I decide to open the door and enter in that room, after the door open one of the girls look at me and they saw someone strange they never see anyone enter in that room with clothes, the women was surprise, in that room I see two guards and 20 women, one of the guards look at me and said:

―What are you doing here? This is a restrict area no low-grade guard can come here. Leave and wait outside, after I finish here, I'll give you a punishment.

After one of the guards have said this the other look at me, and then continue fuck the women in front of him. The guards see I approach him and said:

― Trash, Are you deaf? Leave this room now.

Heard this I continue the approach and with my left leg kick the head of the guard, the guard don't have time to react and his head fly and hit the wall, the women start to scream in panic, the other guard see the scene start to react and his take a daggers, that guard have a space-ring in his right hand, now the things going to be interesting, the guard start to walk in my direction and say:

―Who are you? It's impossible a low-grade guard make the head of a high-grade guard fly.

Then I decide to respond:

― I'm the death and suffer, it's better you prepare for suffering.

The guard start to laugh and say:

― You're courting death, boy.

The guard take the first step and hit the dagger in my neck, the guards was fast but for me, he is slow, so I decide to dodge the attack and with my left leg again I strike the head of the guard, the head's guard fly and stop close to the girl, the women in that room are in panic the don't move a muscle, they stay quiet, the one of the women decide to say:

― Please don't hurt us, we're just slaves, we can do nothing here. We're going to do everything you ask, so please don't hurt us.

That women were beg for me don't hurt them, but it was a waste of time listen her, so I start to walk in the direction of the head of one of the guards, the closest one was the first guard I've hit, I approach him and ask:

―Do you know where is the hell city?

The guard look at me and say:

― I don't know, but you don't need to know where the city is, in a few minutes the other guards will come here and take you down, Bahahaha.

That guard was an idiot if he knows what I going to do with him, maybe he'd respond my quest. That guard piss me off, with my right hand I caught his tongue and start to pull his tongue, now he doesn't have how to talk after this I decide to go after the second head. I approach and say:

―And you, do you know anything about the location of hell city?

The guard was afraid now, how this man can do something like this, the guard know he need to say something useful, if he doesn't say anything that person in front of him will do the same thing with him. The guard start to talk:

― I don't know where the hell city is, but the chief of the high-guards knows. He already tells about some adventures that he has in hell city.

So, I ask him:

― Where is he at now?

The guard respond:

― The chief is in the first room, that room is his favorite room.

After obtaining some useful information, I need to move and take the other rooms first, after I leave this room, I'm going to kill the others guards and leave the chief for the final. After this information that guard now is useless. Then I say:

― Thanks for the information, now I need to comfort you too, Bahahaha.

Then I take off his tongue too, then I look at the girls and say:

― girls, go to that side of the wall now.

That wall doesn't have door or windows, the girls start to walk, and they stay in the wall, then I say:

― now, all of you look at the wall, and close your eyes after you close your eyes, I'll leave this room.

The girls are naïve and obey my orders, then I start to walk and break their legs, some of the guards start to scream because of the pain and the others try to escape but it's to late, one after another, after a few seconds all the girls have their legs broken, one of the girls say:

― Why are you doing this? You say you'll leave, we obey you, then why?

Then I answer her:

―Your naïve girl, in this world don't have mercy, just suffer and agony. Here the stronger survive and the weak fall.

Then I start to take off their tongues and then I leave the room and go to the forth room, in that room have 4 guards, I've already know, because I've already see this room before, after I approach to the door , the door is opening and the 4 guard are leaving the room so I start to run and strike the heads of the guards, the 4 heads fall in the floor so I need to be quickly and take off their tongues, after a few seconds the don't possess tongue anymore, so I decide to take their eyes too. I open the door of the forth room and see the girls are exhausting, they're at the floor, so I take the corpse of the guards and put inside of that room, after this I decide to do the same thing with the girls. After finishing this room, I start to walk in the direction of the third room, in that room have more guards than the others rooms, in that room have 8 guards, so this time I need to be quickly, so I decide to take one sword out of the space-ring with this sword the things will finish soon.

I open the door and enter in that room have 8 guards and 20 women, I start to cut everything in front of me without to hesitate, with the first strike of the sword a women was cut in two, one leg of another women have dropped in the floor and the head of one of the 8 guards is down, there no time for think, I continue to strike with the sword the other guards start to react, they start to walk in my direction, one of the guard was use one women like a shield and the other take the leg of another women and throw at me, that leg hit my head and destroy my skin, without think I start to cut everything in front of me, the guards strike with the legs at my arms, my skin was destroy once more, but the sword in my hand have cut more and more, the fight continue and the guards try to take me down, but my ferocity was bigger than strength, one of the guards try to run at the door, I know if he escape the chief will know about me and my plan going to have some complications, with the sword in my hand I throw that sword at the guard who try to escape the sword hit his head and another guard is down but now my weapon is gone and the rest of the guards strike hard than before, one of the guard take the sword at the head's guard and try to hit me I need to dodge, if I not dodge that attack my clothes will be gone and I'll need some other clothes, after I dodge the attack I kick one of the girls, that girls is going directly at the guard with the sword, the guard sliced the girl, I don't miss that chance and I come close at the guard and punch him, the punch hit his throat, his lost his breath and I strike his ribs, my skin was destroy because the fight, but my essence of power still growing and became stronger, at the end of this fight my skin will be harder than before.

The guards in front of me was hold the sword I need to take back that sword, with my right hand I made cut the hand of the guard, now my muscles and bones and cells are stronger than that guard, so I take the sword and look at the other guards and women, the guard have a fight spirit but the women are in panic they've see a real fight totally different of the reality they life in that house, the guards still fight but again I start to cut everything in my path again the guards try to escape but the sword was quickly than they, in a few minutes the others guards are down and now I need to take down the rest of the women, sometime passed and the fight were over, now I start to take their tongues and eyes, I need to move quickly for the first room and take the chief, this going to be hard than never, because I need his answer my questions and I need useful information.

After I leave the room, I start to walk at the direction of the first room, that room at the end of the house, in that room don't have windows, the chief have his privacy, but I don't have any idea of the number of the chief inside that room and I don't know the number of women neither, the time pass and now I'm in front of the door, different of the other room I don't hear any sound, this time that room was like a impenetrate room, no sound was hear outside of the room, I start to prepare for enter in that room I take off of my space-ring new clothes, a chest-armor, and 2 daggers, I put the space-ring in my finger if I need change the weapons or take some more was be quickly in that way.

The door of that room is different, the color of this door was Yellow, the other rooms have different colors, each of the room have their color like the kind of women are inside of the room. This time the door has a lock too. But this not a problem with the dagger in my hands I sever the lock of the door the I enter in the room. In that room don't possess much light, but I can see more than 20 women, the amount of women this time was bigger, in that room have a total of 50 women, but I just see one chief, that chief have all this women, I can feel he much stronger compare to a slave, he probably is a member of the Darkstone family, so this time I need to be careful and need to be quickly than never, the first thing is cut off his leg and then his arms, after this I'll start the questions.

The dark room help a lot and the women in that room help me too, the chief was distract and don't see I came close to him, if the daggers at my hands, I need to wait for the right moment, the time pass and the chief still make sex with the slaves, his vigor was incredible, he fuck the women without stop during 4 hours, the pleasure was take control of him and his going to ejaculate, now is the time to strike, a few seconds after his ejaculate the daggers at my hand cut off his legs, and finally he note my presence, I don't waste time and strike with the daggers again, but this time I take his arms, now his in the floor without legs and arms now I just need to extract the information I need and get the hell out of here.