

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
127 Chs


Irene looked at the appendage above her in fear, the sharp tip of the appendage shined before it moved fast towards Irene who is awake now just as it has done with Jaxith after waking up, Irene closed her eyes and averted her face from fear, she was still in shock from what she saw in her dream that she wasn't even able to run away, but what happened next was completely unexpected.

Suddenly and just before the appendage could stab Irene a quick red vapor emerged in front of Irene that made the appendage retreat away in touch with the vapor, the tip of the appendage was red and looked like it was melting!

Irene opened her eyes fast when she heard a loud monstrous cry, she looked above her to find nothing, but the sound was loud, those were cries of pain, but from what? Irene didn't know because she didn't see what happened, but she was feeling heat around her which was strange in this cold mist, she was afraid and alone, but even she didn't have time to think about what happened because suddenly she felt sharp pain in her left eye that she couldn't bear it, she started screaming loud while arching down sharply that her head was nearly touching the ground and both of her hands on her head.

"WAKE UP.", The strange cloud from her dreams started flashing quickly, the pain grew stronger and she started crying with tears, she felt like something was moving in her left eye before suddenly the pain stopped.

Jaxith on the other side was on his way riding the horse in the middle of the forest between the trees who started sprinting faster and neighing louder, it's like he heard something, Jaxith kept looking around him as he thought that the horse noticed any movement around them as the horse wasn't affected by the mist created by the Onohly, but nothing happened and the horse keeps neighing, Jaxith patted the horse to calm it, he thought about it and noticed that it has been about a minute since there was a sudden attack by the Onohly, could it be that it shifted its attacks on Irene? He started getting worried because she screamed a few moments ago meaning that she was awake, but how did her sound reach them? Wasn't the mist of the Onohly supposed to insulate all the sounds and scents? No need to mention the disability in seeing well except a few meters around and also the hallucinating effects, then how did they hear her? Or he should ask how he heard her since the horse isn't affected, but there wasn't time for thinking.

"Come on, boy, faster, you're worried about her right? Then go on.", Said Jaxith while comforting the horse who hasn't shown any sign of coward or fatigue.

"IRENE! CAN YOU LISTEN TO ME?", Shouted Jaxith, he was trying to get her attention by any means, he needs to find her as fast as possible or she might get hurt, since the Onohly didn't return to attack them then it may be still after Irene, he doesn't know how she is dealing with a thing she can't see but he just needs her to stay strong for a few moments till he finds her, Jaxith felt his heartbeats growing faster, he was afraid from losing her?!

Irene stayed a bit before raising her head slowly after the pain faded away, her left eye felt strange and her vision was somehow strange, as if she wasn't seeing well or more specifically there was an interfering vision between her two eyes!

Irene put her hand on her left eye which was acting strange as she wasn't able to close it from the aching so she decided to put her hand on it to test her right eye and as expected everything was normal, the vision was weak due to the mist, but there wasn't any blur or problems, just her normal eye, she moved the hand on her left eye and put it on her right one to test her left one now, and everything was strange, she wasn't seeing well at the beginning, like everything was shinning, but gradually her eye pupil started focusing and she started seeing well but just not well, she was seeing things in a different way than her right eye!

Things were somehow getting a strange glowing red color as if she was seeing things in a vision different from normal humans, she noticed something large not so far from her, it was standing and looking at her with several appendages protruding from its back, she wasn't understanding what was happening so she removed her hand and put it back on her left eye to check her right eye again, but again the vision in her right eye was the normal vision she used to so she reversed the hand and back to her right eye to try her left eye again to make sure, maybe it was a little problem from the pain, but nothing changed, the same different strange red vision, and the same thing was standing there, it was emitting red strongly and its eyes were glowing, she wasn't understanding anything and fear started growing in her, that thing was just standing there, she thought about it for a moment before she started getting it, she was seeing with her left eye through the mist! That thing in there might be the owner of the strange appendage that tried to attack her but disappeared fast, her breathing grew heavy as she didn't want to alert the thing, is it watching her? Suddenly the thing looked to the left side of Irene while snapping its teeth, Irene fell back in fear and stayed by the side of the tree, she put her hand again on her right eye to focus on the thing with her left eye, it was looking back at Irene before it started running away to the left, it ran on its four legs like a dog, but it was much larger, it was the size of a large bear but leaner and even taller in height and much faster, Irene removed her hand and started taking her breathe while trying to become acclimatized to the strange new vision, especially that each eye was giving a different type of vision, she was afraid from that thing and from her dream, afraid from being alone and from what happened to her left eye, she wasn't understanding anything happening around her but then another strange thing happened, Irene felt another shock in her left eye and felt that something was moving again, she put her hand again but this time it didn't take long and the pain subsided away, she removed her hand to find blood! Her left eye started tearing blood and she couldn't stop it, she tried holding it while she tried holding her panic until it stopped by itself, the bleeding finally stopped, she tried looking with her left eye again by hiding her right eye and the vision was the same but it became even stronger!

"What's happening to me?", Asked Irene herself while tearing again, the fear from the unknown was much more terrifying than the surrounding, but again, this wasn't the last painful thing she will suffer now.

Irene suddenly started feeling a little tingling in both of her ears before that tingling turned into a sharp pain that led to tinnitus and ringing in her ears along with severe headache, she left both of her hands and put them on her head while leaning on the tree while crying loud like a baby that his mother left him, the flashes started coming back, the red cloud, her slaughtered friends and the assassin, all of that echoing in her head loudly that it felt like someone was hitting her head with a large club continuously!

"WAKE UP.", Echoed the sound again and again and again.

"Stop please, LEAVE ME ALONE.", Screamed Irene , to think that all of that is happening to a young girl that all her life was about proving herself as a dependent thief to make Lance, the person who raised her, proud of her because he was the former of the shadow seekers, that was hard and unbearable, the pain was like hell that she started scratching her head hard and even cut herself and some of her hair fell from the scratching!

About a minute from continuous painful unrelenting torment, finally everything stopped!

"Please, please stop all of this, I don't understand anything.", Said Irene while crying heavily, her face was covered in tears( her left eye was still tearing blood instead of tears) and the effect of the pain was still apparent, she buried her head between her knees while sobbing.

"IRENE, CAN YOU HEAR ME?", Shouted a familiar voice, that was Jaxith's voice!

Irene raised her head slowly while carefully listening.

"IRENE! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME THEN FOLLOW MY VOICE.", Shouted Jaxith again with the sound of horse neighing by his side, that was surely Jaxith, Irene started smiling, a smile in a very afraid face, Jaxith's voice was like the faint light at the end of the tunnel for Irene.

"Jaxith!", Said Irene quietly while slowly standing up and leaning over the tree, she was happy by hearing him, she started walking but she felt a sudden dizziness and tripped over the ground, she was still not feeling well.

"IRENE! COME ON, IRENE I KNOW YOU'RE A TOUGH ONE.", Shouted Jaxith, his words encouraged Irene more as she managed slowly to stand up and walk towards Jaxith's voice while limping.

"JAXITH, I'M HERE, I'M COMING.", Shouted Irene in hope, she was smiling with her teary eyes and all the fear started disappearing gradually.

The horse started neighing again and moved a bit to the left as if he noticed Irene's voice, Jaxith looked at him strangely but understood that he must have heard Irene, Jaxith himself wasn't hearing anything so for now he was depending on the horse to find the young girl, and yet the Onohly was still hiding and watching all of that, but Jaxith though didn't leave his guard as his sword was still in his hand ready for any sudden attack.

Irene started running while calling Jaxith several times, she fell and stood up a couple of times, each time she stood up she ran faster while getting closer to Jaxith, her smile became wide as tears of relief started falling.

"JAXITH, I'M COMING, JAXITH, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME.", Shouted Irene as she got closer until she started seeing a silhouette of a man riding a horse, she closed her right eye and started recognizing him with her left eye, that was really Jaxith!

Jaxith wasn't seeing her so he kept moving closer before the horse started slowing down and stopped.

"What's the matter, boy?", Said Jaxith as he didn't understand why the horse stopped before he got it as the horse started nickering happily, Jaxith looked in front of him carefully before getting down from the horse and started walking with the horse.

"IRENE, ARE YOU THERE?", Shouted Jaxith.

Irene was hearing and seeing him, she got closer to him before slowing down.

Jaxith started noticing a silhouette coming closer, he raised his sword cautiously before the horse nickered by his side, Jaxith understood that he should lower his sword and get closer.

"Irene, come on it's me.", Said Jaxith calmly before she got closer and finally he saw her.

"By the gods, I was afraid that the beast has reached you.", Said Jaxith before Irene sprinted and hugged him tightly while burying her head at his abdomen and crying.

"Hey, young girl, no need for all of that fear, whatever you've dreamt of is just a dream, nothing more or less, don't make that affect you.", Said Jaxith as he was feeling that she was trembling! He put both of his hands on her head giving her a light hug, he also noticed that there were few cuts on her head between the hair.

"What happened Irene?", Asked Jaxith in worry.

"It's not just the dream, Jaxith, the continuous pain in my eye and ears, the screams and unknown voices in my head, everything was terrifying, and I thought that you've left me or even worse, I'm afraid, Jaxith and I don't understand anything even about myself.", Said Irene while crying and still hugging Jaxith tightly, he could easily feel the how much she is afraid now.

"Didn't I tell you before that I'm not leaving you, now gather yourself, I didn't know that you're coward like that, come on, young girl, you're the bravest girl I've ever seen in my life, don't tell me that this was a mistake.", Said Jaxith before he kneeled to look at her directly while wiping her tears calmly, and while doing that he noticed that her left eye did have some sort of inflammation around her blue eye pupil and there was a little blood drop under it, he looked at her ears to also notice that there was a little blood coming out of both her ears! He started wiping her ears from blood with his leather gloves and she started squirming, looks like it hurts.

"A-are my ears b-bleeding too?", Said Irene worriedly.

"Take a deep breath Irene and be calm, yes there's a little blood, you said your ears and your eye was acting strange, your left eye I assume.", Said Jaxith.

"Y-yes, it hap-happened suddenly, and there was t-that s-sound, t-the pain was v-very sharp Jaxith an-.", Said Irene in shock before Jaxith hushed her, he noticed how much she was afraid, stuttering and trembling.

"No need to push yourself, as long as you're not comfortable about it we can delay this talk, okay?", Said Jaxith in a comforting manner, Irene nodded to him quietly while wiping her face from tears.

"Come here.", Said Jaxith while hugging her calmly and patting her on the head, she was still afraid, the tremble was clear but it started fading gradually.

"Don't worry Irene, I told you before that I won't let anyone hurt you, always put that in your mind, if you managed to became sure of this fact then you'll never get afraid, okay?", Said Jaxith, Irene was grasping his coat tightly, he started feeling that she was in a much stronger shock than the one she had when her friends were killed by the assassin, he thought for sure that whatever has happened to her made her feel a lot of pain, at least mentally.

Irene suddenly got away from Jaxith and looked to the right side, the horse also looked at the same side while moving his ears.

"That thing started moving again, Jaxith.", Said Irene worriedly.

"What? I didn't sense anything.", Said Jaxith.

"I can see and hear it, it happened after the strange pain appeared in my eye and ears.", Said Irene, Jaxith looked at her in surprise.

"That's not possible, its toxic gas acts as a medium insulting mist, at least for humans, without the horse I wouldn't have been able to find you.", Said Jaxith in surprise.

"It's here now, I can see it with my left eye, I even can see better in the mist with it than my right one.", Said Irene while pointing behind Jaxith, Jaxith noticed that the horse was looking in the same way Irene was looking again, that's not a coincidence, something happened to Irene that made her has some sort of immunity against the Onohly's gas!

"Well that's good, maybe I can use your help with the Onohly, but my only fear is that it may attack you.", Said Jaxith.

"It tried attacking me once after I woke up before its long appendage was withdrawn suddenly and I heard pain screams from it, like something happened when I averted my face but I didn't see it, but I sensed high temperature around me, after that I found it standing and just looking at me before it started running towards your direction, but I really don't know what happened and why it didn't attack me again.", Said Irene in fear, Jaxith thought about what she said for a moment.

"It's afraid from you.", Said Jaxith boldly while sharply looking towards the last direction Irene pointed at.

"What do you mean by that? How could I make it afraid?", Asked Irene curiously.

"You said that you didn't see what happened, and it was staring at you without attacking, something must've happened that put it in trance from fear, then it started clearing the surrounding again to ensure that there was nothing dangerous, that explains why it stopped attacking me for a while, now it started moving again as you say and the horse senses it too, it's getting active again after it secured its surroundings.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"So it's going to attack now, and you're standing still?", Said Irene while wondering Jaxith's calmness.

"Relax, it should have attacked by now, still standing there?", Said Jaxith, Irene returned her gaze towards the direction where the Onohly was standing.

"No, let me take a look.", Said Irene while closing her right eye and looking around with her left eye.

"Over there! its appendages are raised up and look like it's snarling as it's standing in an attacking stance, like it's ready to leap at any moment and there is a strange gas is pumped out around its face, be careful now.", Said Irene while pointing in another direction.

Jaxith quickly raised his sword from the ground and stood up, he looked sharply at the beast that he doesn't see, but he knows it's there and he knows that it's looking at him, he waited for a minute but nothing happened.

"Did it move again?", Asked Jaxith.

"No, still in the same place and in the same position, nothing changed, I don't understand why it's acting like that.", Said Irene.

"Something is off.", Said Jaxith while narrowing his eyes.

"I can tell, maybe it's making a plan to attack, you're the monster hunter after all.", Said Irene.

"It won't attack and I was expecting that.", Said Jaxith in a serious manner.

"What?", Said Irene, she started getting confused.

"It's afraid from approaching while you're here, that's something I made sure of now, but the odd thing is if it's afraid then why it didn't run away, clearly something isn't right.", Said Jaxith calmly while still looking at the Onohly through the mist, Irene looked at him in wonder from how accurate he's at analyzing the situation, indeed he's right, she was wondering how she didn't think about it.

"I think you're right, but what're we going to do now? What about escaping? Since it's afraid of me due to unknown reason, then let's move together, if we rode the horse together then it won't attack us, right?", Said Irene.

"You can't depend on unknown motives behind a beast's actions, and we don't know why he's afraid of you, maybe it's something temporary and will disappear after a while then attack us and with that I risk your life, we're in the blind side her Irene, in cases like this you've two options, the first is to think like the beast, if you don't know how it thinks then you need to think as a predator in a corner.", Said Jaxith boldly, Irene looked at him curiously, of course she didn't get it.

"I don't get it Jaxith, but I think that you don't want to stay in here until it leaves, because I think that won't be wise.", Said Irene.

"Of course not, that's a one way road to death, I can already sense the mist getting thicker around us, you said it's pumping more gas out, I think it's trying to trap us here because it doesn't want to attack, staying here would make us grow weaker and fall again, our minds won't tolerate the toxic divine energy in the Onohly's mist much longer.", Said Jaxith.

"The Onohly?", Asked Irene.

"That's its name, others call them the mist walkers, I'll illustrate all of that later, now we need to act.", Said Jaxith.

"Do what? Jaxith that's not the best time to be mysterious.", Said Irene.

"I told you that in such cases we need to act like a predator in corner, that means that the hunter got a prey to hunt.", Said Jaxith, Irene gasped.

"You can't be serious, you can't fight that thing, you said it yourself, we're on the blind side here, you can't fight what you can't see or hear Jaxith, come on I told you that I can't lose you and you promised me.", Said Irene while getting afraid again.

"You will be my eyes and ears, you always say that you want to help me, I trust you on that.", Said Jaxith while looking back to her directly in her eyes, Irene stared at him for a moment before her fear looks turned into Self-confidence looks and nodded to him.

"Fine, let's get rid of that stinky creature.", Said Irene confidently, Jaxith smiled at her.

"That's the spirit, now get back, you see that tree behind you.", Said Jaxith before Irene turned to look.

"Yes.", Said Irene.

"I need you to climb over it and sit on that strong branch, you will monitor everything from there, use the horse to stand over it, I will be close to you to be able to hear you.", Said Jaxith before Irene did exactly as he told her, he stayed sharp in his place in case the Onohly decided to make a sneak attack while Irene wasn't looking, and as Jaxith expected, once Irene started climbing the appendages started attacking again, Jaxith immediately activated his negative abyss and started deflecting them fast, the attacks were faster and more furious this time, Jaxith wasn't understanding what happened but he noticed that the appendages was trying to penetrate his defenses to reach the tree!

"JAXITH! IT'S GETTING FURIOUS, ITS VOICE IS GETTING ANGRIER AND IT'S KEEPING SENDING HER ARMS.", Shouted Irene while Jaxith was keeping the appendages away by his super speed, the Onohly was creating loud noises, the beast was really angry for unknown reason, Irene was watching Jaxith in amazement.

"So that's the negative abyss he was talking about, it really looks dangerous as he said, the sound created each time he activates it as he dash is scary enough along with the dark vapour emitting around him, but he looks cool though.", Thought Irene while looking surprised, the horse started neighing loud again from the attacks of the Onohly and Jaxith who is now behaving on his true nature, the ruthless hunter.

"That doesn't make sense, it was quiet and afraid, just when Irene moved to that tree it started attacking again and even angrier as Irene says, the main problem is this is my first time facing this creature, so it's hard to understand its mentality, but I think that the answer is close around me.", Thought Jaxith as he was blocking an appendage after another, he then noticed that the horse looked several times above them in alert!

"Maybe it's above us.", Thought Jaxith before he refocused on the appendages attacking him continuously without stopping.

"YOUR LEFT, UPPER RIGHT, THERE'S A SNEAKY ONE COMING IN FRONT OF YOU BUT MOVING ON THE GROUND.", Shouted Irene to help Jaxith detect the directions of the appendages, and she was doing good, the girl was acting as Jaxith's eyes just as he said.

"IRENE, CAN YOU TELL ME HOW MANY APPENDAGES DOES HE HAVE?", Asked Jaxith while still blocking all the attacks of the Onohly.


"DON'T WORRY.", Shouted Jaxith, but she was right, he used to activate it to end a fight, not in the beginning, if he continued like that his energy will be drained, that's why he was activating it for a fast dash then stopping it, but now the attacks doesn't want to end at all and so he didn't stop at all during this continuous attacks, he needs to find a way and fast.


"I'M DEPENDING ON YOU.", Shouted Jaxith, Irene's confidence became higher, Jaxith cleverly brought her out of the fear that she was into.

"WHEN I TELL YOU TO STRIKE YOU WILL DASH WITH YOUR SPEED TO THE LEFT FOR ABOUT TWO METERS THEN SLASH WITH YOUR SWORD TOWARDS ME, FOCUS, THE SLASH DIRECTION SHOULD BE TOWARDS THE TREE I'M SITTING ONTO, THAT WILL RID US OF THE BLADE AT ITS END.", Shouted Irene, she waited for the right moment while Jaxith was still blocking the other appendages, the Onohly was planning to stab Jaxith with that low profile appendage, but the counter attack will make it regret.

"NOW!", Shouted Irene and as she illustrated, Jaxith did exactly Irene told him and


A clean slash in the muscles under the blade rendering it useless, the blood was gushing from the withdrawing appendage as the Onohly started screaming loudly in pain, Irene was hearing it clearly.

"One down four to go, GOOD JOB IRENE.", Shouted Jaxith.

"YOU'RE WELCOME.", Shouted Irene as the Onohly started withdrawing the other appendages too, looks like losing one made it afraid.

"NOW WHAT?", Shouted Jaxith.

"IT'S BACK TO THE SAME POSITION, MAYBE TAKING ITS BREATH, THAT'S SOMETHING YOU SHOULD DO ALSO, YOUR BREATH HASN'T GONE HEAVY YET AND THAT'S A GOOD THING BUT YOU SHOULD REST FOR NOW.", Shouted Irene, Jaxith started regulating his breath while deactivating the negative abyss, he though kept his sword raised, he didn't want sudden attacks to pass.

After a moment Jaxith felt a sudden movement on the right side, he looked there and raised his sword, the shadow like vapour started appearing around him again as a sign of activating the negative abyss.

"JAX, WHAT'RE YOU DOING?", Asked Irene.

Jaxith suddenly noticed the Onohly emerging by himself this time and leaping at Jaxith, it has an ugly face similar to rabid dogs with four tubes around its face, long brown hair and a lean body, its four legs are skinny and tall as well as the remaining appendages on its back, Jaxith rolled to the side and instantly did a negative dash completely severing the Onohly's head!

Jaxith started breathing in relief.

"HOW DIDN'T YOU NOTICE IT?", Shouted Jaxith, he thought that Irene was covering all the area around him.

"JAXITH YOUR BACK QUICKLY!", Shouted Irene before Jaxith quickly swayed with his sword to the appendages attacking his back, but because he dropped his defense he didn't manage to strike perfectly with his sword and so his grip on the sword wasn't right and this clash caused his sword to be pushed away from his hand.

"Damn it, another hallucination, it completely opened my defense, that's why Irene didn't tell me about it.", Said Jaxith to himself.

"JAX! ARE YOU HURT?", Shouted Irene.

"I'M FINE.", Shouted Jaxith.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S YOUR PLAN NOW BUT THERE'S MORE INCOMING, UPPER RIGHT, IN FRONT OF YOU AND MIDDLE LEFT.", Shouted Irene, Jaxith started rolling and dodging all the attacks of the Onohly by using the negative abyss from time to time in cornered situations.

"I SHOULD GRAB THAT SWORD WITH THE HORSE, HOLD FOR A MINUTE.", Shouted Irene before Jaxith yelled at her.

"DON'T GET DOWN WHATEVER HAPPENS, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?", Shouted Jaxith, he was serious without a doubt, Irene froze in her place, she did want although to help him, she looked down at the horse!

Jaxith went from a roll to a jump between the appendages, his durability and agility was superior, dodging every attack swiftly like that!

Finally a single appendage aimed for his chest but Jaxith decided to grasp her tightly from the base of the blade at its end, he managed to grasp it tightly just before it reached his chest, it was nearly touching his black shirt under his coat!

Jaxith tried to control the appendage by using all his strength, he even started using the negative abyss to maximize his strength and pull the Onohly, just then he decided to drop some of the strength suddenly to let the Onohly drag him closer, and that's exactly what happened!

Jaxith needed to lure it with much strength to make it pull its appendage as hard as it could in a single pull to ensure that it left him closer to it by its strong pulling after he drop his strength surprisingly and so getting very close, he literally used the Onohly's fear from getting pulled towards him to make it pull its appendage very hard and so pull him too along with it, and just when he got closer he saw it, the Onohly started snarling, Jaxith left its appendage while still in the air, he was above the Onohly now, but without his sword, the Onohly started moving the closest appendage fast towards Jaxith to pin him down but he was smarter, he just needed to get closer, the negative abyss got activated again and as a shadow phantom he was behind the Onohly now completely dodging the appendage that was targeting him!

Jaxith grasped two appendages, one under each arm while rolling each arm over the base of each appendage and tightly grasping them, he harshly controlled them, the Onohly tried to move them or reach Jaxith but in this area it was hard for the Onohly to get Jaxith, as said before, he's smarter than the beast, the negative energy vapor started appearing again and Jaxith started pulling harder while the Onohly was screaming loudly

"AAAARRRRGHHH.", Shouted Jaxith before finally he pulled the two appendages completely out of the back of the Onohly!

blood was spraying around Jaxith as he dropped both of them on the ground, the ruthless hunter is literally a killing machine even without his sword, the Onohly turned around and tried to hit Jaxith with its paws but it was slow, looks like it's so weak in close range, Jaxith just rolled under it and again used the negative abyss to increase his speed and go for a direct hit with his knee in the face of the Onohly sending it back like a meat bag!

Jaxith then noticed the sound of the horse getting closer he turned his head to find Irene carrying the sword and throwing it.

"JAXITH TAKE!", Shouted Irene, Jaxith quickly caught the sword before turning to block the Onohly but it was too late, the two appendages passed before he could barely deflect one of them and went directly to the horse!


The horse neighed in pain as it fell to the ground and Irene did the same, she fell hard.

Jaxith looked back but the Onohly was already gone!

"No no no please no.", Said Irene while being afraid, Jaxith looked at her to find that she was close to the horse who was bleeding hard from his stomach and leg!

Jaxith wanted to blame her for not following his order, there wasn't much time and he didn't want the Onohly to get far and made that sacrifice go for nothing.

Instantly Jaxith jumped high and grasped one of the interconnecting branches between the trees above him.

"THAT'S WHY YOU'VE BEEN STANDING MOTIONLESS HERE, COME AND GET THEM.", Shouted Jaxith as he pulled another branch and with that a nest fell from between the trees and in it were two young Onohlies!

Immediately, the Onohly appeared and leaped at Jaxith furiously, now it's all clear, she is their mother, Jaxith took a deep breath and exhaled a large amount of negative abyss even more than the usual amount, but also the speed of the dash was faster and in a flashing move, the last two appendages were cut together swiftly!

The Onohly screamed while falling on the ground, now only can poorly use its paws, it stood up, turned around and tried scratching Jaxith but it was already done when it revealed itself in front of the hunter, it simply fell into his trap, Jaxith swiftly cut both of its front limbs leaving only the rear legs!

The Onohly was wincing like a baby, it tried moving away but Jaxith stomped hard on its right rear leg at the weak knee joint which instantly caused the bones to break! Jaxith isn't a soft person for sure, he may be the harshest person in situations like that.

The young Onohlies started moving towards their mother which was bleeding from everywhere, five seconds ago it was having six limbs, now there are only two and one of them is already broken, Jaxith stood boldly over the three Onohlies, looking coldly over them, emotionless.

He then looked at Irene who was crying, the horse became quieter, his breath became heavy, looks like it's the end for him too.

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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